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Releases: VirtusLab/scala-cli


09 May 20:02
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What's Changed


To exclude specific source files or entire directories from a Scala CLI project, you can now use the //> using exclude directive in your project.scala file.
Alternatively, you can do the same from the command line with the --exclude option.

  • absolute path: /root/path/to/your/project/Main.scala
  • relative path: src/main/scala/Main.scala
  • glob pattern: *.sc

For example, to exclude all files in the example/scala directory, add the following directive to your project.scala file:

//> using exclude "example/scala"

Added by @lwronski in #2053.

Directives with a Test Scope equivalent

Some directives now have a test scope equivalent, such as using dep and its test scope counterpart using test.dep. This allows you to declare dependencies that are only used in tests outside of test-specific sources.

For example, you can declare a dependency on munit in your project.scala file like this:

//> using test.dep "org.scalameta::munit::0.7.29"

The dependency will only be available in test sources.

Here's a list of directives with a test scope equivalent with example values:

 //> using test.dep "org.scalameta::munit::0.7.29"
 //> using test.jar "path/to/jar"
 //> using test.javaOpt "-Dfoo=bar"
 //> using test.javacOpt "source", "1.8", "target", "1.8"
 //> using test.javaProp "foo1=bar1"
 //> using test.option "-Xfatal-warnings"
 //> using test.resourceDir "testResources"
 //> using test.toolkit "latest"

Added by @Gedochao in #2046

Changes to using-directives syntax

We've made several updates to simplify the using directives syntax in this release:

  • allowed omitting commas in lists of values.
  • disallowed multiline comments.
  • removed multiline strings.
  • removed require and @require syntax support.
  • allowed values without quotes.
  • removed @using.

For example, the following using directives are now valid without the need for commas and quotes:

//> using scala 3.2.2
//> using javacOpt -source 1.8 -target 1.8

Added by @tgodzik in #2076

Bootstrapped standalone fat JAR.

The Scala CLI launcher is available as a standalone fat JAR. You can download the stable version of the Scala CLI fat JAR from Maven and try it now:

cs launch org.virtuslab.scala-cli:cliBootstrapped:1.0.0-RC2 -M scala.cli.ScalaCli

Added by @romanowski in #2005.

Access the path of the script being run from its code

With the special scriptPath function, you can now easily access the path of the script being run from the script code itself.
Here's an example of how to use the scriptPath value:

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang

$ chmod +x scripts/
$ ./scripts/
# ./scripts/

Added by @lwronski in #1990

Explicit Handling of Paths in using-directives

The ${.} pattern in directive values can now be replaced by the parent directory of the file containing the directive. This makes it possible to generate coverage output files relative to the source file location, for example:

//> using options "-coverage-out:${.}"

Added by @lwronski in #2040

Fix deadlocks in Script Wrappers

We have resolved an issue that caused deadlocks when threads were run from the static initializer of the wrapper object
(#532 and #1933).
Based on the feedback from the community (Thanks @dacr), we found that encapsulating the script code
into a class wrapper fixes the issue. The wrapper is generated by the Scala CLI and is not visible to the user.

This change alters the behavior of scripts that use the @main annotation. The @main annotation is no longer supported in .sc files.

@main def main(args: String*): Unit = println("Hello")
$ scala-cli
# [warn]  Annotation @main in .sc scripts is not supported, use .scala format instead
# Compiling project (Scala 3.2.2, JVM)
# [error] ./
# [error] method main cannot be a main method since it cannot be accessed statically
# [error] @main def main(args: String*): Unit = println("Hello")
# [error] ^^^^^
# Error compiling project (Scala 3.2.2, JVM)
# Compilation failed

Fixed by @MaciejG604 in #2033

Other changes

Publishing changes


Documentation changes

Build and internal changes

Read more


04 Apr 06:06
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Official scala runner release candidate

v1.0.0-RC1 is the first release candidate version of Scala CLI.

Either this or a future release candidate is meant to become the new official scala runner to accompany
the Scala compiler (scalac) and other scripts, replacing the old scala command.

