Everything except dashboards v2 ready. AWS hosted version.
What's Changed
- 311 readme by @sellnat77 in #4
- Migrated info from slack and GDocs into a github friendly format by @sellnat77 in #3
- Javascript and Python Prototypes by @brodly in #8
- Python socrata widget by @sellnat77 in #9
- added request type dropdown and request endpoint on server by @brodly in #14
- Added toggle to display total requests per year by @brodly in #16
- Added 2015-2019 datasets and better error handling by @brodly in #17
- Added 2015 - 2019 datasets and better error handling for API by @brodly in #18
- Merge by @brodly in #19
- Moved data parsing to server and reduced # of req by client by @brodly in #21
- Added boilerplate flask, react, docker, compose by @sellnat77 in #22
- Hooked up the networking for docker-compose db seeder by @sellnat77 in #23
- First iteration of travis setup by @sellnat77 in #24
- Added build status indicator badge by @sellnat77 in #25
- Fixed up docker compose hacks for networking by @sellnat77 in #26
- CORS doesnt like 311-frontend by @sellnat77 in #27
- Proto image by @KChorseraddish in #42
- Create index.html by @sellnat77 in #43
- Added docs dir for gh-pages by @sellnat77 in #44
- Migrated react project into its own folder, removed backend dependencies by @sellnat77 in #45
- Folder Reorganization by @brodly in #46
- Create LICENSE by @sellnat77 in #48
- Enabled containerization of collab components by @sellnat77 in #47
- Added barebones prototype components and pictures by @sellnat77 in #49
- Actions test by @sellnat77 in #51
- Loading spinner by @sellnat77 in #50
- Feature react pinmap by @brodly in #52
- This is not a commit message by @brodly in #53
- Actions updates by @sellnat77 in #55
- Dev by @sellnat77 in #56
- Included process.env for maptoken by @brodly in #57
- Removed console.log by @brodly in #58
- Environment injection by @sellnat77 in #59
- Dev by @sellnat77 in #60
- actions by @sellnat77 in #61
- Environment injection by @sellnat77 in #62
- test by @sellnat77 in #63
- Environment injection by @sellnat77 in #64
- Fancy deploy by @sellnat77 in #65
- Environment injection by @sellnat77 in #66
- Added sass rebuilder and only one node version by @sellnat77 in #67
- Adopted date filters into treemap by @sellnat77 in #69
- Feature datepicker by @sellnat77 in #70
- Update with correct NC overlay data by @brodly in #71
- Backend workflow by @sellnat77 in #72
- Disabled production deployment for now by @sellnat77 in #73
- Scaffolding for base project by @sellnat77 in #74
- Devops workflows by @sellnat77 in #87
- Devops webpack by @sellnat77 in #88
- 80 barebones backend by @sellnat77 in #89
- Backend workflow by @sellnat77 in #90
- Clustering and data cleaning by @ryanmswan in #100
- Added asynchronicity to the backend and boilerplate services by @sellnat77 in #99
- Feature css framework by @brodly in #113
- Add SQL ingest class by @ryanmswan in #114
- 81 fe docker by @sellnat77 in #115
- created ingress service by @sellnat77 in #117
- Connecting SQL Ingest to app routes by @sellnat77 in #118
- Readme updates by @sellnat77 in #119
- Dev by @sellnat77 in #120
- Merge dataAnalysis branch into dev by @ryanmswan in #121
- Changed webpack dev server to port 3000 by @brodly in #122
- Data analysis by @sellnat77 in #123
- Added CSV stream to sqlIngest.py by @ryanmswan in #125
- added dataAnalysis onboarding document draft by @ryanmswan in #126
- Added first iteration of onboarding script, does not auto-install by @sellnat77 in #127
- Reporting endpoint for biggest offenders by @sellnat77 in #128
- Updated onboarding doc by @ryanmswan in #130
- further updates to onboarding doc by @ryanmswan in #131
- Dev by @rgao in #132
- Delete 2018_full.csv by @gennaer in #134
- Dev by @sellnat77 in #135
- Fixed build and test scripts by @brodly in #140
- First revision of getting started doc by @sellnat77 in #139
- Updated CI/CD build scripts by @brodly in #141
- Dev by @sellnat77 in #136
- Eslint by @brodly in #133
- fixed build issues by @brodly in #142
- Dev by @rgao in #146
- Onboarding script/documentation/docker fixes by @sellnat77 in #144
- Fixed webpack side of dockerfile for front end by @sellnat77 in #147
- Adjusted environments and scripts to clean up onboarding by @sellnat77 in #148
- Updating master with latest dev by @sellnat77 in #150
- time_to_close module by @rgao in #152
- Dev by @rgao in #168
- Issue #105 by @GeorgeSu in #176
- SQL Ingestion functionality updates by @ryanmswan in #177
- Update actions to build on PR instead of push by @sellnat77 in #181
- Dev by @rgao in #186
- Updated webpack to support the CD scripts by @sellnat77 in #187
- Added sodapy to requirements.txt by @sellnat77 in #189
