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1338 lines (1195 loc) · 134 KB

File metadata and controls

1338 lines (1195 loc) · 134 KB

3.0.0 (Unreleased)

Changes in progress for v3.0.0 are available at .changes/v3.0.0 until the release.

2.26.1 (December 5, 2024)


  • Added CSE 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 support (#723)

2.26.0 (September 17, 2024)


  • Added CRUD operations for External Endpoints: VCDClient.CreateExternalEndpoint, VCDClient.GetAllExternalEndpoints, VCDClient.GetExternalEndpoint, VCDClient.GetExternalEndpointById, ExternalEndpoint.Update and ExternalEndpoint.Delete (#696)
  • Added CRUD operations for API Filters: VCDClient.CreateApiFilter, VCDClient.GetAllApiFilters, VCDClient.GetApiFilterById, ApiFilter.Update and ApiFilter.Delete (#696, #697)
  • Added Read and Update operations for ALB Virtual Service HTTP Request Rules via NsxtAlbVirtualService.GetAllHttpRequestRules and NsxtAlbVirtualService.UpdateHttpRequestRules (#706)
  • Added Read and Update operations for ALB Virtual Service HTTP Response Rules via NsxtAlbVirtualService.GetAllHttpResponseRules and NsxtAlbVirtualService.UpdateHttpResponseRules (#706)
  • Added Read and Update operations for ALB Virtual Service HTTP Security Rules via NsxtAlbVirtualService.GetAllHttpSecurityRules and NsxtAlbVirtualService.UpdateHttpSecurityRules (#706)


  • Added OpenAPIEdgeGateway.NonDistributedRoutingEnabled and Connection.ConnectionTypeValue for OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork child to support configuring non distributed Org VDC networks in NSX-T Edge Gateways (#698)
  • Improved types.NetworkConnection structure to support VM Secondary IP allocations (IPv6) (#694)
  • Added Client.CustomAdfsCookie and configuration function WithSamlAdfsAndCookie that might be beneficial for ADFS server lookup query when using SAML auth (#699)
  • SAML ADFS auth flow will use Bearer token instead the old one (#699)
  • Added VM Hardware Upgrade method vm.UpgradeHardwareVersion (#701)
  • Added OrgPasswordPolicySettings type to be able to set account lockout properties for an Organization (#702)
  • Added methods VCDClient.GetAllTier0RouterInterfaces and VCDClient.GetTier0RouterInterfaceByName that help to lookup NSX-T Tier-0 Router Interfaces (#704)
  • Added IpSpaceUplink.Interfaces field that can associate Tier-0 Router Interfaces to IP Space Uplinks on VCD 10.5+ (#704)
  • Added field QueryResultVMRecordType.VmNameInVc (#705)


  • Fixed Issue 1287 Read-only org sharing prevents sharing to users (#693)
  • Fixed an XML error when updating a VM spec section: Undeclared namespace prefix "ns5" (#697)


  • Modifies Test_CreateDeleteEdgeGatewayAdvanced to avoid its failure as VCD returns Connected: true when retrieving the Edge Gateway data (#697)

2.25.0 (July 2, 2024)


