What's Changed
- CATROID-1394 Export projects to Downloads-directory by @Walcho1125 in #4504
- CATROID-1416 "Find/search" in Scripts should ignore trailing spaces by @devsebastian in #4535
- CATROID-1390 Upload projects via upload.catrob.at only by @Piki2000 in #4497
- CATROID-1399 Bluetooth export (.catrobat, .dst) by @juliajulie95 in #4540
- CATROID-1420 [HIGH-PRIORITY] Looks in scenes becomes corrupted after renaming the scene by @dandrawes in #4545
- CATROID-1419 [HIGH-PRIORITY] Crash with formulas in parameter fields of "Become focus point with x y flexibility" by @Rawbat in #4542
- CATROID-1301 Catrobat Language Test for "If-Then-Else" brick by @JayTropper in #4403
- CATROID-1348 Fix testGlideToSpeedRangeAndDuration.catrobat by @NoQQ in #4447
- MAINTENANCE: Fix release filename issue by @juliajulie95 in #4562
- CATROID-1392 CLT for look name and number of looks by @l-ilma in #4490
- [Maintenance] Upgrade to Paintroid v2.9.1 by @wslany in #4575
- CATROID-1425 Fix Performance of BrickSearch by @Walcho1125 in #4547
- DEVOPS-375 MAINTENANCE Add boolean param. for outgoingNetworkCalls, a… by @vargmal in #4583
- CATROID-1286 Improve constants names by @l-ilma in #4492
- CATROID-1417 Bug fixed where visual placement is skipped by @dorianpercic in #4556
- Catroid-1196 Implement search history for the brick search by @Walcho1125 in #4304
- CATROID-1163 Add Icons to overflow menus by @mseiser in #4275
- CATROID-1424 'Start sound PULLDOWN at XX seconds' brick by @bigsmallpp in #4566
- [MAINTENANCE] Change copyright in every file by @DinosaurierRex in #4592
- CATROID-1168 Refactor UserDefinedBrickListFragment and PrototypeBrickAdapter to kotlin by @khushal1707 in #4279
- CATROID-1424 'Start sound PULLDOWN at XX seconds' brick by @wslany in #4597
- CATROID-810 Fix a few linting errors by @l-ilma in #4501
- [HOTFIX] Resolve Static Analysis Warning by @Walcho1125 in #4601
- CATROID-1121 Refactor MainMenuActivity and related files to Kotlin by @khushal1707 in #4209
- CATROID-1393 Remove redundant code of directory-import by @Walcho1125 in #4506
- New Crowdin translations by Github Action by @github-actions in #4548
- DEVOPS-694 fixed DockerParameters by @goschale in #4615
- CATROID-1467 Checkboxes for deleting variables missing by @juliajulie95 in #4606
- CATROID-1471 Test: testPickColorCancel fails by @Rawbat in #4609
- CATROID-1470 Test: testPhiroLightRGBPickColorCancel fails by @Rawbat in #4611
- CATROID-1465 Add sprite from library gets downloaded to current project by @dorianpercic in #4616
- CATROID-1490 Static Analysis on develop: SetPenColorBrickNumberTest file by @mseiser in #4624
- CATROID-1140 Refactor adapter and related files of ScriptFragment to kotlin by @bengaal in #4424
- CATROID-1484 Tutorial in formula editor starting correct again by @dorianpercic in #4621
- Fix Removing Request Install Permissions by @mseiser in #4645
- CATROID-1493 Fix Look gets deleted in all projects by @mseiser in #4637
- CATROID-1429 Remove keyboard when no input is possible in upload by @friendo97 in #4585
- CATROID-1498 Option's Icons aren't shown by @mseiser in #4653
- CATROID-1202 In Catroid in Catblocks mode, the bricks in the selection menus shall be shown with Catblocks bricks by @bprattes in #4619
- CATROID-1480 Add CLT for repeat bricks by @sebastiangollob in #4612
- CATROID-1468 DeleteLookBrickTest failing by @friendo97 in #4655
- CATROID-1494 Check checkbox when clicking on a fragment by @l-ilma in #4656
- [MAINTENANCE] Fix for cannot resolve symbol error IDE version > 2021.1.1 by @DinosaurierRex in #4672
- CATROID-1078 Add new CLTs for the set transparency brick by @reichli in #4171
- CATROID-1371 REFACTOR SetBrightnessAction to Kotlin by @NoQQ in #4465
- CATROID-1469 Test: testCloneValues failing by @Rawbat in #4608
- [MAINTENANCE] Fix for cannot resolve symbol in unit tests by @DinosaurierRex in #4710
- CATROID-1069 REFACTOR CloneAction to Kotlin by @Aayush2111 in #4703
- CATROID-1519 fixed unresolved imports in org.catrobat.catroid(test) file by @Aayush2111 in #4697
- CATROID-1474 Update huawei ml libraries by @dorianpercic in #4646
- IDE-108 Catroid Change Notes Brick Color by @jANI0x in #4721