To learn more about Scala CLI as the new scala runner, check out our recent blogpost:

Scala CLI should now have better performance

With a number of newly added performance tweaks, you can expect Scala CLI to run considerably faster.
Added by @lwronski in #1939

Print appropriate warnings when experimental features are used

Using experimental features will now cause Scala CLI to print an appropriate warning.

scala-cli --power -e '//> using "my-library"'
# The '//> "my-library"' directive is an experimental feature.
# Please bear in mind that non-ideal user experience should be expected.
# If you encounter any bugs or have feedback to share, make sure to reach out to the maintenance team at

The warning can be suppressed with the --suppress-experimental-warning option, or alternatively with the
suppress-warning.experimental-features global config key.

scala-cli config suppress-warning.experimental-features true

Added by @Gedochao in #1920

Experimental and restricted configuration keys will now require to be accessed in --power mode

Some configuration keys available with the config sub-command have been tagged as experimental or restricted and will only be available in --power mode.

scala-cli config httpProxy.address
# The 'httpProxy.address' configuration key is restricted.
# You can run it with the '--power' flag or turn power mode on globally by running:
#   scala-cli config power true.

Added by @Gedochao in #1953

Dropped deprecated using directive syntax

The following syntax for using directives have been dropped:

  • skipping //>
  • multiline directives
  • directives in /*> ... */ comments
  • directives in plain // comments
  • @using

Added by @tgodzik in #1932

Added support for packaging native images from Docker

It is now possible to package a GraalVM native image with Scala CLI from docker.

docker run -v $(pwd)/Hello.scala:/Hello.scala virtuslab/scala-cli package --native-image /Hello.scala

Added by @lwronski in #1961

Added support for Scala Native's LTO

It is now possible to set the Link Time Optimization (LTO) when using Scala CLI with Scala Native.
The available options are "thin", "full" and "none".
You can do it with the --native-lto option from the command line:

scala-cli -e 'println("Hello")' --native --native-lto thin

Or with a using directive:

//> using platform "scala-native"
//> using nativeLto "thin"
@main def main(): Unit = println("Hello")

Added by @lwronski in #1964

Other changes

Publishing changes


  • Print an informative error if the project workspace path contains File.pathSeparator by @Gedochao in #1985
  • Enable to pass custom docker-cmd to execute application in docker by @lwronski in #1980
  • Fix - uses show cli.nativeImage command to generate native image by @lwronski in #1975
  • Vcs.parse fix by @KuceraMartin in #1963
  • move args definition to the top of the script by @bishabosha in #1983

Documentation changes

Build and internal changes

  • Use locally build jvm launcher of scala-cli in gifs generator by @lwronski in #1921
  • Clean up after ammonite imports removal by @MaciejG604 in #1934
  • Temporarily disable PublishTests.secret keys in config on Windows by @Gedochao in #1948
  • Move toolkit to scalalang org by @szymon-rd

Updates and maintenance

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v1.0.0-RC1


16 Mar 10:48
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Add a guide for migrating from the old scala runner to Scala CLI

As of SIP-46, Scala CLI has been accepted as the new scala command. To make the transition smooth we added a guide highlighting the differences between the two runners.

Added by @Gedochao in #1900

Improve the publish and publish setup sub-commands' user experience

We're currently focusing on improving the experimental publish feature of Scala CLI and making publish setup + publish more stable and user-friendly.

Using pgp keys created by config --create-pgp-key subcommand is now supported as a default option, no additional user input is needed.

Addressed by @alexarchambault in #1432 and by @MaciejG604 in #1898

Remove unsupported kebab-case style in using directives

All using directives names are now using camelCase, kebab-case is no longer available.

Added by @lwronski in #1878

Add a reference for available config keys in help & docs

You can now view the available config keys using config --help:

scala-cli config -h
# Usage: scala-cli config [options]
# Configure global settings for Scala CLI.
# Available keys:
#   actions                                        Globally enables actionable diagnostics. Enabled by default.
#   interactive                                    Globally enables interactive mode (the '--interactive' flag).
#   power                                          Globally enables power mode (the '--power' launcher flag).
#   suppress-warning.directives-in-multiple-files  Globally suppresses warnings about directives declared in multiple source files.
#   suppress-warning.outdated-dependencies-files   Globally suppresses warnings about outdated dependencies.
# You are currently viewing the basic help for the config sub-command. You can view the full help by running: 
#    scala-cli config --help-full
# For detailed documentation refer to our website:
# Config options:
#   --unset, --remove  Remove an entry from config

Also, config --full-help will show the list of all keys.