  • Added types SolutionLandingZone and types.SolutionLandingZone for Solution Add-on Landing Zone configuration (#665)
  • Added method DefinedEntity.Refresh to reload RDE state (#665)
  • Added VCDClient methods CreateSolutionLandingZone, GetAllSolutionLandingZones, GetExactlyOneSolutionLandingZone, GetSolutionLandingZoneById for handling Solution Landing Zones (#665)
  • Added SolutionLandingZone methods Refresh, RdeId, Update, Delete to help handling of Solution Landing Zones (#665)
  • Added VM methods GetExtraConfig, UpdateExtraConfig, DeleteExtraConfig to manage VM extra-configuration (#666, #691)
  • Added Client method GetSite to retrieve generic data about the current site (#669)
  • Added Client methods GetSiteAssociationData and GetSiteRawAssociationData to retrieve association about from current site (#669)
  • Added Client methods GetSiteAssociations and QueryAllSiteAssociations to retrieve all site associations from current site (#669)
  • Added Client method GetSiteAssociationBySiteId to retrieve a specific site association from current site (#669)
  • Added Client method CheckSiteAssociation to check the status of a site association (#669)
  • Added Client methods SetSiteAssociationAsync and SetSiteAssociation to set a site association with current site (#669)
  • Added Client methods RemoveSiteAssociationAsync and RemoveSiteAssociation to delete a site association from current site (#669)
  • Added Client method QueryAllOrgAssociations and GetOrgAssociations to retrieve all org associations visible to current user (#669)
  • Added AdminOrg method GetOrgAssociationByOrgId to retrieve a specific organization association from current org (#669)
  • Added AdminOrg methods GetOrgAssociationData and GetOrgRawAssociationData to retrieve association about from current org (#669)
  • Added AdminOrg method CheckOrgAssociation to check the status of an org association (#669)
  • Added AdminOrg methods SetOrgAssociationAsync and SetOrgAssociation to set an organization association with current org (#669)
  • Added AdminOrg methods RemoveOrgAssociationAsync and RemoveOrgAssociation to delete an organization association from current org (#669)
  • Added function RawDataToStructuredXml and ReadXmlDataFromFile to extract specific data from string or file (#669)
  • Added AdminOrg methods QueryAllOrgs, QueryOrgByName, QueryOrgByID to query organizations (#612,#669)
  • Added AdminOrg methods GetAllOrgs and GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks to retrieve organizations and networks available to current user (#669)
  • Added types SolutionAddOn, SolutionAddOnConfig and types.SolutionAddOn for Solution Add-on Landing configuration (#670)
  • Added VCDClient methods CreateSolutionAddOn, GetAllSolutionAddons, GetSolutionAddonById, GetSolutionAddonByName for handling Solution Add-Ons (#670)
  • Added SolutionAddOn methods Update, RdeId, Delete to help handling of Solution Landing Zones (#670)
  • Added VCDClient method TrustAddOnImageCertificate to trust certificate if it is not yet trusted (#670)
  • Added AdminOrg methods GetOpenIdConnectSettings, SetOpenIdConnectSettings and DeleteOpenIdConnectSettings to manage OpenID Connect settings (#671)
  • Added autoscaling capabilities when creating or updating CSE Kubernetes clusters, with CseWorkerPoolSettings.Autoscaler and CseWorkerPoolUpdateInput.Autoscaler, that allows to configure this mechanism on specific worker pools (#678)
  • Added types SolutionAddOnInstance and types.SolutionAddOnInstance for Solution Add-on Instance management (#679)
  • Added VCDClient methods GetAllSolutionAddonInstanceByName, GetAllSolutionAddonInstances, GetSolutionAddOnInstanceById (#679)
  • Added SolutionAddOn methods CreateSolutionAddOnInstance, GetAllInstances, GetInstanceByName, ValidateInputs, ConvertInputTypes (#679)
  • Added SolutionAddOnInstance methods GetParentSolutionAddOn, ReadCreationInputValues Delete, RdeId, Publishing (#679)
  • Added methods to create, read, update and delete VDC Templates: VCDClient.CreateVdcTemplate, VCDClient.GetVdcTemplateById, VCDClient.GetVdcTemplateByName, VdcTemplate.Update and VdcTemplate.Delete (#686)
  • Added methods to manage the access settings of VDC Templates: VdcTemplate.SetAccessControl and VdcTemplate.GetAccessControl (#686)
  • Added the VdcTemplate.InstantiateVdcAsync and VdcTemplate.InstantiateVdc methods to instantiate VDC Templates (#686)
  • Added the VCDClient.QueryAdminVdcTemplates and Org.QueryVdcTemplates methods to get all VDC Template records (#686)
  • Added types DataSolution and types.DataSolution for Data Storage Extension (DSE) management (#689)
  • Added DataSolution methods RdeId, Name, Update, Publish, Unpublish, PublishRightsBundle, UnpublishRightsBundle, PublishAccessControls, UnpublishAccessControls, GetAllAccessControls, GetAllAccessControlsForTenant, GetAllInstanceTemplates, PublishAllInstanceTemplates, UnPublishAllInstanceTemplates, GetAllDataSolutionOrgConfigs, GetDataSolutionOrgConfigForTenant (#689)
  • Added VCDClient methods GetAllDataSolutions, GetDataSolutionById, GetDataSolutionByName, GetAllInstanceTemplates (#689)
  • Added types DataSolutionInstanceTemplate and types.DataSolutionInstanceTemplate for Data Storage Extension (DSE) Solution Instance Template management (#689)
  • Added DataSolutionInstanceTemplate methods Name, GetAllAccessControls, GetAllAccessControlsForTenant, Publish, Unpublish, RdeId (#689)
  • Added types DataSolutionOrgConfig and types.DataSolutionOrgConfig for Data Storage Extension (DSE) Solution Instance Org Configuration management (#689)
  • Added DataSolutionOrgConfig methods CreateDataSolutionOrgConfig, GetAllDataSolutionOrgConfigs, Delete, RdeId (#689)


  • Improved log traceability by sending X-VMWARE-VCLOUD-CLIENT-REQUEST-ID header in requests. The header will be formatted in such format 162-2024-04-11-08-41-34-171- where the first number (162) is the API call sequence number in the life of that particular process followed by a hyphen separated date time with millisecond precision (2024-04-11-08-41-34-171 for April 11th of year 2024 at time 08:41:34.171). The trailing hyphen - is here to separate response header X-Vmware-Vcloud-Request-Id suffix with double hyphen 162-2024-04-11-08-41-34-171--40d78874-27a3-4cad-bd43-2764f557226b (#656)
  • Fix bug in Client.GetSpecificApiVersionOnCondition that could result in using unsupported API version (#658)
  • Added fields NatAndFirewallServiceIntention and NetworkRouteAdvertisementIntention to types.ExternalNetworkV2, which allow users to configure NAT, Firewall and Route Advertisement intentions for provider gateways in VCD 10.5.1+ (#660)
  • Added field ActionValue to types.NsxtFirewallRule instead of Action that is deprecated in VCD API. It allows users to use REJECT option (#661)
  • Added DetectedGuestOS to QueryResultVMRecordType (#673)
  • Added convenience method DefinedEntity.State() that will automatically check if path to *State has no nil pointers (#679)
  • Added method NsxtEdgeGateway.GetUsedAndUnusedExternalIPAddressCountWithLimit to count used and unused IPs assigned to Edge Gateway. It supports a limitTo argument that can prevent exhausting system resources when counting IPs in assigned subnets (#682)
  • Added Message field to types.DefinedEntity that can return a message for an RDE (#689)
  • Added convenience method DefinedEntity.State() that can return string value of state (#689)
  • Added DefinedEntity methods SetAccessControl, GetAllAccessControls, GetAccessControlById, DeleteAccessControl for managing RDE ACLs (#689)


  • Fixed a bug that caused CSE Kubernetes cluster creation to fail when the configured Organization VDC Network belongs to a VDC Group (#674)
  • Patched vm.UpdateNetworkConnectionSection method that could sometimes fail due to Go's XML library mishandling XML namespaces when VCD returns irregular payload (#677)
  • Patched VdcGroup.CreateDistributedFirewallRule method that returned incorrect single rule when optionalAboveRuleId is specified (#680)
  • Patched bug in core OpenAPI handling function getOpenApiHighestElevatedVersion that could sometimes choose unsupported API versions in future VCD versions (#683)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when updating an Edge Gateway configuration, with an Edge cluster configuration section (OpenAPIEdgeGatewayEdgeClusterConfig). If this section was added, the update operation failed in VCD 10.6+ (#688)
  • Patched vm.updateExtraConfig method that could sometimes fail due to random mishandling of XML namespaces in upstream libraries (#690)


  • Patched Test_NsxtL2VpnTunnel to match PresharedKey of VCD as it started returning ****** instead of PSK itself when performing GET (#659)
  • Amended the test Test_RdeAndRdeType to be compatible with VCD 10.6+ (#681)
  • Amended many tests to set ResourceGuaranteedMemory when spawning a Flex VDC (#684, #685)

