[Deprecations service] FAQ documentation#99043
Bamieh wants to merge 1307 commits intoelastic:master from Bamieh:deprecations/faq_guide
This pull request is big! We're only showing the most recent 250 commits
Commits on Jun 21, 2021
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- authored
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- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- committed
- authored
- authored
- authoredWylie Conlon
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authoredConstance
- authored
- authored
- committed
- committed
Commits on Jun 22, 2021
[Workplace Search] Convert Sources pages to new page template (+ personal dashboard) (elastic#102592)
authoredConstance- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
Renamed button and dropdown items in headers (apm, logs, metrics and uptime) from alerts to rules (elastic#100918)
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authoredJohn Dorlus
- authoredAndrew Stucki
- authoredConstance
- authored
- authored
- authoredConstance
- authored
- authored
- authored
[Security Solution][Endpoint] Don't create event filters list from manifest manager (elastic#102618)
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authoredConstance
- authored
- authoredConstance
- authored
- authored
- authoredConstance
- authoredConstance
- authored
Replacing es_archives/reporting/ecommerce_kibana with kbn_archiver/reporting/ecommerce.json as part of migrating to kbn_archiver (elastic#102825)
authored- authored
Commits on Jun 23, 2021
- authored
- authoredConstance
- authoredConstance
- authored
- authoredConstance
- committed
- committed
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- committed
- authoredJohn Schulz
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authoredAlejandro Fernández Gómez
- authoredWylie Conlon
- authored
[maps] fix user has to click back button twice to navigate back to dashboard from create maps screen (elastic#103002)
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authoredTyler Smalley
- authored
[Enterprise Search] Support active nav links that have both subnav & non-subnav child routes (elastic#103036)
authoredConstance- authored
- authoredConstance
- authoredJohn Schulz
- authored
- authored
Commits on Jun 24, 2021
- authoredTyler Smalley
- authored
- authoredConstance
Exploratory View Mobile: Renamed Latency and Throuput labels to align with metric names in APM (elastic#102711)
authored- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authoredAlejandro Fernández Gómez
- authoredTim Roes
- committed
- authored
- authored
[Cases] Fix push to external service error when connector's mapping does not exists (elastic#102894)
- authored
- authoredTim Roes
- authored
- authored
- authored
[Task Manager] Add config switch around logging at different levels based on the state (elastic#102804)
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authored
- authoredJohn Schulz
Fix "Deleted rule" badge is not displayed if 'Rule Name' contains more than 55 words (elastic#103164)
authored- authored
- authored
- authored
- authoredConstance
[Security Solution][Endpoint][Host Isolation] Remove agent status for non endpoint alerts (elastic#102976)
authored- authoredAaron Caldwell
- authoredConstance
- authored
- committed
- authored
[docs][migrations v2] Update SO migration docs to include removal of index write block when handling corrupt SOs. (elastic#103014)
authored- authoredConstance
Commits on Jun 25, 2021
- authored
- authoredAaron Caldwell
- authored
- authored
Commits on Jun 26, 2021
Commits on Jun 27, 2021
- committed
- committed
- committed
- committed