- update(helm): allow setting different base dir(and others) for cspc and cvc operators #404 (Ab-hishek)
- chore(deps): update go mod to use the openebs v3 api modules #403 (Ab-hishek)
- fix(helm): Make log verbosity configurable #397 (ianroberts)
- fix(pool): set canmount filesystem property to off for pool dataset #400 (mittachaitu)
- fix(status): update cstor volume status to offline based on availability of target pods #395 (saltperfect)
- update(helm): allow setting different base dir(and others) for cspc and cvc operators #404 (Ab-hishek)
- chore(deps): update go mod to use the openebs v3 api modules #403 (Ab-hishek)
- fix(helm): Make log verbosity configurable #397 (ianroberts)
- fix(pool): set canmount filesystem property to off for pool dataset #400 (mittachaitu)
- fix(status): update cstor volume status to offline based on availability of target pods #395 (saltperfect)
- chore(version): add develop as an exception #385 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(ci): updating branch reference from master to develop(HEAD) #382 (mittachaitu)
- update(yaml): update priority class name for csi driver #381 (shovanmaity)
- chore(operator): bump k8s csi sidecars images #376 (prateekpandey14)
- refactor[e2e]: Updated the path the fetch RC tag yaml #379 (nsathyaseelan)
- refactor[e2e]: Updated the path for the cstor operator yaml #378 (nsathyaseelan)
- fix[e2e]: Updated the test name for multiple application login request infra chaos test #372 (nsathyaseelan)
- chore(version): add develop as an exception #385 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(ci): updating branch reference from master to develop(HEAD) #382 (mittachaitu)
- update(yaml): update priority class name for csi driver #381 (shovanmaity)
- chore(operator): bump k8s csi sidecars images #376 (prateekpandey14)
- refactor[e2e]: Updated the path the fetch RC tag yaml #379 (nsathyaseelan)
- refactor[e2e]: Updated the path for the cstor operator yaml #378 (nsathyaseelan)
- fix[e2e]: Updated the test name for multiple application login request infra chaos test #372 (nsathyaseelan)
- chore(version): add develop as an exception #385 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(ci): updating branch reference from master to develop(HEAD) #382 (mittachaitu)
- update(yaml): update priority class name for csi driver #381 (shovanmaity)
- chore(operator): bump k8s csi sidecars images #376 (prateekpandey14)
- refactor[e2e]: Updated the path the fetch RC tag yaml #379 (nsathyaseelan)
- refactor[e2e]: Updated the path for the cstor operator yaml #378 (nsathyaseelan)
- fix[e2e]: Updated the test name for multiple application login request infra chaos test #372 (nsathyaseelan)
No Changes
- fix(cspc): fix cspc operator sync logs #371 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(version): use range instead of matrix for validation #369 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(e2e-crd): update e2e crds from v1beta1 to use apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 apis #368 (nsathyaseelan)
- refactor[e2e-tests]: Updated the e2e test for target network delay #365 (nsathyaseelan)
- feat(E2E): Test case to validate the Multiple application request to connect on single cstor volume #367 (nsathyaseelan)
- fix(cspc): fix cspc operator sync logs #371 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(version): use range instead of matrix for validation #369 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(e2e-crd): update e2e crds from v1beta1 to use apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 apis #368 (nsathyaseelan)
- refactor[e2e-tests]: Updated the e2e test for target network delay #365 (nsathyaseelan)
- feat(E2E): Test case to validate the Multiple application request to connect on single cstor volume #367 (nsathyaseelan)
- fix(istgt config): add TCP User Timeout setting in istgt configuration #366 (mittachaitu)
- refactor[e2e]: Included the dependent package for build the e2e image #353 (nsathyaseelan)
- fix(workflow): fix ansible job action workflow #351 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(docs): Add instruction for OpenEBS NFS provisioner using cStor #338 (ranjithwingrider)
- feat(e2e-test): Add E2E test cases for cstor csi #327 (nsathyaseelan)
- fix(status): update cvr status on graceful corresponding pool-manager termination #349 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(actions): skip release workflow on helm release #348 (shubham14bajpai)
- Fix bunch of typos #347 (surajssd)
- fix(cleanup-job): add OR clause to prevent job from failing #346 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(webhook): fix version comparison of webhook resources #341 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(docs): Add workload page for Elasticsearch #335 (nareshdesh)
No Changes
- fix(istgt config): add TCP User Timeout setting in istgt configuration #366 (mittachaitu)
- refactor[e2e]: Included the dependent package for build the e2e image #353 (nsathyaseelan)
- fix(workflow): fix ansible job action workflow #351 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(docs): Add instruction for OpenEBS NFS provisioner using cStor #338 (ranjithwingrider)
- feat(e2e-test): Add E2E test cases for cstor csi #327 (nsathyaseelan)
- fix(status): update cvr status on graceful corresponding pool-manager termination #349 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(actions): skip release workflow on helm release #348 (shubham14bajpai)
- Fix bunch of typos #347 (surajssd)