2.24.0 (April 18, 2024)


  • Added method Client.QueryVappNetworks to retrieve all vApp networks (#657)
  • Added VApp methods QueryAllVappNetworks, QueryVappNetworks, QueryVappOrgNetworks to retrieve various types of vApp networks (#657)


  • Fixed an issue that prevented CSE Kubernetes clusters from being upgraded to an OVA with higher Kubernetes version but same TKG version, and to an OVA with a higher patch version of Kubernetes (#663)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented CSE Kubernetes clusters from being upgraded to TKG v2.5.0 with Kubernetes v1.26.11 as it performed an invalid upgrade of CoreDNS (#663)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented reading the SSH Public Key from provisioned CSE Kubernetes clusters (#663)

2.23.0 (March 22, 2024)


  • Added the type CseKubernetesCluster to manage Container Service Extension Kubernetes clusters for versions 4.1.0, 4.1.1, 4.2.0 and 4.2.1 (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added methods Org.CseCreateKubernetesCluster and Org.CseCreateKubernetesClusterAsync to create Kubernetes clusters in a VCD appliance with Container Service Extension installed (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added methods VCDClient.CseGetKubernetesClusterById and Org.CseGetKubernetesClustersByName to retrieve a Container Service Extension Kubernetes cluster (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added the method CseKubernetesCluster.GetKubeconfig to retrieve the kubeconfig of a provisioned Container Service Extension Kubernetes cluster (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added the method CseKubernetesCluster.Refresh to refresh the information and properties of an existing Container Service Extension Kubernetes cluster (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added methods to update a Container Service Extension Kubernetes cluster: CseKubernetesCluster.UpdateWorkerPools, CseKubernetesCluster.AddWorkerPools, CseKubernetesCluster.UpdateControlPlane, CseKubernetesCluster.UpgradeCluster, CseKubernetesCluster.SetNodeHealthCheck and CseKubernetesCluster.SetAutoRepairOnErrors (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added the method CseKubernetesCluster.GetSupportedUpgrades to retrieve all the valid TKGm OVAs that a given Container Service Extension Kubernetes cluster can use to be upgraded (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added the method CseKubernetesCluster.Delete to delete a cluster (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added types CseClusterSettings, CseControlPlaneSettings, CseWorkerPoolSettings and CseDefaultStorageClassSettings to configure the Container Service Extension Kubernetes clusters creation process (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added types CseClusterUpdateInput, CseControlPlaneUpdateInput and CseWorkerPoolUpdateInput to configure the Container Service Extension Kubernetes clusters update process (#645, #653, #655)
  • Added method client.QueryVmList to search VMs across VDCs (#646)


  • Added missing field vdcName to types.QueryResultVMRecordType (#646)
  • Added VCDClient.GetAllIpSpaceFloatingIpSuggestions and types.IpSpaceFloatingIpSuggestion to retrieve IP Space IP suggestions (#648)
  • Added support for VM disk consolidation using vm.ConsolidateDisksAsync and vm.ConsolidateDisks (#650)
  • Added public method VApp.GetParentVDC to retrieve parent VDC of vApp (previously it was private) (#652)
  • Added methods Catalog.CaptureVappTemplate, Catalog.CaptureVappTemplateAsync and type types.CaptureVAppParams that add support for creating catalog template from existing vApp (#652)
  • Added method Org.GetVAppByHref to retrieve a vApp by given HREF (#652)
  • Added methods VAppTemplate.GetCatalogItemHref and VAppTemplate.GetCatalogItemId that can return related catalog item ID and HREF (#652)


  • Removed the conditional API call with outdated API version from Client.GetStorageProfileByHref so it works with the newest VCD versions (#639)

  • Added a delay for all LDAP tests Test_LDAP after LDAP configuration, but before using them (#643)

  • Added internal generic functions to handle CRUD operations for inner and outer entities (#644)

  • Added section about OpenAPI CRUD functions to [#644]

  • Converted DefinedEntityType, DefinedEntity, DefinedInterface, IpSpace, IpSpaceUplink, DistributedFirewall, DistributedFirewallRule, NsxtSegmentProfileTemplate, GetAllIpDiscoveryProfiles, GetAllMacDiscoveryProfiles, GetAllSpoofGuardProfiles, GetAllQoSProfiles, GetAllSegmentSecurityProfiles to use newly introduced generic CRUD functions (#644)

2.22.0 (December 12, 2023)