Added by @Gedochao in #1910

Pass user arguments to JS runner

It's now possible to pass user arguments to a JS application:

import scala.scalajs.js

val process = global.require("process")
val argv = Option(process.argv)
val console = global.console
console.log(argv.mkString(" "))
scala-cli --js -- Hello World
Hello World

Added by @alexarchambault in #1826

Other changes

SIP-related changes

  • Add 'dependency' and 'dependencies' alias for using directive by @MaciejG604 in #1903

Documentation updates

Internal changes

  • Fix handling for experimental features by @Gedochao in #1915
  • Change default home directory for tests integration and docs-test modules to avoid overriding global user config by @lwronski in #1917
  • NIT Use enums for help groups and help command groups by @Gedochao in #1880

Updates & maintenance

  • Bump dns-packet from 5.3.1 to 5.4.0 in /website by @dependabot in #1906
  • Bump VirtusLab/scala-cli-setup from 0.1.20 to 0.2.0 by @dependabot in #1890
  • Dump docusaurus to 2.3.1 and other docs deps by @lwronski in #1907
  • Update launcher for 0.2.0 by @github-actions in #1881
  • Back port of documentation changes to main by @github-actions in #1911

New Contributors


22 Feb 07:20
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Require the --power option for restricted features by default

Until now, Scala CLI has been limiting some of its functionalities in its scala distribution.
Starting with v0.2.0, those limitation will be applied to all distributions, including scala-cli.

This was done in order to make the behaviour consistent with Scala CLI acting as the Scala runner.

Restricted features can be accessed by using the --power launcher flag. Do note that launcher flags have to be passed before the sub-command.

scala-cli --power package .

Alternatively, the power mode can be turned on globally by running:

scala-cli config power true 

Please note that this change may affect your existing scripts or workflows that rely on the limited commands from ScalaCLI (such as package, publish). You can still use those commands with power mode enabled.

When you try to use a limited command in restricted mode, you will now see a warning message with suggestions on how to enable this command:

$ scala-cli package Hello.scala
# This command is restricted and requires setting the `--power` option to be used.
# You can pass it explicitly or set it globally by running:
#    scala-cli config power true
$ scala-cli config power true
$ scala-cli package Hello.scala
# Wrote Hello, run it with
#   ./Hello

Added by @lwronski in #1835 and #1849

Allow executable Scala scripts without a file extension

As of this release Scala scripts without the *.sc file extension will be supported for execution when using the shebang command.

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang -S 3

chmod +x hello
./hello Hello World

Note that files with no extension are always run as scripts even though they may contain e.g. a valid .scala program.

Also, do note that this feature has only been added for shebang - the run sub-command (which is the default way of running inputs when a sub-command is not specified explicitly) will not support this.

Added by @MaciejG604 in #1802

Export Project configuration to Json

It is now possible to export configuration from Scala CLI project to Json format with the export sub-command.

scala-cli --power export --json .

It is currently exporting basic information about the project and includes, for example, the following fields:

  • ScalaVersion
  • Platform
  • Sources
  • Dependencies
  • Resolvers

Example of generated Json output:

  "scalaVersion": "3.2.2",
  "platform": "JVM",
  "scopes": {
    "main": {
      "sources": [
      "dependencies": [
          "groupId": "com.lihaoyi",
          "artifactId": {
            "name": "pprint",
            "fullName": "pprint_3"
          "version": "0.6.6"

Added by @MaciejG604 in #1840

Rename using lib to using dep

To be more consistent with dependency command line options --dep, the dependency using directive is now passed by using dep.
Please note that we have kept the alias of the old directive (lib, libs) for backwards compatibility.

 //> using dep "org.scalameta::munit:0.7.29"

Renamed by @lwronski in #1827

Improved readability of help messages for commands

The help messages are now shorter and more concise, making it easier to quickly get an overview of the available options for a command.

To improve readability, some options and detailed messages are now only visible after showing the full help by passing --full-help.