- fix(cleanup-job): add OR clause to prevent job from failing #346 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(webhook): fix version comparison of webhook resources #341 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(docs): Add workload page for Elasticsearch #335 (nareshdesh)
- refact(docs): update Project README and contributors docs #334 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cvc): set the bind address using a go flag in cvc server config #332 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(charts): make cleanup pre hook image configurable #336 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(operator): sync cstor and NDM operator with latest changes #333 (prateekpandey14)
- Changed md5 to sha256 algorithm #322 (nisarg1499)
- fixed all opt.semgrep.err-nil-check issues #314 (sreeharimohan)
- Move usr/bin declaration to top of file #305 (soniasingla)
- Remove unused struct CmdSnaphotOptions #289 (soniasingla)
- [stable/cstor]: update cstor charts to 2.9.0 release #331 (prateekpandey14)
======================== No Changes
- refact(docs): update Project README and contributors docs #334 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cvc): set the bind address using a go flag in cvc server config #332 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(charts): make cleanup pre hook image configurable #336 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(operator): sync cstor and NDM operator with latest changes #333 (prateekpandey14)
- Changed md5 to sha256 algorithm #322 (nisarg1499)
- fixed all opt.semgrep.err-nil-check issues #314 (sreeharimohan)
- Move usr/bin declaration to top of file #305 (soniasingla)
- Remove unused struct CmdSnaphotOptions #289 (soniasingla)
- [stable/cstor]: update cstor charts to 2.9.0 release #331 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(docs): Add workload page for Prometheus operator #330 (ranjithwingrider)
- refact(fmt): code changes in a better format #317 (nisarg1499)
- static check fixes in {controllers, volume-rpc, server/cstorvolumeconfig} #325 (arcolife)
- Added Gitpod config #320 (JanKoehnlein)
- (bugsbash) fix return statements #308 (asquare14)
- (bugsbash) shellcheck : The shebang must be on the first line. Delete blanks and move comments. #306 (asquare14)
- fix(helm chart): rename priority class name for CSI plugin (node and controller) #287 (shovanmaity)
No Changes
- chore(docs): Add workload page for Prometheus operator #330 (ranjithwingrider)
- refact(fmt): code changes in a better format #317 (nisarg1499)
- static check fixes in {controllers, volume-rpc, server/cstorvolumeconfig} #325 (arcolife)
- Added Gitpod config #320 (JanKoehnlein)
- (bugsbash) fix return statements #308 (asquare14)
- (bugsbash) shellcheck : The shebang must be on the first line. Delete blanks and move comments. #306 (asquare14)
- fix(helm chart): rename priority class name for CSI plugin (node and controller) #287 (shovanmaity)
- fix(webhook): fix admission review response apis (#275,@prateekpandey14)
- fix(webhook): populate admissionReviewVersions as a required value (#273,@prateekpandey14)
- chore(k8s): updated csi driver version to v1 (#270 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(webhook): use v1 admission apis for webhook specific configs (#267,@prateekpandey14)
- chore(docs): Update cStor quickstart with multi-pool example (#263,@niladrih)
- fix(webhook): fix admission review response apis (#275,@prateekpandey14)
- fix(webhook): populate admissionReviewVersions as a required value (#273,@prateekpandey14)
- chore(k8s): updated csi driver version to v1 (#270 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(webhook): use v1 admission apis for webhook specific configs (#267,@prateekpandey14)
- chore(docs): Update cStor quickstart with multi-pool example (#263,@niladrih)
- refact(deps): bump k8s and client-go deps to version v0.20.2 (#257,@prateekpandey14)
- refact(deps): bump k8s and client-go deps to version v0.20.2 (#257,@prateekpandey14)
v2.6.0 (2021-02-13)
- refact(charts): add pod security policy for cstor charts #249 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(webhook): refactor namespace validation steps #247 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(webhook): cleanup validatingwebhook config on openebs namespace deletion #246 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(ci): auto-assign github PR reviewers and assignee using github-action #166 (prateekpandey14)
- admission-webhook.cstor.openebs.io validation of compression arguments in CStorPoolCluster #237
- refact(crds): update upgradetask and cstorvolumeattachment to v1 #242 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(webhook): allow cspc validation based on supported compression algos #241 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(charts): make the cvc operator service labels consistent with operator #239 (shubham14bajpai)
- wrong helm repo/chart name #233 (survivant)
- [stable/cstor]: update dependent NDM charts to 1.1.1 #231 (akhilerm)
- [stable/cstor]: update cstor charts to 2.5.0 #229 (akhilerm)
- chore(docs): update snapshot docs to include api version info #228 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(action): fix cstor pool and volume manager image names #227 (prateekpandey14)
v2.6.0-RC2 (2021-02-11)
- refact(charts): add pod security policy for cstor charts #249 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(webhook): refactor namespace validation steps #247 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(webhook): cleanup validatingwebhook config on openebs namespace deletion #246 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(ci): auto-assign github PR reviewers and assignee using github-action #166 (prateekpandey14)