  • Added support for VMware Cloud Director 10.5.1
  • Added metadata support to Runtime Defined Entities with methods rde.GetMetadataByKey, rde.GetMetadataById rde.GetMetadata, rde.AddMetadata and generic metadata methods openApiMetadataEntry.Update and openApiMetadataEntry.Delete (#557, #632)
  • Added methods SetReadOnlyAccessControl and IsSharedReadOnly for Catalog and AdminCatalog, to handle read-only catalog sharing (#559)
  • Added Firmware field to VmSpecSection type and BootOptions to Vm type (#607)
  • Added Vdc methods GetHardwareVersion, GetHighestHardwareVersion, FindOsFromId (#607)
  • Added VM methods UpdateBootOptions, UpdateBootOptionsAsync (#607)
  • API calls for AddRawVM, CreateStandaloneVmAsync, VM.Refresh, VM.UpdateVmSpecSectionAsync, addEmptyVmAsyncV10, getVMByHrefV10 and UpdateBootOptionsAsync get elevated to API version 37.1 if available, for VmSpecSection.Firmware and BootOptions support (#607)
  • Added VCDClient methods CreateNetworkPool, CreateStandaloneVmAsync, CreateNetworkPoolGeneve, CreateNetworkPoolVlan, CreateNetworkPoolPortGroup to create a network pool (#613)
  • Added method VCDClient.GetAllNsxtTransportZones to retrieve all NSX-T transport zones (#613)
  • Added method VCDClient.GetAllVcenterDistributedSwitches to retrieve all distributed switches (#613)
  • Added method VCDClient.QueryNsxtManagers to retrieve all NSX-T managers (#613)
  • Added NetworkPool methods Update, Delete, GetOpenApiUrl to manage a network pool (#613)
  • Added NsxtManager type and function VCDClient.GetNsxtManagerByName (#618)
  • Added support for Segment Profile Template management using new types NsxtSegmentProfileTemplate and types.NsxtSegmentProfileTemplate (#618)
  • Added support for reading Segment Profiles provided by NSX-T via functions GetAllIpDiscoveryProfiles, GetIpDiscoveryProfileByName, GetAllMacDiscoveryProfiles, GetMacDiscoveryProfileByName, GetAllSpoofGuardProfiles, GetSpoofGuardProfileByName, GetAllQoSProfiles, GetQoSProfileByName, GetAllSegmentSecurityProfiles, GetSegmentSecurityProfileByName (#618)
  • Added support for setting default Segment Profiles for NSX-T Org VDC Networks OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.GetSegmentProfile(), OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.UpdateSegmentProfile() (#618)
  • Added support for setting global default Segment Profiles VCDClient.GetGlobalDefaultSegmentProfileTemplates(), VCDClient.UpdateGlobalDefaultSegmentProfileTemplates() (#618)
  • Added new types for NSX-T L2 VPN Tunnel session management NsxtL2VpnTunnel, EdgeL2VpnStretchedNetwork, types.EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatistics, types.EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatus (#619)
  • Added new NsxtEdgeGateway methods CreateL2VpnTunnel, GetAllL2VpnTunnels, GetL2VpnTunnelByName, GetL2VpnTunnelById for creation and retrieval of NSX-T L2 VPN Tunnel sessions (#619)
  • Added NsxtL2VpnTunnel methods Refresh, Update, Statistics, Status, Delete (#619)
  • Added method Catalog.UploadMediaFile to upload any file as catalog Media (#621,#622)
  • Added method Media.Download to download a Media item as a byte stream (#622)
  • Added VAppTemplate methods GetLease and RenewLease to retrieve and change storage lease (#623)
  • Added NsxtEdgeGateway methods GetDnsConfig and UpdateDnsConfig (#627)
  • Added types types.NsxtEdgeGatewayDns, types.NsxtDnsForwarderZoneConfig for creation and management of DNS forwarder configuration (#627)
  • Added NsxtEdgeGatewayDns methods Refresh, Update and Delete (#627)
  • Add type VgpuProfile and its methods GetAllVgpuProfiles, GetVgpuProfilesByProviderVdc, GetVgpuProfileById, GetVgpuProfileByName, GetVgpuProfileByTenantFacingName, Update and Refresh for managing vGPU profiles (#633)
  • Update ComputePolicyV2 type with new fields for managing vGPU policies (#633)


  • Added catalog parent retrieval to client.GetCatalogByHref and client.GetAdminCatalogByHref to facilitate tenant context handling (#559)
  • Add VdcGroup.ForceDelete function to optionally force VDC Group removal, which can be used for removing VDC Group with child elements (#597)
  • Bumped up minimal API version to 37.0 (drops support for VCD 10.3.x) (#609)
  • Add struct IopsResource to types.DiskSettings (in replacement of dropped field iops) initially supported in API 37.0 (#609)
  • Add field SslEnabled to struct types.NsxtAlbPool initially supported in API 37.0 (#609)
  • New method NsxtEdgeGateway.GetAllocatedIpCountByUplinkType complementing existing NsxtEdgeGateway.GetAllocatedIpCount. It will return allocated IP counts by uplink types (works with VCD 10.4.1+) (#610)
  • New method NsxtEdgeGateway.GetPrimaryNetworkAllocatedIpCount that will return total allocated IP count for primary uplink (T0 or T0 VRF) (#610)
  • New field types.EdgeGatewayUplinks.BackingType that defines backing type of NSX-T Edge Gateway Uplink (#610)
  • NSX-T Edge Gateway functions GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById, GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName, GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByNameAndOwnerId, GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways, CreateNsxtEdgeGateway, Refresh, Update will additionally sort uplinks to ensure that element 0 contains primary network (T0 or T0 VRF) (#610)
  • Makes DefinedEntityType method SetBehaviorAccessControls more robust to avoid NullPointerException errors in VCD when the input is a nil slice (#615)
  • types.IpSpace support Firewall and NAT rule autocreation configuration using types.DefaultGatewayServiceConfig on VCD 10.5.0+ (#628)
  • Added metadata ignore support for Runtime Defined Entity metadata methods rde.GetMetadataByKey, rde.GetMetadata, rde.AddMetadata, rde.UpdateMetadata and rde.DeleteMetadata (#632)


  • Added handling of catalog creation task, which was leaving the catalog not ready for action in some cases (#590, #602)
  • Fix nil pointer dereference bug while fetching a NSX-V Backed Edge Gateway (#594)
  • Fix vApp network related tests (#595)
  • Fixed Issue #1098 crash in VDC creation (#598)
  • Addressed Issue 1134: Can't use SYSTEM ldap_mode (#625)


  • Deprecated UpdateInternalDisksAsync in favor of UpdateVmSpecSectionAsync (#607)


  • Improved the testing configuration to allow customizing the UI Plugin path (#599)

  • Added a configurable timeout to the testing options available in the Makefile (#600)

  • Improved test Test_NsxtApplicationPortProfileTenant (#601)

  • Added explicit removal for many resources in tests (#605)

  • Improved test Test_InsertOrEjectMedia (#608)

  • Addressed gosec 2.17.0 errors (#608)

  • Changed Test_AddNewVMFromMultiVmTemplate to use preloaded vApp template (#609)

  • Amended testMetadataIgnore, used by all metadata tests, to be compatible with VCD 10.5.1 (#629)


  • Removed field iops from types.DiskSettings (dropped in API version 37.0) (#609)

2.21.0 (July 20, 2023)