- Making sure CI runs on all PRs by @sellnat77 in #190
- Update master with latest version of dev by @sellnat77 in #188
- Added linting and correctly implemented the backend github action by @sellnat77 in #192
- No Flake errors/warnings allowed by @sellnat77 in #194
- added changed in local fork to feature modules by @sellnat77 in #206
- Added partial update capability to sqlIngest by @ryanmswan in #204
- Dev update by @sellnat77 in #209
- Updating master with lastest dev by @sellnat77 in #208
- Issue #171 by @GeorgeSu in #211
- PostgreSQL -> MySQL by @rgao in #223
- #180 - Generic React components by @adamkendis in #220
- Issue #170 - Created Markdown File and Started List. by @JRHutson in #230
- #153 Create bare containers to establish general layout by @brodly in #224
- Added additional datasets to Markdown doc. by @JRHutson in #231
- Cleaner Object Addition by @ryanmswan in #227
- #225 Implement Sliding Menu/Sidebar by @brodly in #233
- Added City and Neighborhood Boundaries to Data Sources File. by @JRHutson in #237
- Issue #166 Dropdown by @adamkendis in #243
- Fixes #235 Enforced a frontend linting step to protect PRs by @sellnat77 in #241
- Bringing changes from master into dev by @sellnat77 in #245
- Updating master with latest dev by @sellnat77 in #244
- Added default props for pinMap by @sellnat77 in #246
- Admin update dev by @sellnat77 in #248
- dev -> master by @sellnat77 in #249
- Added additional LAPD datasets to public saftey section by @JRHutson in #250
- icon components by @ainneo in #234
- Closes #166 - Default and Custom Date Filters (Sidebar Filter) by @adamkendis in #255
- 155 nc selector by @brodly in #259
- Closes #156 - Request Type Selector by @adamkendis in #262
- Fixes #265 Added pinService and started data layer abstraction by @sellnat77 in #266
- Update README.md by @brodly in #261
- Added Population Data for Neighborhood Council Districts by @JRHutson in #260
- Pinmap service by @sellnat77 in #263
- Sass setup by @adamkendis in #267
- M d by @sellnat77 in #272
- Bringing dev up to date with master by @sellnat77 in #273
- Hot fix style loading prod issue by @brodly in #274
- Dev by @sellnat77 in #275
- added HoverOverInfo component by @jmensch1 in #282
- Correcting some misc environment settings by @sellnat77 in #286
- Added more boilerplate tests by @sellnat77 in #283
- First iteration of package registry push actions by @sellnat77 in #285
- Removed redundant config loading by @sellnat77 in #284
- activated HMR and redux devtools by @jmensch1 in #289
- consistent styling by @jmensch1 in #290
- CORS, docker, requirements fixes by @sellnat77 in #303
- Push latest changes into master by @sellnat77 in #304
- Docker fix by @sellnat77 in #307
- Docker build fix for github actions by @sellnat77 in #308
- #179 added script to verify .env file by @jmensch1 in #311
- 167+277 visualization components by @jmensch1 in #310
- Add backend service request template by @sellnat77 in #317
- Update issue templates by @sellnat77 in #319
- 157 sidebar together by @brodly in #309
- Adds current timestamp to lastPulled property of data responses by @sellnat77 in #326
- Added requestDetail endpoint by @sellnat77 in #327
- Adds server side gzip compression by @sellnat77 in #328
- Removed unused value in pin response by @sellnat77 in #329
- Update master with latest dev version by @sellnat77 in #331
- Added environment variable connection for workflows by @sellnat77 in #334
- Feature api pin change by @brodly in #333
- Updating master with dev by @sellnat77 in #335
- Append not overrite by @sellnat77 in #336
- Attempting at fixing deploy step for prod by @sellnat77 in #339
- Attempt at fixing deploy step by @sellnat77 in #340
- Deploy fix by @sellnat77 in #341
- Deploy fix by @sellnat77 in #342
- more visualization components by @jmensch1 in #338
- Figured out the environment variable stuff...not sure if good long te… by @sellnat77 in #343
- Only using the versions of python/node that are deployed to prod by @sellnat77 in #345
- Fixed cors issue when deployed to prod by @sellnat77 in #344
- Latest fixes from dev -> master by @sellnat77 in #346
- Exposing db connection string var for production deployment by @sellnat77 in #347
- DB connection string env var exposed for docker image by @sellnat77 in #348
- docker tagging by @sellnat77 in #349
- OOFED on the tags tag by @sellnat77 in #350
- Tags by @sellnat77 in #351
- Copying over settings file before docker build by @sellnat77 in #352
- Wrong path for settings file by @sellnat77 in #353
- Added http instead of s again by @sellnat77 in #354
- Leap of faith by @sellnat77 in #355
- Chrome doesnt like mixed content, must serve https by @sellnat77 in #356