v2.6.0-RC1 (2021-02-09)
- admission-webhook.cstor.openebs.io validation of compression arguments in CStorPoolCluster #237
- refact(crds): update upgradetask and cstorvolumeattachment to v1 #242 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(webhook): allow cspc validation based on supported compression algos #241 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(charts): make the cvc operator service labels consistent with operator #239 (shubham14bajpai)
- wrong helm repo/chart name #233 (survivant)
- [stable/cstor]: update dependent NDM charts to 1.1.1 #231 (akhilerm)
- [stable/cstor]: update cstor charts to 2.5.0 #229 (akhilerm)
- chore(docs): update snapshot docs to include api version info #228 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(action): fix cstor pool and volume manager image names #227 (prateekpandey14)
v2.5.0 (2021-01-13)
- Update policy.md #224 (survivant)
- chore(actions): move travis tests to github actions #223 (shubham14bajpai)
- Update mirror.md #221 (survivant)
- Update tune.md #220 (survivant)
- fix(action): fix release workflow to run only tags with
prefix #219 (akhilerm) - chore(build): update the buildx action verison #216 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(helm): add cstor operators and csi helm charts #180 (sonasingh46)
- feat(pool, volume): add image pull secrets to pool and volume pods #225 (akhilerm)
- chore(operator): bump k8s csi to latest stable container images #218 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(docs):add topology aware storageclass docs and example #217 (prateekpandey14)
v2.5.0-RC2 (2021-01-12)
- feat(pool, volume): add image pull secrets to pool and volume deployment #225 (akhilerm)
- chore(operator): bump k8s csi to latest stable container images #218 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(docs):add topology aware storageclass docs and example #217 (prateekpandey14)
v2.5.0-RC1 (2021-01-09)
- Update policy.md #224 (survivant)
- chore(actions): move travis tests to github actions #223 (shubham14bajpai)
- Update mirror.md #221 (survivant)
- Update tune.md #220 (survivant)
- fix(action): fix release workflow to run only tags with
prefix #219 (akhilerm) - chore(build): update the buildx action verison #216 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(helm): add cstor operators and csi helm charts #180 (sonasingh46)
v2.4.1 (2020-12-18)
- chore(version): add 2.4.1 to upgrade matrix #214 (shubham14bajpai)
v2.4.0 (2020-12-13)
- fix(cspc): cleanup pending bdcs on cspc deletion #210 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(CHANGELOG): add changelogs for v2.3.0 #209 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(build): copy binaries instead of folders #208 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(build): propagate RELEASE_TAG to buildx container #206 (shubham14bajpai)
- add air gapped documentation #205 (daximillian)
- fix(build): propagate RELEASE_TAG to buildx container #204 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(docs): update the docs with latest yamls #203 (shubham14bajpai)
- Update resize.md #201 (survivant)
- Update mirror.md #200 (survivant)
- Update stripe.md #199 (survivant)
- chore(ci): set up helm chart ci #185 (sonasingh46)
v2.4.0-RC2 (2020-12-12)
v2.4.0-RC1 (2020-12-10)
- fix(cspc): cleanup pending bdcs on cspc deletion #210 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(CHANGELOG): add changelogs for v2.3.0 #209 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(build): copy binaries instead of folders #208 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(build): propagate RELEASE_TAG to buildx container #206 (shubham14bajpai)
- add air gapped documentation #205 (daximillian)
- fix(build): propagate RELEASE_TAG to buildx container #204 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(docs): update the docs with latest yamls #203 (shubham14bajpai)
- Update resize.md #201 (survivant)
- Update mirror.md #200 (survivant)
- Update stripe.md #199 (survivant)
- chore(ci): set up helm chart ci #185 (sonasingh46)
- fix(build): copy binaries instead of folders #208 (@shubham14bajpai)
- refact(crds): update crds to use apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 apis (#197,@prateekpandey14)
- refact(deps): use openebs/api v2 release modules (#187,@prateekpandey14)
- add air gapped documentation (#205,@daximillian)
- fix(restore): set targetip on CVRs after restore is completed (#198,@zlymeda)
- chore(build): add support for multiarch build (#155,@shubham14bajpai)
- refact(crds): update crds to use apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 apis (#197,@prateekpandey14)
- refact(deps): use openebs/api v2 release modules (#187,@prateekpandey14)
- add air gapped documentation (#205,@daximillian)
- fix(restore): set targetip on CVRs after restore is completed (#198,@zlymeda)
- chore(build): add support for multiarch build (#155,@shubham14bajpai)
v2.2.0 (2020-10-09)
Merged pull requests:
- cherry-pick[fix, backup, restore]: create backup and restore in cstor.openebs.io/v1 group #193 (mittachaitu)
- fix(backup, restore): create backup and restore in cstor.openebs.io/v1 group #192 (mittachaitu)
- fix(cstor restore): use relevant labels to fetch CSPI name #191 (mittachaitu)
- chore(travis): add recipients for travis notifications. #190 (sonasingh46)
