Releases: robotology/icub-main
Releases · robotology/icub-main
iCub Software release 1.19.1
iCub Software release 1.19.0
What's Changed
- [iKin] Fix handling of hand abduction/adduction joints in class iCubFinger by @xEnVrE in #695
- FaceExpressions: update doc.dox by @Nicogene in #697
- POS service by @marcoaccame in #696
- faceExpressions: more fixes to the doc by @Nicogene in #698
- Added and fixed typos in help menu by @violadelbono in #699
- Update iCubFindDependencies.cmake by @Nicogene in #700
- gravityCompensator: fix crash due to a move operator after a resize by @Nicogene in #702
- embobjMotionControl: fix windows execution by @Nicogene in #703
- fixed bug in duplicated command line options by @davidetome in #708
- [SWIG] Add support for std::deque of yarp::dev::IControlLimits* by @xEnVrE in #711
- packets_creation: add the icub packet creation via gh action by @Nicogene in #709
- Creation of files for iCub 3 upperarm skin GUI by @simeonedussoni in #713
- Movement of the fingers of the new hand in open/close mode by @marcoaccame in #714
- Warning message for position control PID when config not consistent by @AlexAntn in #716
- fixed the checkJointTypes function for the case of TORQUE control by @AlexAntn in #719
New Contributors
- @violadelbono made their first contribution in #699
- @simeonedussoni made their first contribution in #713
Full Changelog: v1.18.0...v1.19.0
iCub Software release 1.18.0
What's Changed
- FirmwareUpdater - configurable IPs by @davidetome in #679
- Update by @Nicogene in #680
- added CLI option to FirmwareUpdater by @davidetome in #682
- FirmwareUpdater - Added new CLI options by @davidetome in #683
- FirmwareUpdater fixed bug in saveDatFileStrain2 by @davidetome in #684
- Removed unused firewirebusreset binary by @pattacini in #686
- [cmake] Cleanup unused dependency IPP by @traversaro in #687
- Update by @Nicogene in #689
- Fix on icubSIM joint limits by @randaz81 in #690
- Update for 2020.11 release by @Nicogene in #692
- Fix icub-common creation script by @Nicogene in #693
Full Changelog: v1.17.0...v1.18.0
iCub Software release 1.17.0
What's Changed
- Update face expressions documentation by @Nicogene in #660
- CanBusMotionControl: do not print an error if getCurrentRangeRaw is used by @traversaro in #663
- CanBusMotionControl: do not raise error if motorPwmLimit is not found by @traversaro in #662
- Added iCubInertialSensorWaist for iCub v2.7 by @pattacini in #664
- Add relocatable CMakeConfig files. by @Nicogene in #652
- Fix components on debian buster and better handling of internal dependencies by @Nicogene in #667
- Fix iCub config by @Nicogene in #670
- Update by @Nicogene in #671
- ARE: added conf files for Gazebo by @pattacini in #672
- Scripts and conf files to run gazebo simulations by @pattacini in #674
- icub-common creation with GH action by @mbrunettini in #675
- [WBD] fixed handling of MAS periodicity by @pattacini in #677
New Contributors
- @mbrunettini made their first contribution in #675
Full Changelog: v1.16.1...v1.17.0
iCub Software release 1.16.1
This feature release includes some sw changes needed by iCubs version 2.7 (see for more details)
iCub Software release 1.16.0
v1.16.0 Cleanup yarp and ycm version
iCub Software release 1.15.0
v1.15.0 iCub Software Release v1.15.0
iCub Software release 1.13.0
v1.13.0 iCub Software release 1.13.0
iCub Software release 1.12.0
v1.12.0 iCub Software release 1.12.0
iCub Software release 1.10.0
v1.10.0 iCub release 1.10.0