- Update README.md by @johnr54321 in #367
- Update readme by @sellnat77 in #368
- Added basic postman collection for backend by @sellnat77 in #372
- Map - marker clustering, heatmap, other changes. by @adamkendis in #373
- Update README.md by @itsjoycelee in #369
- Tweaked ingest endpoint to expose limit at the api level by @sellnat77 in #371
- styling and layout of sidebar menu by @jmensch1 in #375
- added Loader component by @jmensch1 in #382
- fixed ingest issues by @jmensch1 in #384
- Backend image deploys to heroku on master dpeloyment by @sellnat77 in #388
- Description was missing a space for header syntax by @sellnat77 in #389
- Paging through socrata year datasets by @sellnat77 in #391
- Updating master with latest dev by @sellnat77 in #392
- added requestcounts endpoint by @jmensch1 in #393
- Allows socrata token override when starting docker image by @sellnat77 in #396
- Added pull request template by @sellnat77 in #395
- Sqlingest was parsing querySize and limit as strings if provided, par… by @sellnat77 in #394
- Release Update by @sellnat77 in #400
- Including request type in pins response by @sellnat77 in #414
- updated timetoclose endpoint by @jmensch1 in #422
- live data for charts by @jmensch1 in #413
- Release update by @sellnat77 in #425
- Added data error modal. Fix store not saving error by @brodly in #426
- Added a good chunk of the boilerplate for terraformation of 311-data by @sellnat77 in #423
- add live data to TimeToClose chart by @jmensch1 in #427
- 397 heatmap fixes by @brodly in #434
- Added system arch by @sellnat77 in #440
- Moving state file to s3 backend by @sellnat77 in #437
- Pushing heroku images to hfla managed email by @sellnat77 in #452
- Release update - new heroku by @sellnat77 in #453
- Updated Frequency Module by @rgao in #432
- Removed terraform checks by @sellnat77 in #454
- Back time to close and frequency fixes by @jmensch1 in #455
- 411 front export functionality by @jmensch1 in #451
- 332, 412 Map - custom markers, pin popup data fetching, clustering tweak by @adamkendis in #457
- added map export button by @jmensch1 in #459
- Release update by @sellnat77 in #458
- Added react router by @brodly in #462
- Updated components to use react router Switch by @brodly in #463
- fixed request type strings to match database by @jmensch1 in #464
- About311 page by @adamkendis in #465
- Update Dev to Master by @brodly in #466
- Update Continuous_Delivery.yml by @sellnat77 in #467
- One more 🌝 by @sellnat77 in #468
- Added base url by @brodly in #469
- added base url by @brodly in #471
- Dev to Master by @brodly in #472
- Spelling error by @brodly in #474
- SVG webpack fix by @adamkendis in #473
- Dev to master by @brodly in #475
- Update Continuous_Delivery.yml by @sellnat77 in #476
- Add analysis file by @mminamina in #478
- ingestion of all data by @jmensch1 in #479
- Github integration - issue/project card creation by @adamkendis in #481
- Added environment override for project url by @sellnat77 in #483
- Setting environment variables in heroku by @sellnat77 in #484
- Release update by @sellnat77 in #485
- Misc frontend fixes - HashRouter, NavLinks, styling changes. by @adamkendis in #490
- dev to master by @brodly in #491
- Cron job for nightly downloads of the last 5yr of 311-data by @sellnat77 in #495
- Nightly cron for past 5 years of data by @sellnat77 in #496
- Updated docker compose example and fixed dockerfile for frontend by @sellnat77 in #510
- Feature comparison tool sidebar by @adamkendis in #509
- About Page - updated hero image, wording, added logos by @adamkendis in #512
- Release update by @sellnat77 in #513
- added github sha as environment variable in backend docker container by @jmensch1 in #518
- comparison set colors tied to set number instead of district type by @jmensch1 in #519
- implemented front-end for contacts page by @rgao in #477
- Reverted react-leaflet-markercluster dependency to @next version by @adamkendis in #520
- Heatmap gradient legend, updated dropdowns by @adamkendis in #521
- Release update by @sellnat77 in #522
- Added indexes on filtered columns in the hopes of boosting performance by @sellnat77 in #526
- bug fix for NC selector in comparison modal by @jmensch1 in #531
- Add multi-class LGBM machine learning file by @mminamina in #532
- error handling in datepicker by @jmensch1 in #535
- performance header and api tests by @jmensch1 in #537
- Added healthcheck endpoint and fixed environment overrides by @sellnat77 in #540
- Cleaned out unused routes/classes by @sellnat77 in #541
- Added semantic versioning via settings.cfg by @sellnat77 in #542