- refact(crds): update crds based on new api spec changes #189 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(version): add 2.2.0 to upgrade matrix #188 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(typo): Fixes typo in cstor cspc controller log messages #186 (nsathyaseelan)
- feat(backup, restore): promote backup and restore controller to use v1 apis #183 (mittachaitu)
- feat(backup & restore): add v1 support for backup and restore #182 (mittachaitu)
- docs(bd-tag): add tutorial for using BD tag feature. #181 (sonasingh46)
- chore(docs): add csi cstor volume metrics exposed by prometheus #179 (prateekpandey14)
- fix various language issues on homepage #176 (didier-durand)
- chore(upgrade): add valid current versions for 2.1.0 upgrades #173 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(CSPC, nodeName changes): add suport to move the CStorPoolInstances to specified node #167 (mittachaitu)
v2.2.0-RC2 (2020-10-09)
No Changes
v2.2.0-RC1 (2020-10-09)
Merged pull requests:
- fix(backup, restore): create backup and restore in cstor.openebs.io/v1 group #192 (mittachaitu)
- fix(cstor restore): use relevant labels to fetch CSPI name #191 (mittachaitu)
- chore(travis): add recipients for travis notifications. #190 (sonasingh46)
- refact(crds): update crds based on new api spec changes #189 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(version): add 2.2.0 to upgrade matrix #188 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(typo): Fixes typo in cstor cspc controller log messages #186 (nsathyaseelan)
- feat(backup, restore): promote backup and restore controller to use v1 apis #183 (mittachaitu)
- feat(backup & restore): add v1 support for backup and restore #182 (mittachaitu)
- docs(bd-tag): add tutorial for using BD tag feature. #181 (sonasingh46)
- chore(docs): add csi cstor volume metrics exposed by prometheus #179 (prateekpandey14)
- fix various language issues on homepage #176 (didier-durand)
- chore(upgrade): add valid current versions for 2.1.0 upgrades #173 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(CSPC, nodeName changes): add suport to move the CStorPoolInstances to specified node #167 (mittachaitu)
v2.1.0 (2020-09-10)
Merged pull requests:
- chore(upgrade): add valid current versions for 2.1.0 upgrades #174 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(cspc): add capability to specify allowed BD tags on CSPC #172 (sonasingh46)
- chore(license): add license check for .sh and Dockerfile #171 (AJEETRAI707)
- chore(ci): add license check in ci #170 (AJEETRAI707)
- Bump golang version to 1.14.7 #169 (AJEETRAI707)
- fix(backup): fixing deletion of backup snapshot #168 (mynktl)
- fix(write cache): create claim for write cache raid group blockdevices #162 (mittachaitu)
- fix(roThreshold): update default roThresholdLimit to 85% during sync time #159 (mittachaitu)
- refact(vendor): sync with openebs apis changes #156 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): update README and quick.md files #154 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(version): update upgrade matrix with valid current versions #152 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(tests): add integration tests for scaleup and scaledown of CStorVolume #151 (mittachaitu)
- test(cspc): add cspc tunables test #150 (sonasingh46)
- feat(tests): add integration test cases for changing the policies on CVC dynamically #148 (mittachaitu)
v2.1.0-RC2 (2020-09-10)
No Changes
v2.1.0-RC1 (2020-09-08)
Merged pull requests:
- chore(upgrade): add valid current versions for 2.1.0 upgrades #174 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(cspc): add capability to specify allowed BD tags on CSPC #172 (sonasingh46)
- chore(license): add license check for .sh and Dockerfile #171 (AJEETRAI707)
- chore(ci): add license check in ci #170 (AJEETRAI707)
- Bump golang version to 1.14.7 #169 (AJEETRAI707)
- fix(backup): fixing deletion of backup snapshot #168 (mynktl)
- fix(write cache): create claim for write cache raid group blockdevices #162 (mittachaitu)
- fix(roThreshold): update default roThresholdLimit to 85% during sync time #159 (mittachaitu)
- refact(vendor): sync with openebs apis changes #156 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): update README and quick.md files #154 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(version): update upgrade matrix with valid current versions #152 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(tests): add integration tests for scaleup and scaledown of CStorVolume #151 (mittachaitu)
- test(cspc): add cspc tunables test #150 (sonasingh46)
- feat(tests): add integration test cases for changing the policies on CVC dynamically #148 (mittachaitu)
v2.0.0 (2020-08-13)
Merged pull requests:
- refact(vendor): sync with openebs apis changes #157 (mittachaitu)
- chore(version): update upgrade matrix with valid current versions #153 (shubham14bajpai)
- docs(volume): add raw block volume docs with a usecase #149 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(validations): add check for BD tag presence #147 (sonasingh46)
- fix(reconciliation): update deployment with specified values in cvc policy #146 (mittachaitu)
- docs(cstorvolume): add cStor volume resource organisation document. #145 (sonasingh46)
- fix(admission server): allow CRUD operations on CSPC if disk has zfs filesystem #144 (mittachaitu)
- chore(crds): add openAPIV3 based CStor CRDs #143 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(docs): add prerequisite to install CStor-CSI on rancher based cluster #142 (mittachaitu)
- fix(status): update CSPI status when corresponding cStor pool-manager terminated #141 (mittachaitu)