- IDE-100 Consistent writing by @rinaschedl in #4763
- PAINTROID-558 Fix build with Catroid by @mseiser in #4789
- IDE-79 .webp looks not shown on stage by @devsebastian in #4682
- CATROID-1367 Add single undo functionality in datalist by @sebastiangollob in #4627
- IDE-103 changed color of Actors and Object to #EAB7D5 by @jANI0x in #4733
- [HOTFIX] Revert "CATROID-1367 Add single undo functionality in datalist" by @mseiser in #4803
- CATROID-1564 Increase version of the crowdin GitHub action by @reichli in #4815
- CATROID-1556 REFACTOR ShowTextAction to Kotlin by @Petrischale in #4799
- CATROID-1312 Added "stage width" and "stage height" reporter constants by @JayTropper in #4428
- CATROID-1222 Fix some lint-baseline warnings by @dorianpercic in #4626
- CATROID-1346 Fix testEmbroiderySaved by @krispykalsi in #4438
- CATROID-1434 [HIGH-PRIORITY] Very high frequency ANR: catroid.ui.MainMenuActivity (server) is not responding by @danielzhang130 in #4578
- CATROID-IDE-11 Adding User Defined Bricks Crashes App by @l-ilma in #4673
- Refactored SceneStartAction to kotlin by @PratyushSingh07 in #4674
- CATROID-1388 Added CLT for Repeat Until Brick by @moemgva2910 in #4483
- IDE-179 Add a catrobat language test for the ForEach brick by @moberer in #4808
- CATROID-1479 Test: testFunctionDeletion fails by @Rawbat in #4660
- CATROID-1347 Fix testNumberOfItemsFunction testrunner test by @NoQQ in #4659
- CATROID-1462 Change variable by "" brick does not work by @Rawbat in #4685
- CATROID-1402 Create more Catblocks Test in Catroid by @MichaelFlucher in #4809
- IDE-184 Unexpected Behaviour in Exported Embroidery Project by @moberer in #4850
- IDE-150 Refactoring UI Espresso Tests and TestUtils by @Toml499 in #4748
- IDE-182 Add CLT for Replace item in list by @becothas in #4818
- IDE-199 fix FormulaEditorComputeDialogUserDefinedBrickInputTest by @becothas in #4862
- CATROID-1199 Link to flavors from settings by @friendo97 in #4431
- CATROID-1373 ShowTextAction to Kotlin by @NoQQ in #4495
- CATROID-1413 Fix GMS Speech Recognition on Huawei Phones by @bigsmallpp in #4520
- CATROID-766 Evaluate “when touches actor or object” to false initially by @moemgva2910 in #4525
- CATROID-1057 REFACTOR Look/PhysicsLook by @wolpra98 in #4576
- CATROID-1451 Add CLT for "Wait until _ is true" by @UlrichLa in #4586
- CATROID-1459 Catrobat Language Test for Change X by ___ by @Petrischale in #4589
- CATROID-1449 implement CLT for set brightness brick by @almichu in #4595
- IDE-14 XML issue with WhenBounceOff-Brick (Catblocks related) by @DinosaurierRex in #4596
- CATROID-1461 New function "subtext(from, to, "string")" by @Petrischale in #4600
- Catroid-1473 Resolve flakiness in RenameSpriteTest by @DinosaurierRex in #4636
- CATROID-1499 add CLT testDeleteAllElementFromList by @edonmucaj in #4642
- CATROID-646 Add different status icon for all flavours by @mseiser in #4657
- CATRIOD-1319: Multiplayer Bluetooth connection should be kept as long as possible by @UlrichLa in #4658
- IDE-30 Build-parameter to build Catroid with Paintroid develop by @bengaal in #4679
- IDE-86 Add CLT for "Moving _ steps" brick by @Toml499 in #4699
- CATROID-1353 Create Empty Object Option by @Toml499 in #4701
- CATROID-1518 Catrobat Language Test for 'Number of items function' by @dajana8679 in #4706
- IDE-204 Fix build Pipeline by @becothas in #4878
- IDE-176 Rework formula editor by @becothas in #4827
- IDE-198 Refactor End Bricks from all Composite Bricks by @ma-zea in #4868
- IDE-206 Fix BrickAddCategoryTest.categoriesTest by @becothas in #4880
- IDE-207 Fix TrustUserDomainsTest by @becothas in #4882
- CATROID-1310 Redesign of the create project dialog by @Piki2000 in #4496
- IDE-212 Add CLT for item's index function by @coki1405 in #4901
- IDE-208 CLT for turn left/right X degrees by @hannesweilharter in #4884
- CATROID-1574 Add new CTL for the move steps brick by @simon-schuster in #4825
- IDE-192 fix BroadcastBrickMessagesUpdateTest by @becothas in #4841
- IDE-174 Add floating AI assistant button by @bprattes in #4801
- IDE-166 Fix Bug where 1D Script View is reset to English by @jANI0x in #4791