  • Added NSX-T Edge Gateway DHCP forwarding configuration support NsxtEdgeGateway.GetDhcpForwarder and NsxtEdgeGateway.UpdateDhcpForwarder (#573)
  • Added methods to create, get, publish and delete UI Plugins VCDClient.AddUIPlugin, VCDClient.GetAllUIPlugins, VCDClient.GetUIPluginById, VCDClient.GetUIPlugin, UIPlugin.Update, UIPlugin.GetPublishedTenants, UIPlugin.PublishAll, UIPlugin.UnpublishAll, UIPlugin.Publish, UIPlugin.Unpublish, UIPlugin.IsTheSameAs and UIPlugin.Delete (#575)
  • Added AdminOrg methods GetFederationSettings, SetFederationSettings, UnsetFederationSettings to handle organization SAML settings (#576)
  • Added AdminOrg methods GetServiceProviderSamlMetadata and RetrieveServiceProviderSamlMetadata to retrieve service provider metadata for current organization (#576)
  • Added method Client.RetrieveRemoteDocument to download a document from a URL (#576)
  • Added function ValidateSamlServiceProviderMetadata to validate service oprovider metadata (#576)
  • Added function GetErrorMessageFromErrorSlice to return a single string from a slice of errors (#576)
  • Added Service Account CRUD support via ServiceAccount and types.ServiceAccount: VCDClient.CreateServiceAccount, Org.GetServiceAccountById, Org.GetAllServiceAccounts, Org.GetServiceAccountByName, ServiceAccount.Update, ServiceAccount.Authorize, ServiceAccount.Grant, ServiceAccount.Refresh, ServiceAccount.Revoke, ServiceAccount.Delete, ServiceAccount.GetInitialApiToken (#577)
  • Added API Token CRUD support via Token and types.Token: VCDClient.CreateToken,VCDClient.GetTokenById, VCDClient.GetAllTokens,VCDClient.GetTokenByNameAndUsername, VCDClient.RegisterToken , Token.GetInitialApiToken, Token.Delete, Client.GetApiToken (#577)
  • Added IP Space CRUD support via IpSpace and types.IpSpace and VCDClient.CreateIpSpace, VCDClient.GetAllIpSpaceSummaries, VCDClient.GetIpSpaceById, VCDClient.GetIpSpaceByName, VCDClient.GetIpSpaceByNameAndOrgId, IpSpace.Update, IpSpace.Delete (#578)
  • Added IP Space Uplink CRUD support via IpSpaceUplink and types.IpSpaceUplink and VCDClient.CreateIpSpaceUplink, VCDClient.GetAllIpSpaceUplinks, VCDClient.GetIpSpaceUplinkById, VCDClient.GetIpSpaceUplinkByName, IpSpaceUplink.Update, IpSpaceUplink.Delete (#579)
  • Added IP Space Allocation CRUD support via IpSpaceIpAllocation, types.IpSpaceIpAllocation, types.IpSpaceIpAllocationRequest, types.IpSpaceIpAllocationRequestResult. Methods IpSpace.AllocateIp, Org.IpSpaceAllocateIp, Org.GetIpSpaceAllocationByTypeAndValue, IpSpace.GetAllIpSpaceAllocations, Org.GetIpSpaceAllocationById, IpSpaceIpAllocation.Update, IpSpaceIpAllocation.Delete (#579)
  • Added IP Space Org assignment to support Custom Quotas via IpSpaceOrgAssignment, types.IpSpaceOrgAssignment, IpSpace.GetAllOrgAssignments, IpSpace.GetOrgAssignmentById, IpSpace.GetOrgAssignmentByOrgName, IpSpace.GetOrgAssignmentByOrgId, IpSpaceOrgAssignment.Update (#579)
  • Added method VCDClient.QueryNsxtManagerByHref to retrieve a NSX-T manager by its ID/HREF (#580)
  • Added method VCDClient.CreateProviderVdc to create a Provider VDC (#580)
  • Added method VCDClient.ResourcePoolsFromIds to convert list of IDs to resource pools (#580)
  • Added ProviderVdcExtended methods AddResourcePools, AddStorageProfiles, Delete, DeleteResourcePools,DeleteStorageProfiles,Disable,Enable,GetResourcePools,IsEnabled,Rename,Update to fully manage a provider VDC (#580)
  • Added method NetworkPool.GetOpenApiUrl to generate the full URL of a network pool (#580)
  • Added ResourcePool methods GetAvailableHardwareVersions and GetDefaultHardwareVersion to get hardware versions (#580)
  • Added VCDClient method GetAllResourcePools to retrieve all resource pools regardless of vCenter affiliation (#580)
  • Added VCDClient method GetAllVcenters to retrieve all vCenters (#580)
  • Added VCDClient methods GetNetworkPoolById,GetNetworkPoolByName,GetNetworkPoolSummaries to retrieve network pools (#580)
  • Added VCDClient methods GetVcenterById,GetVcenterByName to retrieve vCenters (#580)
  • Added VCenter methods GetAllResourcePools,VCenter.GetResourcePoolById,VCenter.GetResourcePoolByName to retrieve resource pools (#580)
  • Added VCenter methods GetAllStorageProfiles,GetStorageProfileById,GetStorageProfileByName to retrieve storage profiles (#580)
  • Added method VCenter.GetVimServerUrl to retrieve the full URL of a vCenter within a VCD (#580)
  • Added NSX-T Edge Gateway SLAAC Profile (DHCPv6) configuration support NsxtEdgeGateway.GetSlaacProfile and NsxtEdgeGateway.UpdateSlaacProfile (#582)
  • Added RDE Defined Interface Behaviors support with methods DefinedInterface.AddBehavior, DefinedInterface.GetAllBehaviors, DefinedInterface.GetBehaviorById DefinedInterface.GetBehaviorByName, DefinedInterface.UpdateBehavior and DefinedInterface.DeleteBehavior (#584)
  • Added RDE Defined Entity Type Behaviors support with methods DefinedEntityType.GetAllBehaviors, DefinedEntityType.GetBehaviorById DefinedEntityType.GetBehaviorByName, DefinedEntityType.UpdateBehaviorOverride and DefinedEntityType.DeleteBehaviorOverride (#584)
  • Added RDE Defined Entity Type Behavior Access Controls support with methods DefinedEntityType.GetAllBehaviorsAccessControls and DefinedEntityType.SetBehaviorAccessControls (#584)
  • Added method to invoke Behaviors on Defined Entities DefinedEntity.InvokeBehavior and DefinedEntity.InvokeBehaviorAndMarshal (#584)
  • Added support for NSX-T Edge Gateway Static Route configuration via types NsxtEdgeGatewayStaticRoute, types.NsxtEdgeGatewayStaticRoute and methods NsxtEdgeGateway.CreateStaticRoute, NsxtEdgeGateway.GetAllStaticRoutes, NsxtEdgeGateway.GetStaticRouteByNetworkCidr, NsxtEdgeGateway.GetStaticRouteByName, NsxtEdgeGateway.GetStaticRouteById, NsxtEdgeGatewayStaticRoute.Update, NsxtEdgeGatewayStaticRoute.Delete (#586)
  • Added types and methods DistributedFirewallRule, VdcGroup.CreateDistributedFirewallRule, DistributedFirewallRule.Update, .DistributedFirewallRuleDelete to manage NSX-T Distributed Firewall Rules one by one (opposed to managing all at once using DistributedFirewall) (#587)
  • Added method Vdc.CreateVappFromTemplate to create a vApp from a vApp template containing one or more VMs (#588)
  • Added method Vdc.CloneVapp to create a vApp from another vApp (#588)
  • Added method VApp.DiscardSuspendedState to take a vApp out of suspended state (#588)