- chore(yaml): add generic CSI operator yaml with root mount #140 (prateekpandey14)
- docs(bad_disk): add troubleshooting document to recover stuck pool pod #139 (sonasingh46)
- chore(docs): add troubleshooting steps to migrate cStor volume from lost pool to new pool #138 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): add troubleshoot steps to bring cStor pools online after performing node replacement #137 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): add volume policy docs with example configurations #136 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cstor-webhook): allow scale down of pools when node doesn't exist in cluster #135 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): add cspc tunables docs #132 (sonasingh46)
- chore(docs): add cStor pool resource organization docs #131 (sonasingh46)
- Update docs for setup & quickstart #130 (vaniisgh)
- feat(tests): add integration test framework for CStor Volumes and volume test cases #129 (mittachaitu)
- refact(cvc): add pvc label in volume target deployments #124 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cstor-webhook): fixes pool scaledown bug #122 (sonasingh46)
- fix(version): split version string to segregate version from tags #121 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(operator): add generic csi-operator yaml #119 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(integration_tests): add integration test framework and test cases #118 (sonasingh46)
- test(unit test): add test cases for cstor pool provisioning #117 (mittachaitu)
- test(restore): add mock test for restore endpoint #114 (mittachaitu)
v2.0.0-RC2 (2020-08-13)
Merged pull requests:
- refact(vendor): sync with openebs apis changes #157 (mittachaitu)
- chore(version): update upgrade matrix with valid current versions #153 (shubham14bajpai)
v2.0.0-RC1 (2020-08-06)
Merged pull requests:
- docs(volume): add raw block volume docs with a usecase #149 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(validations): add check for BD tag presence #147 (sonasingh46)
- fix(reconciliation): update deployment with specified values in cvc policy #146 (mittachaitu)
- docs(cstorvolume): add cStor volume resource organisation document. #145 (sonasingh46)
- fix(admission server): allow CRUD operations on CSPC if disk has zfs filesystem #144 (mittachaitu)
- chore(crds): add openAPIV3 based CStor CRDs #143 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(docs): add prerequisite to install CStor-CSI on rancher based cluster #142 (mittachaitu)
- fix(status): update CSPI status when corresponding cStor pool-manager terminated #141 (mittachaitu)
- chore(yaml): add generic CSI operator yaml with root mount #140 (prateekpandey14)
- docs(bad_disk): add troubleshooting document to recover stuck pool pod #139 (sonasingh46)
- chore(docs): add troubleshooting steps to migrate cStor volume from lost pool to new pool #138 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): add troubleshoot steps to bring cStor pools online after performing node replacement #137 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): add volume policy docs with example configurations #136 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cstor-webhook): allow scale down of pools when node doesn't exist in cluster #135 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): add cspc tunables docs #132 (sonasingh46)
- chore(docs): add cStor pool resource organization docs #131 (sonasingh46)
- Update docs for setup & quickstart #130 (vaniisgh)
- feat(tests): add integration test framework for CStor Volumes and volume test cases #129 (mittachaitu)
- chore(changelog): add 1.12.0 release CHANGELOG #127 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(cvc): add pvc label in volume target deployments #124 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cstor-webhook): fixes pool scaledown bug #122 (sonasingh46)
- fix(version): split version string to segregate version from tags #121 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(operator): add generic csi-operator yaml #119 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(integration_tests): add integration test framework and test cases #118 (sonasingh46)
- test(unit test): add test cases for cstor pool provisioning #117 (mittachaitu)
- test(restore): add mock test for restore endpoint #114 (mittachaitu)
v1.12.0 (2020-07-15)
Merged pull requests:
- refact(cvc): add pvc label in volume target deployments #125 (kmova)
- fix(webhook): fix cspi node selector label in scale down operation #123 (sonasingh46)
- fix(version): split version string to segregate version from tags #120 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(webhook): make webhook config failure policy configurable #110 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(cvp): initialize cvr zvolworkers based on policy #109 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cvc): user policy based target podAffinity for target deployment #107 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(VERSION): omit generation of VERSION file #106 (mittachaitu)
- fix(VERSION): delete VERSION file from repo #104 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): add cstor csi volume feature related docs #103 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(webhook): add cspc scaledown validations #101 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(cspi): add provisioned and healthy replica count in CSPI status #99 (mittachaitu)