- displaying version and github shas in footer by @jmensch1 in #545
- Added jmeter performance test of local server @ this commit vs Prod s… by @sellnat77 in #546
- Bring index fixes into master...and everything else by @sellnat77 in #536
- Added old and new jmeter logs by @sellnat77 in #548
- moved lastPulled into /apistatus response by @jmensch1 in #549
- jmeter readme by @jmensch1 in #564
- Front - grouping NC's / accessibility by @jmensch1 in #547
- Added datapipeline.py to dataAnalysis by @nikpap123 in #566
- Front/Accessibility: alt text by @adamkendis in #567
- Remove Node.js installation in CI pipeline by @raymonddeng99 in #573
- /pin-clusters with redis (plus /heatmap) by @jmensch1 in #574
- integration of /pin-clusters by @jmensch1 in #575
- Front - Footer, misc styling fixes by @adamkendis in #583
- Release update by @sellnat77 in #578
- Added Estimated Time of Completion Model and data cleaning pipeline by @nikpap123 in #577
- Add LAHealthcare Intro files by @mminamina in #586
- Adjusted the years being pulled into the database by @sellnat77 in #587
- calculating _daystoclose during ingest; nc code fixes by @jmensch1 in #557
- YARU (Yet another release update) by @sellnat77 in #589
- Fixed data vis error resulting from a query with zero results. by @adamkendis in #600
- isolated db in its own module by @jmensch1 in #601
- reading in pandas/materialized views by @jmensch1 in #602
- metadata table with last_pulled populated during ingest by @jmensch1 in #603
- React Router basename fix by @adamkendis in #607
- endpoint consolidation by @jmensch1 in #606
- Dev to Master by @adamkendis in #617
- ingestion script by @jmensch1 in #618
- merge by @jmensch1 in #619
- picklecache by @jmensch1 in #623
- BACK: config enhancements by @jmensch1 in #620
- Add Data Analysis Folder by @mminamina in #629
- picklebase by @jmensch1 in #638
- added GITHUB_SHA to environment by @jmensch1 in #640
- Pickle base fix by @jmensch1 in #642
- Add HealthcareShortage Comparison Analysis by @mminamina in #639
- BrowserRouter, referral tracking, Mixpanel by @adamkendis in #649
- Reuses MarkerClusterGroup by @derekmiranda in #647
- database update script by @jmensch1 in #648
- Front - workflow updates by @adamkendis in #657
- Back small fixes by @jmensch1 in #660
- change default SOCRATA_TOKEN and other vars to None by @jmensch1 in #661
- Cookie notice, privacy policy by @adamkendis in #662
- Map features, About page changes by @adamkendis in #665
- Contact Page changes by @adamkendis in #666
- Custom date range limit, About page scroll button, update ISSUES_URL by @adamkendis in #672
- Giving Mayor's office credit where due. by @johnr54321 in #677
- Compressed images by @adamkendis in #678
- Updating from MIT license to GNU Public License by @johnr54321 in #671
- Update to GNU GPL v3.0 license template by @adamkendis in #681
- backend refactor by @jmensch1 in #682
- respond-to-feedback email feature by @jmensch1 in #688
- postman integration by @jmensch1 in #689
- Added line for 311-report tool by @johnr54321 in #686
- Frontend Continuous Deployment by @adamkendis in #691
- Back dev deployment and update by @jmensch1 in #692
- Minor update to frontend deployment workflows by @adamkendis in #693
- added sudo to git pull by @jmensch1 in #694
- Add DeepLearning CNN OLC files by @mminamina in #690
- updating DB and picklebase on server start by @jmensch1 in #695
- Add ML/DL models by @mminamina in #697
- Back dev update fixes by @jmensch1 in #698
- Back db connection fix by @jmensch1 in #701
- workflow updates by @jmensch1 in #715
- updated postman environments with new urls by @jmensch1 in #716
- adjusted workflows for ssh and new dev url by @jmensch1 in #717
- changed comment to trigger workflows by @jmensch1 in #718
- Frontend cleanup and favicon by @adamkendis in #720
- Fixed .env path in frontend workflows by @adamkendis in #721
- Back more cleanup by @jmensch1 in #727
- Frontend workflows fixed by @adamkendis in #728
- Social media meta tags by @adamkendis in #729
- increased size of text in mapbox tiles by @jmensch1 in #730
- Initial SEO improvements by @adamkendis in #731
- Accessible request type colors by @adamkendis in #732
- Url fix for og tags, primary/alt request type colors by @adamkendis in #736
- Switch to accessible colors by @adamkendis in #739
- Front end README and setup by @adamkendis in #742
- Updated Mapbox attribution by @tan-nate in #752
- Nc labels by @JRHutson in #735
- Analytics scripts, pie chart tweak by @adamkendis in #750
- added descriptive tooltips throughout app by @jmensch1 in #759
- /map/pins endpoint by @jmensch1 in #762
- /open-requests endpoint working by @jmensch1 in #766
- Front ie11 support by @adamkendis in #768