Added by @Gedochao in #1872

Other breaking changes

Remove ammonite imports support

The support for $ivy and $dep ammonite imports has been removed.
To easily convert existing $ivy and $dep imports into the using dep directive in your sources, you can use the provided actionable diagnostic.

Screen Recording 2023-02-21 at 12 22 15

Removed by @MaciejG604 in #1787

Drop the metabrowse sub-command

With this release, support for Metabrowse has been removed from Scala CLI. This change was made in order to limit the number of features that we need to support, especially since the Metabrowse project is no longer being actively worked on.

Remove by @lwronski in #1867

Other changes

SIP-related changes

  • Add a warning for the -run option of the legacy scala runner, instead of failing by @Gedochao in #1801
  • Add warnings for the deprecated -Yscriptrunner legacy scala runner option instead of passing it to scalac by @Gedochao in #1804
  • Filter out restricted & experimental options from SIP mode help by @Gedochao in #1812
  • Warn in sip mode when using restricted command by @lwronski in #1862
  • Add more detail for sub-commands' help messages by @Gedochao in #1852
  • Fix printing not supported option in restricted mode by @lwronski in #1861


  • Fix warning about using directives in multiple files when two java files are present by @MaciejG604 in #1796
  • Quit flag not suppresses compilation errors by @lwronski in #1792
  • Dont warn about target directives by @MaciejG604 in #1803
  • Fix - actionable actions not suggest update to previous version by @lwronski in #1813
  • Fix actionable action when uses latest sytanx version in lib by @lwronski in #1817
  • Prevent NPE from being thrown by the export sub-command if testFramework isn't defined by @Gedochao in #1814
  • Fix message checking in test by @MaciejG604 in #1847
  • blooprifle: add -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions to hardCodedDefaultJavaOpts by @Flowdalic in #1845
  • Trim passwords obtained as command result by @MaciejG604 in #1871

Build and internal changes

Read more


18 Jan 07:55
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Add support for Scala Toolkit

Scala CLI now has support for Scala Toolkit.

Scala Toolkit is an ongoing effort by Scala Center and VirtusLab to compose a set of approachable libraries to solve everyday problems.
It is currently in its pre-release phase and includes the following libraries:

  • MUnit for testing;
  • Sttp for HTTP client;
  • UPickle/UJson for reading, writing and operating on JSONs;
  • OS-Lib for operating on files and the operating system.

You can add it to your build from the command line with the --with-toolkit option.

scala-cli . --with-toolkit latest

There's also an appropriate using directive.

//> using toolkit "0.1.4"

Added by @lwronski in #1768

Scala CLI is built with Scala 3.2.2

We now rely on Scala 3.2.2 as the default internal Scala version used to build the project.

Added by @lwronski and @Gedochao in #1772

Removal of the about and doctor sub-commands

The about command has been removed, its features merged back to the version command.
As a result, the version command will now check if your locally installed Scala CLI is up-to-date.
It is possible to skip the check with the --offline option, or when printing raw CLI or default Scala
versions with --cli-version and --scala-version, respectively.

scala-cli version --offline                     
# Scala CLI version: 0.1.20
# Scala version (default): 3.2.2

Similarly, the doctor sub-command has been removed, with its past and previously planned functionalities to be delivered
in a more interactive manner in the future.

Added by @Gedochao in #1744

The Scala CLI aarch64/arm64 binary is now available via sdkman

You can now get the platform-appropriate Scala CLI binary on aarch64/arm64 architecture via sdkman.

Added by @mkurz in #1748

aarch64/arm64 artifact with the launcher script

The launcher script now correctly downloads the aarch64/arm64 artifact on the appropriate architecture.

Added by @mkurz in #1745

Run a .jar file as a regular input

JARs can now be run just like any other input, without the need of passing the -cp option.

scala-cli Hello.jar
# Hello

Added by @lwronski in #1738

Java properties without the need for --java-prop

The --java-prop option can be skipped when passing Java properties to Scala CLI now.

scala-cli Hello.scala -Dfoo=bar

Added by @lwronski in #1739

Docker packaging with using directives

It is now possible to configure packaging into a docker image via using directives.