- chore(migration): add rbac rules for snapshot migration #98 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(webhook): check for hostname instead of nodename for bd validations #94 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(cvc): add cvc-controller fake client mock tests #93 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(restore_controller): use the latest env for cspi uid #92 (sonasingh46)
v1.12.0-RC2 (2020-07-11)
Merged pull requests:
- refact(cvc): add pvc label in volume target deployments #125 (kmova)
- fix(webhook): fix cspi node selector label in scale down operation #123 (sonasingh46)
v1.12.0-RC1 (2020-07-08)
Merged pull requests:
- fix(version): split version string to segregate version from tags #120 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(webhook): make webhook config failure policy configurable #110 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(cvp): initialize cvr zvolworkers based on policy #109 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cvc): user policy based target podAffinity for target deployment #107 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(VERSION): omit generation of VERSION file #106 (mittachaitu)
- fix(VERSION): delete VERSION file from repo #104 (mittachaitu)
- chore(docs): add cstor csi volume feature related docs #103 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(webhook): add cspc scaledown validations #101 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(cspi): add provisioned and healthy replica count in CSPI status #99 (mittachaitu)
- chore(migration): add rbac rules for snapshot migration #98 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(webhook): check for hostname instead of nodename for bd validations #94 (shubham14bajpai)
- chore(cvc): add cvc-controller fake client mock tests #93 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(restore_controller): use the latest env for cspi uid #92 (sonasingh46)
v1.11.0 (2020-06-15)
Merged pull requests:
- fix(webhook): check for hostname instead of nodename for bd validations (#94) #96 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(restore_controller): use the latest env for cspi uid #92 (sonasingh46)
- fix(cvc): change cvr capacity to provisioned capacity (#90) #91 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(cvc): change cvr capacity to provisioned capacity #90 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(cvc-operator): update cvc controller for migration #89 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(backup-controller): add suport for backup controller #88 (mittachaitu)
- feat(restore-controller): add suport for restore controller #87 (sonasingh46)
- chore(api-update): add backup and restore api dependencies #86 (sonasingh46)
- refactor(build): remove hardcoded docker org (#84) #85 (kmova)
- feat(REST, CVC): add a support for rest service in CVC Operator #83 (mittachaitu)
- fix(webhook): fix blockdevice replacement validation #82 (mittachaitu)
- refact(cspc): add migration support for spc to cspc #79 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(cspi): import pool without cachefile #77 (mittachaitu)
- Add restore controller to pool manager in accordance to v1 api changes. #76
- fix(cspi): update the Capacity fields of CStorPoolInstance #75 (mittachaitu)
- cspi status should show usable pool capacity #74
- chore(docs): add changelog for v1.10.0 release #73 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cspi): remove finalizer on claim of blockdevice which underwent replacement #71 (mittachaitu)
- feat(docs): auto generate api docs using Makefile target #70 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(log): add cspc information in error event #68 (mittachaitu)
- add repo documentation #67 (sonasingh46)
- chore(ci): fast fail travis script in case of error #66 (sonasingh46)
- chore(refactor): add fake controller testing for cspi-controller #65 (mittachaitu)
- fix(Makefile): update the expression to trim 'v' from tag #64 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(build): fix cstor base image tag #61 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(upgrade): add upgrade framework in controllers #60 (shubham14bajpai)
- Velero Plugin for CSI volumes based on CSPC based pools #39
- Backup/Restore for CSI based volumes using CSPC pools with V1 APIs #40
v1.11.0-RC2 (2020-06-11)
Merged pull requests:
- fix(webhook): check for hostname instead of nodename for bd validations (#94) #96 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(restore_controller): use the latest env for cspi uid #92 (sonasingh46)
- fix(cvc): change cvr capacity to provisioned capacity (#90) #91 (shubham14bajpai)
v1.11.0-RC1 (2020-06-09)
Merged pull requests:
- fix(cvc): change cvr capacity to provisioned capacity #90 (shubham14bajpai)
- refact(cvc-operator): update cvc controller for migration #89 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(backup-controller): add suport for backup controller #88 (mittachaitu)
- feat(restore-controller): add suport for restore controller #87 (sonasingh46)
- chore(api-update): add backup and restore api dependencies #86 (sonasingh46)
- refactor(build): remove hardcoded docker org (#84) #85 (kmova)
- feat(REST, CVC): add a support for rest service in CVC Operator #83 (mittachaitu)
- fix(webhook): fix blockdevice replacement validation #82 (mittachaitu)
- refact(cspc): add migration support for spc to cspc #79 (shubham14bajpai)
- fix(cspi): import pool without cachefile #77 (mittachaitu)
- Add restore controller to pool manager in accordance to v1 api changes. #76
- fix(cspi): update the Capacity fields of CStorPoolInstance #75 (mittachaitu)
