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Item Macros

Marko edited this page Jan 31, 2022 · 8 revisions

Item macros are created by dragging items from a character sheet onto the hotbar. The resulting macros are roll macros for these items, and as such can only be used by the actor the item belongs to. By default, these are quick roll macros, skipping the All-in-One roll dialog, unless this has been changed in the system settings.

Note: This has changed in v1.21.0. See Item Macros Before v1.21.0 for more information if you are using an earlier version or if you have item macros from earlier versions.

Item macros work the same as the All-in-One roll macro or the optional roll buttons on the character sheets, meaning that pool point costs are calculated automatically using the same modifiers as the All-in-One roll macro. The values are used either from (1) the macro itself or (2) the roll button defaults (if the item has those) or the system default (if the item doesn’t). Only items that have a roll button have roll button defaults, so items that do not have a roll button on the character sheet either use the values specified in the macro or the system defaults. Specifically, this means:

  • (Teen) skills, power shifts, (teen) attacks, and (teen) abilities use the values specified in the macros. If there are no values specified in the macros (which is the default when an item macro is created), the roll button defaults are used. The roll defaults can be changed on the item sheets.

  • Ammo, (teen) armor, artifacts, cyphers, equipment, (teen) lasting damage, materials, and oddities use the values specified in the macros. If there are no values specified in the macros (which is the default when an item macro is created), the system defaults are used.

Item Macros for Tags & Recursions

Item macros for tags and recursions don’t aren’t used for rolling dice. Instead, they unarchive/archive tagged items. Refer to Tags & Recursions for an im-depth explanation.

System Defaults

Key Value
Pool Any Pool
Skill Practiced
Assets 0
Effort to ease the task None
Effort for other usees None
Damage 0
Effort for extra damage None
Damage per level of Effort 3
Difficulty eased by 0
Pool point cost 0