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Releases: testcontainers/testcontainers-java


29 May 13:13
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What's Changed

🚀 Features & Enhancements

  • Move away from using for default images (#2805) @rnorth
  • Couchbase: wait until query engine knows about bucket before creating… (#2662) @daschl
  • Couchbase: Bump Server Image Version (#2804) @daschl
  • Added additional url params in JdbcDatabaseContainer (#1802) (#1874) @eaxdev
  • Record and dump Ryuk's logs on timeout (#2810) @bsideup
  • Add default labels to images created with ImageFromDockerfile (#2809) @bsideup
  • Ensure that ParsedDockerfile supports platform args (#2780) @rnorth

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15 May 14:51
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What's Changed

🚀 Features & Enhancements

  • Add MongoDB module (#1961) @silaev
  • Add Apache Solr Module (#2123) @raynigon
  • Implement DockerClientFactory.isDockerAvailable() (#2605) @mvysny
  • RabbitMQ: Support declaring an exchange within a vhost (#2362) @dangets
  • Docker Compose: Verify that all services that have a wait condition defined also have a corresponding service instance (#2637) @jannis-baratheon
  • Add a getter for Toxiproxy exposed port (#2513) @lutovich
  • Add ContainerState#getHost as a replacement for getContainerIpAddress (#2742) @bsideup

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Store GenericContainer#exposedPorts as an order-preserving Set (#2613) @bsideup
  • Correction for an edge case in local image repos (duplicate tags) (#2692, #2431) @Choobz
  • Remove duplicate debug log message at container start (#2522) @Streppel
  • Fix a regression in OracleContainer introduced in #2473 (#2612) @bsideup

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23 Apr 14:33
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What's Changed

🚀 Features & Enhancements

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix regression introduced in #2473 (missing this constructor call) (#2596) @bsideup
  • Public ImageData class for custom image pull policies (#2585) @cha55son
  • Delegate getMetadata() to R2DBCDatabaseContainerProvider (#2577) @bsideup
  • Respect specified VNC recording directory for BrowserWebDriverContainer again (#2574) @srempfer

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13 Apr 17:52
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What's Changed

This release includes a number of big improvements, features and bug fixes! To name just a handful:

  • 🎉 docker-java is updated to 3.2.x. This is a major milestone for the library that we participated in. Please pay attention to deprecation warnings - ideally com.github.dockerjava.api.* should be the only package in use from com.github.dockerjava.*. Future versions of Testcontainers will no longer shade com.github.dockerjava.api.* and will include it as a dependency (com.github.docker-java:docker-java-api).

  • 🎉 R2DBC support for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server! See the docs for more info. Special thanks goes to the R2DBC team for their help and support with this PR.

  • 🎉 Vastly improved Couchbase container reliability, thanks to @daschl of @couchbase! This does include some small breaking changes to the Couchbase module's API - but ones that we consider to be worth the migration effort for a more stable build. Please see the documentation for the new usage syntax.

  • 🎉 Containers started by the JUnit Jupiter integration are now compatible with TestLifecycleAware, allowing greater hooks into phases of test execution.

  • 🎉 Broadened support for authenticated private registries when using Docker Compose.

Read on for many more improvements:

🚀 Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Use LogMessageWaitStrategy in VncRecordingContainer (#2547) @srempfer
  • Protect NetworkImpl#close from concurrency issues (#2203) @pivovarit
  • Fallback to getDefaultGateway() if "bridge" is unavailable. (#2429) @bsideup
  • Fix invalid connection URLs returned by PostgreSQLContainer (#1976) (#2049) @pivovarit
  • Fix internal port check when other ports are opened as well on the target container (#2363) @codablock
  • Make default file recording directory of BrowserWebDriverContainer platform independent (#2562) @kiview
  • Fix Spock's TestLifecycleAware integration (#2563) @bsideup

📖 Documentation

  • Add more clear warning message instructing users how to enable reusable containers (#2422) @aguibert
  • Add more information for using registry mirror (#2477) @sparsick
  • Remove unusual public in Groovy example code (#2238) @mkutz
  • Use @DynamicPropertySource in the Spring Boot example (#2495) @bsideup
  • Extend docs with registry mirror as workaround for custom images (#2452) @sparsick
  • Add example for Cassandra module (#2210, #1975) @ftrossbach

🧹 Housekeeping

  • Temporarily ignore DB2 test - unrelated CI disk space issues (#2557) @kiview. This will be reinstated shortly, following work to reduce the disk usage of individual CI jobs.
  • Add ciMate (#2550) @bsideup
  • Move static config in modules to constructor (#2473) @mitchjust
  • Fix update-docs-version.yml script (#2519) @rnorth
  • Bump Copyrights to 2020 (#2488) @pivovarit