  • ExternalNetworkV2 now supports IP Spaces on VCD 10.4.1+ with new fields UsingIpSpace and DedicatedOrg (#579)
  • Added a new function WithIgnoredMetadata to configure the Client to ignore specific metadata entries in all non-deprecated metadata CRUD methods (#581)
  • NSX-T ALB Virtual Service supports IPv6 Virtual Service using fieldIPv6VirtualIpAddress in types.NsxtAlbVirtualService for VCD 10.4.0+ (#582)
  • Added field EnableDualSubnetNetwork to enable Dual-Stack mode for Org VDC networks in types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork (#582)


  • Fixed Issue #1066 - Not possible to handle more than 128 storage profiles (#580)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Client.GetCertificateFromLibraryByName and AdminOrg.GetCertificateFromLibraryByName to fail retrieving certificates with : character in the name (#589)


  • Deprecated method Vdc.InstantiateVAppTemplate (wrong implementation and result) in favor of Vdc.CreateVappFromTemplate (#588)


  • Internal - replaced 'takeStringPointer', 'takeIntAddress', 'takeBoolPointer' with generic 'addrOf' (#571)
  • Changed Org enablement status during tests for VCD 10.4.2, to circumvent a VCD bug that prevents creation of disabled Orgs (#572)
  • Skipped test Test_VdcDuplicatedVmPlacementPolicyGetsACleanError in 10.4.2 as the relevant bug we check for is fixed in that version (#574)
  • Added unit step to GitHub Actions (#583)

2.20.0 (April 27, 2023)


  • Added method AdminVdc.IsNsxv to detect whether an Admin VDC is NSX-V (#521)
  • Added function NewNsxvDistributedFirewall to create a new NSX-V distributed firewall (#521)
  • Added NsxvDistributedFirewall methods GetConfiguration, IsEnabled, Enable, Disable, UpdateConfiguration, Refresh to handle CRUD operations with NSX-V distributed firewalls (#521)
  • Added NsxvDistributedFirewall methods GetServices, GetServiceGroups, GetServiceById, GetServiceByName, GetServiceGroupById, GetServiceGroupByName to retrieve specific services or service groups (#521)
  • Added NsxvDistributedFirewall methods GetServicesByRegex and GetServiceGroupsByRegex to search services or service groups by regular expression (#521)
  • Added support for Runtime Defined Entity Interfaces with client methods VCDClient.CreateDefinedInterface, VCDClient.GetAllDefinedInterfaces, VCDClient.GetDefinedInterface, VCDClient.GetDefinedInterfaceById and methods to manipulate them DefinedInterface.Update, DefinedInterface.Delete (#527, #566)
  • Added method VM.GetEnvironment to retrieve OVF Environment (#528)
  • Added NsxtEdgeGateway.Refresh method to reload NSX-T Edge Gateway structure (#532)
  • Added NsxtEdgeGateway.GetUsedIpAddresses method to fetch used IP addresses in NSX-T Edge Gateway (#532)
  • Added NsxtEdgeGateway.GetUsedIpAddressSlice method to fetch used IP addresses in a slice (#532)
  • Added NsxtEdgeGateway.GetUnusedExternalIPAddresses method that can help to find an unused IP address in an Edge Gateway by given constraints (#532,#567)
  • Added NsxtEdgeGateway.GetAllUnusedExternalIPAddresses method that can return all unused IP addresses in an Edge Gateway (#532,#567)
  • Added NsxtEdgeGateway.GetAllocatedIpCount method that sums up TotalIPCount fields in all subnets (#532)
  • Added NsxtEdgeGateway.QuickDeallocateIpCount and NsxtEdgeGateway.DeallocateIpCount methods to manually alter Edge Gateway body for IP deallocation (#532)
  • Added support for Runtime Defined Entity instances with methods DefinedEntityType.GetAllRdes, DefinedEntityType.GetRdeByName, DefinedEntityType.GetRdeById, DefinedEntityType.CreateRde and methods to manipulate them DefinedEntity.Resolve, DefinedEntity.Update, DefinedEntity.Delete (#544)
  • Added generic Client methods OpenApiPostItemAndGetHeaders and OpenApiGetItemAndHeaders to be able to retrieve the response headers when performing a POST or GET operation to an OpenAPI endpoint (#544)
  • Added support for Runtime Defined Entity Types with client methods VCDClient.CreateRdeType, VCDClient.GetAllRdeTypes, VCDClient.GetRdeType, VCDClient.GetRdeTypeById and methods to manipulate them DefinedEntityType.Update, DefinedEntityType.Delete (#545, #566)
  • Added support for NSX-T DHCP Bindings via OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcpBinding, types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcpBinding and functions OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcpBinding, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcpBindings, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcpBindingById, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcpBindingByName, OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcpBinding.Update, OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcpBinding.Refresh, OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcpBinding.Delete (#561)
  • Added QoS Profile lookup functions GetAllNsxtEdgeGatewayQosProfiles and GetNsxtEdgeGatewayQosProfileByDisplayName (#563)
  • Added NSX-T Edge Gateway QoS (Rate Limiting) configuration support NsxtEdgeGateway.GetQoS and NsxtEdgeGateway.UpdateQoS (#563)
  • Added support for importable Distributed Virtual Port Group (DVPG) read via types VcenterImportableDvpg and types.VcenterImportableDvpg and methods VCDClient.GetVcenterImportableDvpgByName, VCDClient.GetAllVcenterImportableDvpgs, Vdc.GetVcenterImportableDvpgByName, Vdc.GetAllVcenterImportableDvpgs (#564)