- IDE-143 fix testUploadControllerGetsCalled by @moberer in #4838
- IDE-130 Fix spriteEqualBackgroundTest by @dorianpercic in #4847
- IDE-145 Refactor TextActor to kotlin by @Aayush2111 in #4722
- IDE-146 Refactor TestResult to kotlin by @Aayush2111 in #4726
- IDE-151 Refactor Stopwatch.java to kotlin by @Aayush2111 in #4751
- IDE-149 Refactor Cookie.java to kotlin by @Aayush2111 in #4735
- IDE-40 Variables in backpacks removed by @becothas in #4865
- IDE-232 Fix Instance creation error in BackpackListManager by @ma-zea in #4929
- [DEVOPS-810] Remove unreferenced node label in Jenkinsfile by @csongorhg in #4930
- CATROID-581 Refactor handling of screen sizes in StageActivity by @moberer in #4820
- [DEVOPS-819] Replace old Jira and Confluence links by @csongorhg in #4937
- CATROID-1521 Add Catrobat Language Test for For Each Brick by @jANI0x in #4716
- IDE-157 Refactor StringFinder and StringFinderTest to kotlin by @coki1405 in #4931
- IDE-104 Refactor WebconnectionException to kotlin by @coki1405 in #4956
- IDE-238 CLT for gravity and gliding by @astrokit in #4957
- IDE-237 CLT for Point direction in _ degrees brick by @p0dlunsek in #4950
- IDE-234 CLT for SetSize Brick by @Robsangar in #4935
- IDE-152 Refactor FormatNumberUtil to kotlin by @hannesweilharter in #4932
- IDE-177 Link cut and copy to new buttons by @hannesweilharter in #4888
- IDE-245 merge java11 support back to develop by @dorianpercic in #4960
- CATROID-1608 Add test for the changeSize brick by @dajminks in #4978
- CATROID-1551 REFACTOR SetVariableAction to Kotlin by @Hugoluk in #4790
- IDE-154 Add a play button to the landing page by @Jr9992 in #4915
- CATROID-1604 Fix resize/maximize button by @reichli in #4981
- chore: Update Koin dependency to version 2.1.6 by @sebastiangollob in #5019
- introduce plot brics without functionality by @StofflR in #5016
- introduce add actor and object by @StofflR in #5022
- IDE-257 Formula Editor - missing a "Confirm" button by @astrokit in #5008
- IDE-116 Visualize the color code in formulas by @Jr9992 in #4906
- IDE-127 reduce thumbnail screenshot dimensions by @Toml499 in #4852
- IDE-129 delete automatic screenshot if manual screenshot exists by @Toml499 in #4794
- IDE-122 Redesign of image previews by @rinaschedl in #4749
- CATROID-986 If there is only a single choice, do not ask the user which one by @l-ilma in #4650
- IDE-69 End of enclosing bricks (loops, conditionals etc) can't be moved by @scrappie1 in #4983
- Migrate targetSDKVersion 34 and minSDKVersion 31 by @ratschillerp in #5027
- Increase Version Code and Version Number by @ratschillerp in #5028
- Increase Version Number to 95 by @ratschillerp in #5029
- Teamday fixes by @Frajhamster in #5032
- IDE-264 Migrate targetSDKVersion 34 by @reichli in #5026
- Increase defaultVersionCode to 97 by @ratschillerp in #5037
New Contributors
- @JayTropper made their first contribution in #4403
- @Aayush2111 made their first contribution in #4703
- @jANI0x made their first contribution in #4721
- @rinaschedl made their first contribution in #4763
- @Petrischale made their first contribution in #4799
- @PratyushSingh07 made their first contribution in #4674
- @moemgva2910 made their first contribution in #4483
- @moberer made their first contribution in #4808
- @Toml499 made their first contribution in #4748
- @UlrichLa made their first contribution in #4586
- @almichu made their first contribution in #4595
- @edonmucaj made their first contribution in #4642
- @dajana8679 made their first contribution in #4706
- @coki1405 made their first contribution in #4901
- @hannesweilharter made their first contribution in #4884
- @astrokit made their first contribution in #4957
- @p0dlunsek made their first contribution in #4950
- @Robsangar made their first contribution in #4935
- @dajminks made their first contribution in #4978
- @Hugoluk made their first contribution in #4790
- @Jr9992 made their first contribution in #4915
- @StofflR made their first contribution in #5016
- @scrappie1 made their first contribution in #4983
- @Frajhamster made their first contribution in #5032
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.3.0