- IE11 support - fix dfa version by @adamkendis in #769
- comment to trigger dev deploy workflow by @adamkendis in #770
- Issue #744 - fixed text alignment of request type selector using style checkboxLabelDisplayStyle by @hannahlivnat in #763
- Styles: request type colors, map markers/tooltips stacking order by @adamkendis in #771
- Update README.md by @pras4u in #773
- Ui testing by @croor005 in #760
- deleted data team files by @jmensch1 in #775
- Swap to accessible color palette by @adamkendis in #774
- Environment Variables for devApi by @croor005 in #776
- 561 focused elements- update focus style by @hannahlivnat in #767
- Ui testing: Moving tests into a single file by @croor005 in #778
- added index to open_requests view by @jmensch1 in #777
- Frontend - repo cleanup by @adamkendis in #779
- Adding documentation by @croor005 in #780
- moved contents of /bin into /misc by @jmensch1 in #781
- 581 filter menu - error handling for data and comparison forms by @hannahlivnat in #783
- changes to enable module use by @mattyweb in #787
- new unit tests with new library versions + fixes by @mattyweb in #792
- coverting dates on request detail by @mattyweb in #794
- Aria attributes by @adamkendis in #800
- Cypress e2e workflow update by @adamkendis in #805
- 807 front nc boundary update by @jmensch1 in #810
- 558 front hamburger menu by @tan-nate in #799
- 562 front accessibility panel by @tan-nate in #806
- 784 faq page by @hannahlivnat in #812
- Smaller pins by @adamkendis in #818
- Accessibility Panel Tweak by @tan-nate in #815
- disabling cypress for now by @jmensch1 in #820
- changed dev daily update command to use prefect by @jmensch1 in #825
- swapped in prefect script for daily update by @jmensch1 in #826
- 809 screenreader support by @hannahlivnat in #821
- 582 keyboard accessibility by @alexchoiweb in #814
- New API testing by @mattyweb in #824
- Add prefect by @mattyweb in #823
- Adding async redis caching by @mattyweb in #811
- Add alembic by @mattyweb in #804
- API new version by @mattyweb in #803
- First set of API refactor changes by @mattyweb in #797
- devops changes to API by @mattyweb in #842
- Super basic v2 starter by @adamkendis in #845
- FEAT: adding devops support for ECS #850 by @mattyweb in #852
- Minor devops changes by @mattyweb in #853
- Add GearButton by @Tanvez in #851
- colors for types and cache/perf tweaks by @mattyweb in #855
- adding council websites by @mattyweb in #856
- adding council cache with .env by @mattyweb in #857
- Adding docker tools and instructions for client side devs by @mattyweb in #854
- including .env by @mattyweb in #858
- Feat adding gitsha by @mattyweb in #859
- Feat adding gitsha by @mattyweb in #860
- Feat adding gitsha by @mattyweb in #861
- Feat adding code version by @mattyweb in #862
- Setting GitSha and Code Version in GitHub Action by @mattyweb in #863
- deleting unused stuff by @mattyweb in #865
- adding update to action by @mattyweb in #866
- adding alembic task script by @mattyweb in #867
- Mapbox initial integration by @adamkendis in #870
- Feat request type metadata by @mattyweb in #872
- Feat cache improvements by @mattyweb in #873
- Feat cache improvements by @mattyweb in #874
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 in /e2e by @dependabot in #871
- Feat cache improvements by @mattyweb in #879
- Feat cache improvements by @mattyweb in #880
- Feat cache improvements by @mattyweb in #881
- Feat cache improvements by @mattyweb in #882
- Feat cache improvements by @mattyweb in #883
- 836 map setting menu left drawer by @Tanvez in #875
- Metadata fetching, expanding filter menu, desktop layout by @adamkendis in #876
- Bump axios from 0.19.2 to 0.21.1 in /client by @dependabot in #884
- metadata fix by @adamkendis in #885
- Added theme colors constants into colors.js by @rufataliy in #889
- 891 front selector box by @rufataliy in #893
- output camelcase + updating deps by @mattyweb in #895
- adding new year datasource by @mattyweb in #897
- Feat api camelcase by @mattyweb in #898
- Feat api camelcase by @mattyweb in #899
- Added gaps and borderRadius to the theme by @rufataliy in #901
- changing type counts to camelcase by @mattyweb in #906
- adding postgis and council geojson by @mattyweb in #910
- 909 feat serve geojson by @mattyweb in #911
- update request_types colors by @adamkendis in #914
- Map - fetching BoundaryLayer geojson by @adamkendis in #917
- Linting pre-commit hook by @adamkendis in #918
- various clean up by @mattyweb in #912
- Feat remove clusters by @mattyweb in #921
- AWS economizing by @mattyweb in #923
- 869 front webpack cpu usage by @rufataliy in #926
- 830 front date range picker by @rufataliy in #900