//> using packaging.dockerFrom "openjdk:11"
//> using packaging.dockerImageTag "1.0.0"
//> using packaging.dockerImageRegistry "virtuslab"
//> using packaging.dockerImageRepository "scala-cli"

Added by @lwronski in #1753

Pass GraalVM args via a using directive

It is now possible to pass args to GraalVM via the following using directive:

//> using packaging.graalvmArgs "--no-fallback", "--enable-url-protocols=http,https"

Added by @lwronski in #1767

Other changes

SIP-related changes

  • Remove irrelevant options from version help message by @lwronski in #1737
  • Include launcher options in the help for the default and help sub-commands by @Gedochao in #1725
  • Remove suffix .aux from progName when installed by cs by @lwronski in #1736
  • Don't fail in case of connection errors in the version sub-command by @Gedochao in #1760
  • Set workspace dir to os.tmp.dir for virtual sources by @lwronski in #1771
  • Add support for deprecated Scala 2.13.x-specific scala runner options by @Gedochao in #1774
  • Add support for the -with-compiler runner option by @Gedochao in #1780


Build and internal changes

Documentation updates

Updates & maintenance

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.19...v0.1.20


19 Dec 13:39
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What's Changed

The Linux aarch64 native launcher is here! (experimental)

We are happy to announce that there is a new dedicated launcher for the Linux Aarch64. You can find it here.

Added in #1703 by @lwronski

Fix workspace/reload for Intellij IDEA

Dependencies (and other configurations) from using directives should now always be picked up after a BSP project reload.

Fixed by @Gedochao in #1681.

shebang headers in Markdown

The shebang headers in scala code blocks inside a markdown input are always ignored.

# Scala with `shebang`
A sample code block with the `shebang` header.
#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang
println("Hello world")

Added by @Gedochao in #1647

Export Scala compiler plugins to Mill projects

It is now possible to export scalac compiler plugins from a Scala CLI project to Mill with the export sub-command.

Added by @ carlosedp in #1626

Other changes

SIP Changes

  • Fix the order of help command groups for the default help by @Gedochao in #1697
  • Adjust SIP help output & ensure ScalaSipTests are run on Windows by @Gedochao in #1695
  • Add warnings for -save & -nosave legacy scala runner options instead of failing by @Gedochao in #1679


Documentation updates

Build and internal changes

Updates & maintenance

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.18...v0.1.19


30 Nov 11:44
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Filter tests with --test-only

It is now possible to filter test suites with the --test-only option.

//> using lib "org.scalameta::munit::1.0.0-M7"
package tests.only
class Tests extends munit.FunSuite {
  test("bar") {
    assert(2 + 2 == 5)
  test("foo") {
    assert(2 + 3 == 5)
  test("foo-again") {
    assert(2 + 3 == 5)
package tests
class HelloTests extends munit.FunSuite {
  test("hello") {
    assert(2 + 2 == 4)
scala-cli test BarTests.scala HelloTests.scala --test-only 'tests.only*' 
# tests.only.Tests:
# ==> X  0.037s munit.FailException: ~/project/BarTests.scala:5 assertion failed
# 4:  test("bar") {
# 5:    assert(2 + 2 == 5)
# 6:  }
#     at munit.FunSuite.assert(FunSuite.scala:11)
#     at tests.only.Tests.$init$$$anonfun$1(BarTests.scala:5)
#     at tests.only.Tests.$init$$$anonfun$adapted$1(BarTests.scala:6)
#   + foo 0.004s
#   + foo-again 0.001s

Filtering particular tests by name requires passing args to the test framework.
For example, with munit:

scala-cli test BarTests.scala HelloTests.scala --test-only 'tests.only*'  -- '*foo*'
# tests.only.Tests:
#   + foo 0.032s
#   + foo-again 0.001s

Added by @lwronski in #1604

Accept authenticated proxy params via Scala CLI config

If you can only download artifacts through an authenticated proxy, it is now possible to configure it
with the config subcommand.

scala-cli config httpProxy.address
scala-cli config httpProxy.user _encoded_user_
scala-cli config httpProxy.password _encoded_password_

Replace _encoded_user_ and _encoded_password_ by your actual user and password, following
the password option format. They should typically look like env:ENV_VAR_NAME, file:/path/to/file, or command:command to run.