  • NSX-T ALB settings for Edge Gateway gained support for IPv6 service network definition (VCD 10.4.0+) and Transparent mode (VCD 10.4.1+) by adding new fields to types.NsxtAlbConfig and automatically elevating API up to 37.1 (#549)
  • Added support for using subnet prefix length while creating vApp networks (#550)
  • Improve NSX-T IPSec VPN type types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel to support 'Certificate' Authentication mode (#553)
  • Added new field TransparentModeEnabled to types.NsxtAlbVirtualService which allows to preserve client IP for NSX-T ALB Virtual Service (VCD 10.4.1+) (#560)
  • Added new field MemberGroupRef to types.NsxtAlbPool which allows to define NSX-T ALB Pool membership by using Edge Firewall Group (NsxtFirewallGroup) instead of plain IPs (VCD 10.4.1+) (#560)
  • types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork got a new read only field OrgVdcIsNsxTBacked (available since API 36.0) which indicates if an Org Network is backed by NSX-T and a function OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.IsNsxt() (#561)
  • Added SetServiceAccountApiToken method of VCDClient that allows authenticating using a service account token file and handles the refresh token rotation (#562)


  • Fixed a bug that prevented returning a specific error while authenticating client with invalid password (#536)
  • Fixed accessing uninitialized Features field while updating a vApp network (#550)


  • Created Test_RenameCatalog for making sure the contents of the Catalog don't change after rename (#546)

2.19.0 (January 12, 2023)


  • Added client methods GetCatalogByHref, GetCatalogById, GetCatalogByName to retrieve Catalogs without an Org object (#537)
  • Added client methods GetAdminCatalogByHref, GetAdminCatalogById, GetAdminCatalogByName to retrieve AdminCatalogs without an AdminOrg object (#537)
  • Added method VAppTemplate.GetVappTemplateRecord to retrieve a VAppTemplate query record (#537)


  • Removed URL checks from CreateCatalogFromSubscriptionAsync to allow catalog creation from non-VCD entities, such as vSphere shared library (#537)
  • Fixed flaky test Test_CatalogAccessAsOrgUsers that failed randomly for timing issues (#540)


  • Amended a quirky test Test_CreateOrgVdcWithFlex that failed randomly due to recovered VDC Storage Profiles being unordered (#538)
  • Amended a quirky test Test_VMPowerOnPowerOff that failed due to the testing VM not being powered off fast enough (#538)

2.18.0 (December 14, 2022)


  • Added VCDClient.GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2 to retrieve Compute Policies without the need of an AdminVdc receiver (#530)
  • Added client methods QueryCatalogRecords and GetCatalogByHref (#531)


  • Fixed issue that caused VM Group retrieval to fail if the Provider VDC had more than one Resource Pool (#530)
  • Fixed issue that prevented Org update because of wrong field position in LDAP settings (#533)

2.17.0 (November 25, 2022)