- More clean up by @mattyweb in #927
- 831 front toggle buttons by @rufataliy in #920
- Investigate alternative reporting by @mattyweb in #928
- Build flexible reporting endpoint by @mattyweb in #932
- Added stats route to /types endpoint (and new index) by @mattyweb in #940
- Enable filtering on /requests endpoint by @mattyweb in #943
- Adding council_name and type_name by @mattyweb in #944
- 929 front date selector bug fix by @rufataliy in #930
- Added /requests/updated route by @mattyweb in #945
- RequestTypeSelector (desktop) by @adamkendis in #902
- Docs cleanup 2021 by @mattyweb in #953
- Add Agency (owner) to database as entity by @mattyweb in #955
- Support getting council from location (NC geocoding) by @mattyweb in #958
- Add CORS checks by @mattyweb in #969
- Mattyweb/issue954 by @mattyweb in #970
- Mattyweb/issue971 by @mattyweb in #975
- Request Type Descriptions by @mattyweb in #977
- 973 on change bug front by @rufataliy in #974
- Mattyweb/issue937 by @mattyweb in #978
- Switch to timestamps for requests by @mattyweb in #979
- Mattyweb/issue976 by @mattyweb in #980
- Mattyweb/issue976 by @mattyweb in #981
- Mattyweb/issue976 by @mattyweb in #983
- Mattyweb/issue976 by @mattyweb in #984
- Investigate /requests performance by @mattyweb in #988
- Mattyweb/issue986 by @mattyweb in #989
- Tune performance (caching API status calls) by @mattyweb in #991
- Mattyweb/issue990 by @mattyweb in #992
- Tune performance by @mattyweb in #993
- 997 - RequestsLayer fix by @adamkendis in #1000
- Add type stats per council to API by @mattyweb in #1003
- Mattyweb/issue1001 by @mattyweb in #1005
- Adding Type hotspots to API by @mattyweb in #1008
- adding councils to hotspot geojson by @mattyweb in #1009
- Display service request details in map popup by @adamkendis in #1011
- 904 Council Multiselect by @adamkendis in #996
- Removed expanded default prop for CouncilSelector dropdown by @adamkendis in #1014
- Integrate Dash reports into the app by @mattyweb in #1010
- Add REPORT_URL to front end workflows by @adamkendis in #1015
- Add workflow_dispatch to front end dev deploy workflow by @adamkendis in #1016
- Add Sentry error tracking to the React Client by @mattyweb in #1020
- adding cache for reports by @mattyweb in #1021
- Report cache by @mattyweb in #1022
- Create job to recycle dashboards every night by @mattyweb in #1023
- Changed ALB target group timeout to 30s by @mattyweb in #1024
- removing this file by @mattyweb in #1026
- Mattyweb/issue1025 by @mattyweb in #1027
- Adding link to title by @mattyweb in #1029
- Address Bug in Infrastructure #935 by @mattyweb in #1036
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1037
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1038
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1039
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1040
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1041
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1042
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1043
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1044
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1045
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1046
- Mattyweb/issue1028 by @mattyweb in #1047
- [CMPT] Switch to hosted Contact web form by @mattyweb in #1033
- Added agency, source to request detail popup by @adamkendis in #1049
- mapboxgl-popup-content width fix by @adamkendis in #1050
- Fixed Map memory leak by @adamkendis in #1051
- Footer bugfix by @adamkendis in #1052
- Merge dash project into main codebase by @mattyweb in #1058
- Mattyweb/issue938 by @mattyweb in #1059
- Make a sample cloropleth map by @mattyweb in #1061
- Mattyweb/issue1060 by @mattyweb in #1062
- Mattyweb/issue1060 by @mattyweb in #1063
- RequestsLayer circle-color fix by @adamkendis in #1065
- Fixed disappearing NC boundaries by @adamkendis in #1066
- Add Request Type Map report option to header by @mattyweb in #1068
- Remove Postman tests by @mattyweb in #1072
- Add CSV and Gzipped CSV output of Service Requests by @mattyweb in #1075
- Mattyweb/issue1074 by @mattyweb in #1076
- Mattyweb/issue1074 by @mattyweb in #1078
- Mattyweb/issue1074 by @mattyweb in #1079
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.3 to 1.26.4 in /server/locust by @dependabot in #1077
- Mattyweb/issue1074 by @mattyweb in #1080
- Map address search by @adamkendis in #1081
- Added days open to RequestDetail by @adamkendis in #1082
- Add auto-formatting, import reodering and pre-commit to dash project by @mattyweb in #1084
- Get Dash project set up for new developers by @mattyweb in #1085
- Get Dash project set up for new developers by @mattyweb in #1086