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05 Mar 15:20
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What's Changed

🚀 Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix localstack cloudwatchlogs service (#2316) @MariuszCwikla
  • Set sourceJar.from=allSource for modules/spock (#2281) @pertu
  • Improve checkMountableFile on Windows with unusual paths (#2296) @bedla
  • Pin mkdocs dependencies to avoid version incompatibility (#2335) @rnorth
  • Add small delay in while loop to avoid spamming logs (ResourceReaper) (#2287) @worldtiki

📖 Documentation

  • idiomatize test container configuration in kotlin example (#1964) @alex0ptr
  • Adding Windows Subsystem for Linux section to the windows documentation (#2282) @rnorth
  • Add junit-jupiter dependency in junit 5 quickstart docs (#2301) @Dark0096
  • Mention JDBC URL change in Spring Boot 2.3.0 (#2286) @bsideup

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22 Jan 22:04
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What's Changed

🚀 Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Prevent duplicate attempts to start Ryuk container (#2245) @rnorth
  • Remove stray 'KB' suffix from docker build context size log mes… (#2214) @rnorth
  • JDBC: Fix parsing empty connection parameters (#2207) @findepi
  • Fix framing in OkHttp transport (#2155) @bsideup
  • do not implicitly connect to Kafka network (#2139) @bsideup
  • Truncate mode bits for z/OS file permissions (#2023) @aguibert
  • Fix DockerClientFactory#dockerHostIpAddress (#2119) @bsideup
  • Fix use of bash-specific /proc/net/tcp* check in InternalCommandPortListeningCheck t… (#2195) @perlun
  • Include only published projects into BOM (#2118) @bsideup

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29 Nov 11:00
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What's Changed

🚀 Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Stabilize CouchbaseContainer by merging the Socat command (#2081) @bsideup
  • Make Startables#deepStart always iterate sequentially (#2053) @pivovarit
  • Fix session label when reuse is not supported but requested (#2051) @bsideup
  • Fix docker image name parsing bugs (#2022) @rnorth

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26 Oct 08:41
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What's Changed

🚀 Features

🐛 Bug Fixes

📖 Documentation

  • Added documentation example of using local Docker Compose (#1987) @jonathanvila
  • Update example dependency specified in (#1817) @sghill
  • Add a simple example with how to use the mock server container (#1950) @worldtiki
  • Remove hostname and port from JDBC examples to avoid confusion (#1786) @bsideup

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26 Sep 08:09
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What's Changed

🚔 Security

  • Reduce logs in EnvironmentAndSystemPropertyClientProviderStrategy (#1913) @rnorth. This fixes an issue (#1912) whereby docker registry credentials could be logged:
    • if credentials were hardcoded in ~/.docker/config.json and
    • if Testcontainers detected environment variables/system properties (such as DOCKER_HOST) which set/override the address of the docker daemon.

We recommend that you check recent CI logs for any accidentally logged credentials, and apologise for the inconvenience. Please see below for an example of the log message, which occurs during initial connection to the Docker daemon.

INFO  o.t.d.DockerClientProviderStrategy - Found Docker environment with Environment 
variables, system properties and defaults. Resolved: 

has been changed to:

INFO  o.t.d.DockerClientProviderStrategy - Found Docker environment with Environment 
variables, system properties and defaults. Resolved dockerHost=unix:///var/run/docker.sock

Other changes

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08 Sep 08:11
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What's Changed

🚀 Features

  • Use "copy" strategy in withClasspathResourceMapping where appropriate (#1814) @bsideup
  • Speed up listening port detection by running the checks as a single command (#1782) @bsideup
  • RabbitMQ: Support legacy RabbitMQ configuration format (#1692) @twillouer
  • Separate "environment" and "classpath" properties (for global things) (#1784) @bsideup
  • Add check for compatible Docker OS type, to fail gracefully if Docker daemon does not support Linux containers (#1780) @Casz

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix credentials when using a helper that returns a token (#1734) @rszewczyk
  • Reinstate retries for image pulls (#1712) @rnorth
  • Amend container shutdown to catch and log for all Exception classes (#1663) @rnorth
  • Coordinate image removals after stopping containers (#1745) @aguibert
  • RabbitMQ: fix typo in binding command (#1792) @glefloch
  • Fix Deprecated MySQL Class Name warnings (#1760) @turackangal
  • Exclude jna transitive dependency from visible-assertions to reconcile versions (#1744) @eggilbert

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