Added by @alexarchambault in #1593

Support for running Markdown sources from zipped archives and gists

It is now possible to run .md sources inside a .zip archive.
Same as with directories, .md sources inside zipped archives are ignored by default, unless
the --enable-markdown option is passed.

scala-cli --enable-markdown

This also enables running Markdown sources fom GitHub gists, as those are downloaded by Scala CLI as zipped archives.

scala-cli --enable-markdown

It is also possible to point Scala CLI to a .md file with a direct URL.


Added by @Gedochao in #1581

Support for running piped Markdown sources

Instead of passing paths to your Markdown sources, you can also pipe your code via standard input:

echo '# Example Snippet
```' | scala-cli

Added by @Gedochao in #1582

Support for running Markdown snippets

It is now possible to pass Markdown code as a snippet directly from the command line.

scala-cli run --markdown-snippet '# Markdown snippet
with a code block

Added by @Gedochao in #1583

Customize exported Mill project name

It is now possible to pass the desired name of your Mill project to the export sub-command
with the --project option.

scala-cli export . --mill -o mill-proj --project project-name

Added by @carlosedp in #1563

Export Scala compiler options to Mill projects

It is now possible to export scalac options from a Scala CLI project to Mill with the export sub-command.

Added by @lolgab in #1562

Other changes


Documentation updates

Build and internal changes

Updates & maintenance

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.17...v0.1.18


10 Nov 11:57
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Set the default name for the project's workspace root file as project.scala.

There were multiple discussions about what the name should and it seems the winning vote was on project.scala instead of project.settings.scala.

To see how exactly is the root directory resolved, see this document.

Added in #1560 by @wleczny

SDKMAN and Homebrew support installation of Scala CLI for M1

To install Scala CLI via SDKMAN, run the following command from the command line:

sdk install scalacli

and to install Scala CLI via homebrew:

brew install Virtuslab/scala-cli/scala-cli

Added by @wleczny in #1505 and #1497

Specifying the --jvm option via using directives

The --jvm option can now be added via using directives, like

//> using jvm "adopt:11"

Added by @lwronski in #1539

Accept more scalac options without escaping

Scala CLI now accepts options such as -rewrite, -new-syntax, -old-syntax, -source:<target>, -indent and -no-indent, without requiring them to be escaped by -O.

Fixed by @Gedochao in #1501

Enable python support via using directives

The --python option can now be enabled via a using directive, like

//> using python

Added by @alexarchambault in #1492

Other changes

Work in Progress




  • Add error handling for unclosed code blocks in Markdown inputs by @Gedochao in #1550


Build and internal changes

Documentation / help updates

Updates / maintainance

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.16...v0.1.17


14 Oct 09:56
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This release consists mainly of updates, fixes, and various enhancements of existing features.


Specifying javac options via using directives

javac options can now be added via using directives, like

//> using javacOpt "source", "1.8", "target", "1.8"

Added by @lwronski in #1438

Pressing enter in watch mode proceeds to run / compile / test / … again

In watch mode (using the -w or --watch option), pressing Enter when Scala CLI is watching for changes makes it run again what it's supposed to be doing (compiling, running, running tests, or packaging, etc.) This is inspired by Mill's behaviour in watch mode, which supports the same feature.

Added by @alexarchambault in #1451

Installation via Scoop on Windows

Scala CLI can now be installed via Scoop on Windows, with a command such as

scoop install scala-cli

Added by @nightscape in #1416, thanks to him!

Actionable diagnostics in Metals

Scala CLI should now send text edit suggestions with some of its diagnostics, via BSP, so that editors
can suggest those edits to users. This should work in upcoming versions of Metals in particular.

Added by @lwronski in #1448



Fixes in Scala Native binaries caching

When running a sequence of commands such as

$ scala-cli run --native .
$ scala-cli package --native . -o my-app

Scala CLI should cache a Scala Native binary during the first command, so that the second command can just re-use it, rather than generating a binary again. This also fixes the re-use of compilation artifacts between both commands, so that the Scala CLI project isn't re-compiled during the second command either.