- Added NC search by @adamkendis in #1087
- Removed CouncilSelector by @adamkendis in #1088
- Added location info to map by @adamkendis in #1089
- Address layer changes by @adamkendis in #1093
- Map menu by @adamkendis in #1108
- 964 cmpt global footer by @mbryant0 in #1111
- RequestTypeSelector fix by @adamkendis in #1113
- Accessible colors by @adamkendis in #1118
- Changes pie charts to donut charts by @chelseybeck in #1133
- Delete stale.yml by @ExperimentsInHonesty in #1138
- Cookie Component by @funbunch in #1142
- adding a read me file to the dashboard directory with instructions on… by @chelseybeck in #1143
- Update README.md by @chelseybeck in #1144
- Adding titles to chart by @chelseybeck in #1151
- changed two words in description to test permissions by @chelseybeck in #1145
- Added zindex to datepicker and footer by @funbunch in #1153
- Specify Node v12 for CI_Frontend Action by @nichhk in #1183
- Add
block to client/package.json so that Node version is explicitly stated by @nichhk in #1189 - 1127-nav-hoverContrast change hover to red by @ezhou0 in #1148
- Make other frontend Actions use Node v12 by @nichhk in #1193
- 1141 map select options by @ezhou0 in #1149
- Add note about using Node 12 by @nichhk in #1207
- Add GitHub/SendGrid config info to .env file for create_release_dev.yml, partially fixing #1099 by @nichhk in #1206
- add create_release_dev_v1.yml by @nichhk in #1209
- add as an allowed origin for dev/v2 by @nichhk in #1210
- change middleware ordering by @nichhk in #1212
- remove brackets from API_ALLOWED_ORIGINS by @nichhk in #1213
- Make middleware factory by @nichhk in #1215
- add www origin by @nichhk in #1216
- add comment about add_middleware by @nichhk in #1217
- Request type colors by @joshuayhwu in #1221
- 1154 nc boundaries not rendering on dev site by @nichhk in #1225
- Update hot reloading instructions by @nichhk in #1237
- Describe what 311 Data does on root README by @nichhk in #1241
- Remove duplicate NC name on neighborhood recent dashboard by @joshuayhwu in #1243
- Updated text on contact form. by @funbunch in #1238
- 1253 request type selector not working by @nichhk in #1263
- 1254 status selector not working by @nichhk in #1265
- 1266 get a weeks worth of requests by default on dev site by @nichhk in #1268
- #1202 Initial add About page and added to header nav. by @funbunch in #1267
- Make date selector work on date ranges within the past week by @nichhk in #1273
- 1271 parallelize api calls on the frontend by @nichhk in #1280
- 1252 make date selector work beyond week by @nichhk in #1281
- Fixes v2 dev website dashboard not loading by @joshuayhwu in #1256
- Update data source documentation by @joshuayhwu in #1285
- V2 background color continuity across all pages #1200 by @ardada2468 in #1274
- Background Continuity issu by @ardada2468 in #1245
- Make all request types selected by default by @funbunch in #1272
- 1283 date range selector should display the date range for the past week by default by @nichhk in #1296
- 1282 reactdaypicker updates date ranges when only start date is selected by @nichhk in #1299
- also use startDate to check whether to get more data by @nichhk in #1303
- add simple CircularProgress component when loading by @nichhk in #1304
- Update plotly dash overview dashboards (combined old dashboards) by @joshuayhwu in #1288
- Remove postinstall line by @nichhk in #1314
- Updated documentation for local client and server setup by @edwinjue in #1318
- Made small update to documentation to successfully display overview dashboard locally by @edwinjue in #1324
- Added lighthouse audit instructions under development (see 'Making new code changes?' section) by @edwinjue in #1321
- Add plotly dash NC summary & comparison dashboard by @joshuayhwu in #1295
- Adding more content to About.jsx. Trying to add images now. by @funbunch in #1298
- Removed prefect test
and addedpytest==7.1.2
to requirements.txt by @edwinjue in #1326 - fixed syntax error in
Run unit tests
by @edwinjue in #1329 - 1270 enable eslint on all js files (partially fixed) by @edwinjue in #1331
- Contact page fully functional. Utilizes Material UI design components and inherits styles from theme by @edwinjue in #1330
- Delete client/components/contact/tests directory by @edwinjue in #1339
- Delete contactForm.test.js.snap by @edwinjue in #1344
- Delete client/tests/components/contact/snapshots directory by @edwinjue in #1343
- ignore snapshots and /coverage/ directories in .gitignore by @edwinjue in #1346
- Fixes: Contact form submit button does not show up when screen resolution height <= 690px by @edwinjue in #1341