- cspi status should show usable pool capacity #74
- chore(docs): add changelog for v1.10.0 release #73 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cspi): remove finalizer on claim of blockdevice which underwent replacement #71 (mittachaitu)
- feat(docs): auto generate api docs using Makefile target #70 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(log): add cspc information in error event #68 (mittachaitu)
- add repo documentation #67 (sonasingh46)
- chore(ci): fast fail travis script in case of error #66 (sonasingh46)
- chore(refactor): add fake controller testing for cspi-controller #65 (mittachaitu)
- fix(Makefile): update the expression to trim 'v' from tag #64 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(build): fix cstor base image tag #61 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(upgrade): add upgrade framework in controllers #60 (shubham14bajpai)
- Velero Plugin for CSI volumes based on CSPC based pools #39
- Backup/Restore for CSI based volumes using CSPC pools with V1 APIs #40
v1.10.0 (2020-05-15)
Merged pull requests:
- fix(cspi): remove finalizer on claim of blockdevice which underwent replacement #72 (mittachaitu)
- chore(log): add more information in error event (#68) #69 (mittachaitu)
- fix(Makefile): update the expression to trim 'v' from tag #64 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(build): fix cstor base image tag #62 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(push_script): refactor makefile and push scirpt #59 (sonasingh46)
- refact(build): updating makefile to verify go mod files #58 (mynktl)
- add travis sanity check #54 (sonasingh46)
- feat(policy): reconcile volume policy per volume bases #52 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(webhook): update the admission service and config name #51 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(operator): use single service account for deployments #50 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(refactor) : add fake controller testing for cspc-operator #49 (sonasingh46)
- fix(deps): remove indirect version dependency to openebs/api #48 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(webhook): add volume specific webhook validations #47 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(webhook): add cspc expansion validations #46 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(ci): add travis ci to build and push #45 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(build): make image tags with amd64 for amd64 builds #44 (sonasingh46)
- fix(ci): refactor github actions and Makefile targets #42 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(volume replica): add snapshot information in CVR status #41 (mittachaitu)
- Automate the CRD generate with OpenAPIV3 validation #38
- chore(vendor): update vendor to include builder function changes #33 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cspc): refactor cspc reconcile and cleanup #30 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cspi conditions): add cspi condition to represent the pool operations #31 (mittachaitu)
- refact(cspc): add tests and constants for cspc conditions #29 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cstor-operators): update vendor in accordance with latest apis #28 (sonasingh46)
- fix(cspi): pool create with compression as filesystem property #27 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cspi): add capability to set compression on cstor pool #26 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cspc): add cspi instances details on cspc status #25 (sonasingh46)
- fix(cspi, status): fix CSPI status to represent capacity and Phase of pool #24 (mittachaitu)
- chore(cvc): refactor cvc controller to use cstorvolumeconfig #23 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(operator): make openebs service account configurable for pool and volume deployments #22 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(cstor-operators): update vendor with latest cstor apis #21 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cstor_pool_apis): update code to use updated cStor pool APIs #20 (mittachaitu)
- feat(cspc): add reconciliation for cspc tunables #19 (sonasingh46)
- feat(operators): add operator, rbac rules and volume crds yamls #18 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(cvc): refactor volume and pool provisioning including updated image names #17 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(yaml): update poolConfig fields in examples #16 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(roThresholdLimit): add ROThresholdLimit support in pool manager #15 (mittachaitu)
- refact(webhook): add validation for new fields in cspc #14 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(cvr): add volume replica controller using new APIs #13 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(build): add makefile target and Dockerfile for cstor webhook #12 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(build): add github actions to run test and build #11 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(dockerfile): use updated binary names for pool and volume manger #10 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cspi-controller): add writecache functionality with latest schema changes in CSPI #9 (mittachaitu)
- feat(webhook): add cstor-webhook using openebs/api changes #8 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(build): add makefile tagets and Dockerfiles for all controllers #7 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cv): add cstor volume manager/controller using new APIs #6 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cspc-operator): use lease apis to enable leader election #5 (sonasingh46)