Fixed by @alexarchambault in #1406

Accept more scalac options without escaping

Scala CLI now accepts options such as -release, -encoding, -color, -feature, -deprecation and -nowarn, without requiring them to be escaped by -O. It also accepts --scalac-verbose, which is equivalent to -O -verbose (increases scalac verbosity). Lastly, it warns when -release and / or -target:<target> are inconsistent with --jvm.

Fixed by @Gedochao in #1413

Fix --java-option and --javac-option handling in package sub-command

--java-option and --javac-option should now be accepted and handled properly in the package sub-command.

Fixed by @lwronski in #1434

Fix wrong file name when publising Scala.js artifacts locally

The publish local sub-command used to publish Scala.js artifacts with a malformed suffix. This is now fixed.

Fixed by @lwronski in #1443

Fix spurious stack traces in the publish and publish local sub-commands

The publish and publish local commands could print spurious stack traces when run with non-default locales, using native Scala CLI binaries. This is now fixed.

Fixed by @romanowski in #1423

Make run --python --native work from Python virtualenv

Using both --native and --python in the run sub-command should work fine from Python virtualenv.

Fixed by @kiendang in #1399, thanks to him!

Documentation / help updates

Updates / maintainance

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.15...v0.1.16


28 Sep 13:44
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The M1 native launcher is here! (experimental)

We are happy to announce that there is a new dedicated launcher for M1 users. You can find it here.

Please note that the package sub-command is unstable for this launcher.

Added in #1396 by @lwronski

--python option for repl sub-command (experimental)

Passing the --python option allows using ScalaPy with the repl sub-command:

▶ scala-cli --python
Welcome to Scala 3.2.0 (17.0.2, Java OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import
scala>, 4)
val res0: = range(1, 4)

Added in #1336 by @alexarchambault

-d, -classpath and compile sub-command's --output options changes

To be backward compatible with the scala command, some changes have been made to the following options:

  • The compile sub-command's --output option has been renamed to --compilation-output. This option is now also available from the run and package sub-commands.
▶ scala-cli compile Hello.scala --compilation-output out
▶ scala-cli --main-class Hello -classpath out
  • The -d option is no longer an alias for --dependency, but for --compilation-output.
    • -O -d -O path/to/compilation/output now defaults to -d path/to/compilation/output.
▶ scala-cli compile Hello.scala -d out
▶ scala-cli --main-class Hello -classpath out
  • The old --classpath option has been renamed to --print-classpath.
    • --classpath, --class-path and -classpath options are now aliases for the --extra jars option.
    • -O -classpath -O path/to/classpath now defaults to --extra-jars path/to/classpath.
▶ scala-cli compile --print-classpath Hello.scala
# ~/Projects/debug-test/.scala-build/project_103be31561_103be31561-7a1ed8dde0/classes/main:~/Library/Caches/Coursier/v1/https/

Added in #1340 by @Gedochao

Make inputs optional when -classpath and --main-class are passed

The following changes have been made to improve backward compatibility with the scala command:

  • Passing the --main-class option along with -classpath to the default command now defaults to run instead of repl:
▶ scala-cli --main-class Hello -classpath out
  • If the run sub-command is passed explicitly, it's sufficient to have a main class on the classpath (inputs aren't necessary then):
▶ scala-cli compile Hello.scala -d out
▶ scala-cli run -classpath out 

Added in #1369 by @Gedochao

Debugging with the run and test sub-commands

It is now possible to debug code ran by run and test sub-commands:

▶ scala-cli Main.scala --debug
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005

This addresses #1212

Added in #1389 by @wleczny

--platform option

This option can be used to choose the platform, which should be used to compile and run the application.

▶ scala-cli Main.scala --platform js

Note that --platform js is an alias for --js and --platform native is an alias for --native.

This addresses #1214

Added in #1347 by @wleczny

Other changes


  • Ensure directories are created recursively when the package sub-command is called by @Gedochao in #1371
  • Fix calculation of Scala version and turn off the -release flag for 2.12.x < 2.12.5 by @Gedochao in #1377
  • Fix finding main classes in external jars by @Gedochao in #1380
  • Fix Js split style SmallModulesFor in pure JVM by @lwronski in #1394

Build and internal changes


Full Changelog: v0.1.14...v0.1.15