- reverted positioning of footer component back to position:fixed by @edwinjue in #1349
- Fixes: Contact form submit button does not show up when screen resolution height <= 690px by @edwinjue in #1353
- update reports links to new dashboards by @nichhk in #1356
- 1307 be caching get filtered requests by @jekijo in #1322
- 1308 fe preventing dates longer than 3 months by @jekijo in #1342
- 1307 be chaching get filtered requests by @nichhk in #1359
- Finished adding the rest of the content. Adjusted grid and styling. by @funbunch in #1338
- remove fromMonth to nav to previous months on date filter by @nichhk in #1361
- Adding the API call script to fetch all rows of data for a given year by @priyakalyan in #1257
- fix bug when checking break condition for get_request_data_csv by @nichhk in #1382
- Migrate Dash server to use Dash Pages for multi-page functionality by @nichhk in #1379
- #1 v2 dependencies by @edwinjue in #1386
- #2 v2 new components by @edwinjue in #1388
- #3 v2 header & footer updates by @edwinjue in #1389
- #5 v2 FAQs by @edwinjue in #1391
- #6 v2 Privacy by @edwinjue in #1392
- #8 v2 map initial by @edwinjue in #1394
- #7 v2 Contact by @edwinjue in #1393
- #4 v2 About page by @edwinjue in #1390
- Using new Multi-Page Functionality from Dash to resolve gunicorn-dash interaction issue by @joshuayhwu in #1387
- Update links to dashboards by @nichhk in #1402
- 1401 fe update color of reports dropdown by @jekijo in #1404
- Reports background fix by @edwinjue in #1406
- log reload page content if reloading "failed" by @nichhk in #1409
- 1284 new loading modal display by @jekijo in #1412
- Added
to Header and updated color of reports dropdown with underline by @edwinjue in #1414 - Updated population density of the LA city neighborhood councils (NCs). by @priyakalyan in #1336
- fix: incorrect date range if end date picked first by @bryantran04 in #1439
- Implement desktop menu redesign by @edwinjue in #1446
- added name and message validations by @chencc33 in #1438
- Added search feature to header of FAQs page by @tinazarb in #1449
- Update config.toml to consume 2023 data by @bryantran04 in #1452
- Updated navigation text and routes from 'Reports' to 'Dashboard' by @tinazarb in #1459
- Sample only 1% of api status calls by @bryantran04 in #1464
- 1385 heading faq by @chencc33 in #1457
- 1465 search filter request types by @edwinjue in #1466
- Fix: Bug not accessing path parameter properly by @bryantran04 in #1471
- Changed menu dropdown bg color and removed persistent underline by @funbunch in #1474
- 1383 need to update contentfulcom to mirror the content in figma eg remove the privacy policy heading from the content area by @funbunch in #1480
- Added regex to fix unwanted string char. by @funbunch in #1481
- bookmark poc by @bryantran04 in #1482
- 1486 fix address search in desktop menu by @edwinjue in #1497
New Contributors
- @brodly made their first contribution in #8
- @ryanmswan made their first contribution in #100
- @rgao made their first contribution in #132
- @gennaer made their first contribution in #134
- @GeorgeSu made their first contribution in #176
- @JRHutson made their first contribution in #230
- @ainneo made their first contribution in #234
- @johnr54321 made their first contribution in #367
- @itsjoycelee made their first contribution in #369
- @mminamina made their first contribution in #478
- @nikpap123 made their first contribution in #566
- @raymonddeng99 made their first contribution in #573
- @derekmiranda made their first contribution in #647
- @tan-nate made their first contribution in #752
- @hannahlivnat made their first contribution in #763
- @pras4u made their first contribution in #773
- @croor005 made their first contribution in #760
- @mattyweb made their first contribution in #787
- @alexchoiweb made their first contribution in #814
- @Tanvez made their first contribution in #851
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #871
- @rufataliy made their first contribution in #889
- @mbryant0 made their first contribution in #1111
- @chelseybeck made their first contribution in #1133
- @ExperimentsInHonesty made their first contribution in #1138
- @funbunch made their first contribution in #1142
- @ezhou0 made their first contribution in #1148
- @joshuayhwu made their first contribution in #1221
- @ardada2468 made their first contribution in #1274
- @jekijo made their first contribution in #1322
- @priyakalyan made their first contribution in #1257
- @bryantran04 made their first contribution in #1439
- @chencc33 made their first contribution in #1438
- @tinazarb made their first contribution in #1449
Full Changelog: https://github.com/hackforla/311-data/commits/v2-aws