- feat(cvc): use openebs/api lease apis for leaderelection #4 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(build): add license in build scripts #3 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cvc): add cstorvolumeclaim operator using new apis #2 (prateekpandey14)
- add cspc-operator #1 (sonasingh46)
v1.10.0-RC2 (2020-05-13)
Merged pull requests:
- fix(cspi): remove finalizer on claim of blockdevice which underwent replacement #72 (mittachaitu)
- chore(log): add more information in error event (#68) #69 (mittachaitu)
v1.10.0-RC1 (2020-05-08)
Merged pull requests:
- fix(Makefile): update the expression to trim 'v' from tag #64 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(build): fix cstor base image tag #62 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(push_script): refactor makefile and push scirpt #59 (sonasingh46)
- refact(build): updating makefile to verify go mod files #58 (mynktl)
- chore(travis): add travis sanity check #54 (sonasingh46)
- feat(policy): reconcile volume policy per volume bases #52 (prateekpandey14)
- refact(webhook): update the admission service and config name #51 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(operator): use single service account for deployments #50 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(refactor) : add fake controller testing for cspc-operator #49 (sonasingh46)
- fix(deps): remove indirect version dependency to openebs/api #48 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(webhook): add volume specific webhook validations #47 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(webhook): add cspc expansion validations #46 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(ci): add travis ci to build and push #45 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(build): make image tags with amd64 for amd64 builds #44 (sonasingh46)
- fix(ci): refactor github actions and Makefile targets #42 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(volume replica): add snapshot information in CVR status #41 (mittachaitu)
- feat(apis): Automate the CRD generate with OpenAPIV3 validation #38 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(vendor): update vendor to include builder function changes #33 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cspc): refactor cspc reconcile and cleanup #30 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cspi conditions): add cspi condition to represent the pool operations #31 (mittachaitu)
- refact(cspc): add tests and constants for cspc conditions #29 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cstor-operators): update vendor in accordance with latest apis #28 (sonasingh46)
- fix(cspi): pool create with compression as filesystem property #27 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cspi): add capability to set compression on cstor pool #26 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cspc): add cspi instances details on cspc status #25 (sonasingh46)
- fix(cspi, status): fix CSPI status to represent capacity and Phase of pool #24 (mittachaitu)
- chore(cvc): refactor cvc controller to use cstorvolumeconfig #23 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(operator): make openebs service account configurable for pool and volume deployments #22 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(cstor-operators): update vendor with latest cstor apis #21 (sonasingh46)
- chore(cstor_pool_apis): update code to use updated cStor pool APIs #20 (mittachaitu)
- feat(cspc): add reconciliation for cspc tunables #19 (sonasingh46)
- feat(operators): add operator, rbac rules and volume crds yamls #18 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(cvc): refactor volume and pool provisioning including updated image names #17 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(yaml): update poolConfig fields in examples #16 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(roThresholdLimit): add ROThresholdLimit support in pool manager #15 (mittachaitu)
- refact(webhook): add validation for new fields in cspc #14 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(cvr): add volume replica controller using new APIs #13 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(build): add makefile target and Dockerfile for cstor webhook #12 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(build): add github actions to run test and build #11 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(dockerfile): use updated binary names for pool and volume manger #10 (prateekpandey14)
- fix(cspi-controller): add writecache functionality with latest schema changes in CSPI #9 (mittachaitu)
- feat(webhook): add cstor-webhook using openebs/api changes #8 (shubham14bajpai)
- feat(build): add makefile tagets and Dockerfiles for all controllers #7 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cv): add cstor volume manager/controller using new APIs #6 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cspc-operator): use lease apis to enable leader election #5 (sonasingh46)
- feat(cvc): use openebs/api lease apis for leaderelection #4 (prateekpandey14)
- chore(build): add license in build scripts #3 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cvc): add cstorvolumeclaim operator using new apis #2 (prateekpandey14)
- feat(cspc): add cspc-operator using new apis #1 (sonasingh46)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator