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Creating Custom Constructions

Colin Basnett edited this page Dec 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

The construction system has been designed to be as easy as possible to extend so that mod authors can add their own constructions with minimal programming effort.

Placement Rules

There are a number of common settings that determine the placement rules and settings on a per-type basis.

Name Type Description
bSnapToTerrain bool If true, the origin of placement will be aligned to the vertices of the terrain.
ProxyTraceDepthMeters float The depth of the trace from the player's eye when determining the provisional proxy position.
ProxyTraceHeightMeters float The height at which the proxy object will no longer snap to the ground.
bShouldAlignToGround bool When true, the construction will align to the ground surface during placement.
bCanPlaceInWater bool When true, this construction is able to be placed in water volumes.
bCanOnlyPlaceOnTerrain bool When true, this construction can only be placed on terrain.
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