  • Added new functions to get vApp Templates Catalog.GetVAppTemplateByName, Catalog.GetVAppTemplateById, Catalog.GetVAppTemplateByNameOrId, Vdc.GetVAppTemplateByName, VCDClient.GetVAppTemplateByHref and VCDClient.GetVAppTemplateById (#495, #520)
  • Added new functions to query vApp Templates by name Catalog.QueryVappTemplateWithName, Vdc.QueryVappTemplateWithName, AdminVdc.QueryVappTemplateWithName (#495)
  • Added new functions to delete vApp Templates VAppTemplate.DeleteAsync and VAppTemplate.Delete (#495)
  • Added new functions to extract information from vApp Templates VAppTemplate.GetCatalogName and VAppTemplate.GetVdcName (#495)
  • Added Client.TestConnection method to check remote VCD endpoints (#447, #501)
  • Added Client.TestConnectionWithDefaults method that uses Client.TestConnection with some default values (#447, #501)
  • Changed behavior of Client.OpenApiPostItem and Client.OpenApiPostItemSync so they accept response code 200 OK as valid. The reason is TestConnection endpoint requires a POST request and returns a 200OK when successful (#447, #501)
  • Added new methods VCDClient.GetProviderVdcByHref, VCDClient.GetProviderVdcById, VCDClient.GetProviderVdcByName and ProviderVdc.Refresh to retrieve Provider VDCs (#502)
  • Added new methods VCDClient.GetProviderVdcExtendedByHref, VCDClient.GetProviderVdcExtendedById, VCDClient.GetProviderVdcExtendedByName and ProviderVdcExtended.Refresh to retrieve the extended flavor of Provider VDCs (#502)
  • Added new methods ProviderVdcExtended.ToProviderVdc, to convert from an extended Provider VDC to a regular one (#502)
  • Added new methods ProviderVdc.GetMetadata, ProviderVdc.AddMetadataEntry, ProviderVdc.AddMetadataEntryAsync, ProviderVdc.MergeMetadataAsync, ProviderVdc.MergeMetadata, ProviderVdc.DeleteMetadataEntry and ProviderVdc.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync to manage Provider VDCs metadata (#502)
  • Added new methods VCDClient.GetVmGroupById, VCDClient.GetVmGroupByNamedVmGroupIdAndProviderVdcUrn and VCDClient.GetVmGroupByNameAndProviderVdcUrn to retrieve VM Groups. These are useful to create VM Placement Policies (#504)
  • Added new methods VCDClient.GetLogicalVmGroupById, VCDClient.CreateLogicalVmGroup and LogicalVmGroup.Delete to manage Logical VM Groups. These are useful to create VM Placement Policies (#504)
  • Added the function VCDClient.GetMetadataByKeyAndHref to get a specific metadata value using an entity reference (#510)
  • Added the functions VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHrefAsync and VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHref to add metadata with both visibility and domain to any entity by using its reference (#510)
  • Added the functions VCDClient.MergeMetadataWithVisibilityByHrefAsync and VCDClient.MergeMetadataWithVisibilityByHref to merge metadata data supporting also visibility and domain (#510)
  • Added the functions VCDClient.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHrefAsync and VCDClient.DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainByHref to delete metadata from an entity using its reference (#510)
  • Added the function GetMetadataByKey to the following entities: VM, Vdc, AdminVdc, ProviderVdc, VApp, VAppTemplate, MediaRecord, Media, Catalog, AdminCatalog, Org, AdminOrg, Disk, OrgVDCNetwork, CatalogItem, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork to get a specific metadata value (#510)
  • Added the functions AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync and AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility to the following entities: VM, AdminVdc, ProviderVdc, VApp, VAppTemplate, MediaRecord, Media, AdminCatalog, AdminOrg, Disk, OrgVDCNetwork, CatalogItem, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork to add metadata with both visibility and domain to them (#510)
  • Added the functions MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync and MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues to the following entities: VM, AdminVdc, ProviderVdc, VApp, VAppTemplate, MediaRecord, Media, AdminCatalog, AdminOrg, Disk, OrgVDCNetwork, CatalogItem, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork to merge metadata data supporting also visibility and domain (#510)
  • Added the functions DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomainAsync and DeleteMetadataEntryWithDomain to the following entities: VM, AdminVdc, ProviderVdc, VApp, VAppTemplate, MediaRecord, Media, AdminCatalog, AdminOrg, Disk, OrgVDCNetwork, CatalogItem, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork to delete metadata with the domain, that allows deleting metadata present in SYSTEM (#510)
  • Added AdminOrg methods CreateCatalogFromSubscriptionAsync and CreateCatalogFromSubscription to create a subscribed catalog (#511)
  • Added method AdminCatalog.FullSubscriptionUrl to return the subscription URL of a published catalog (#511)
  • Added method AdminCatalog.WaitForTasks to wait for catalog tasks to complete (#511)
  • Added method AdminCatalog.UpdateSubscriptionParams to modify the terms of an existing subscription (#511)
  • Added methods Catalog.QueryTaskList and AdminCatalog.QueryTaskList to retrieve the tasks associated with a catalog (#511)
  • Added function IsValidUrl to determine if a URL is valid (#511)
  • Added AdminCatalog methods Sync and LaunchSync to synchronise a subscribed catalog (#511)
  • Added method AdminCatalog.GetCatalogHref to retrieve the HREF of a regular catalog (#511)
  • Added AdminCatalog methods QueryCatalogItemList, QueryVappTemplateList, and QueryMediaList to retrieve lists of dependent items (#511)
  • Added AdminCatalog methods LaunchSynchronisationVappTemplates, LaunchSynchronisationAllVappTemplates, LaunchSynchronisationMediaItems, and LaunchSynchronisationAllMediaItems to start synchronisation of dependent items (#511)
  • Added AdminCatalog methods GetCatalogItemByHref and QueryCatalogItem to retrieve a single Catalog Item (#511)
  • Added method CatalogItem.LaunchSync to start synchronisation of a catalog item (#511)
  • Added method CatalogItem.Refresh to get fresh contents for a catalog item (#511)
  • Added function WaitResource to wait for tasks associated to a gioven resource (#511)
  • Added function MinimalShowTask to display task progress with minimal info (#511)
  • Added functions ResourceInProgress and ResourceComplete to check on task activity for a given entity (#511)
  • Added functions SkimTasksList, SkimTasksListMonitor, WaitTaskListCompletion, WaitTaskListCompletionMonitor to process lists of tasks and lists of task IDs (#511)
  • Added Client methods GetTaskByHREF and GetTaskById to retrieve individual tasks (#511)
  • Implemented QueryItem for Task and AdminTask (GetHref, GetName, GetType, GetParentId, GetParentName, GetMetadataValue, GetDate) (#511)
  • Added VCDClient.QueryMediaById to query a media record using a media ID (#520)
  • Added Vdc.QueryVappSynchronizedVmTemplate to query a VM inside a vApp Template that must be synchronized in the catalog [#520]
  • Added VCDClient.QueryVmInVAppTemplateByHref and VCDClient.QuerySynchronizedVmInVAppTemplateByHref to query a VM inside a vApp Template by using the latter's hyper-reference (#520)
  • Added VCDClient.QuerySynchronizedVAppTemplateById to get a synchronized vApp Template query record from a vApp Template ID (#520)


  • Bumped Default API Version to V36.0 (VCD 10.3+) #500
  • Added method VM.Shutdown to shut down guest OS (#413, #496)
  • Added support for MoRef ID on VM record type. Using the MoRef ID, we can then correlate that back to vCenter Server and find the VM with matching MoRef ID (#491)
  • Added support for querying VdcStorageProfile:
    • functions QueryAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileByID and QueryOrgVdcStorageProfileByID
    • query types QtOrgVdcStorageProfile and QtAdminOrgVdcStorageProfile
    • data struct QueryResultAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType (non admin struct already was here) (#499)
  • Created new VDC Compute Policies CRUD methods using OpenAPI v2.0.0: VCDClient.GetVdcComputePolicyV2ById, VCDClient.GetAllVdcComputePoliciesV2, VCDClient.CreateVdcComputePolicyV2, VdcComputePolicyV2.Update, VdcComputePolicyV2.Delete and AdminVdc.GetAllAssignedVdcComputePoliciesV2. This version supports more filtering options like isVgpuPolicy (#502, #504, #507)
  • Simplified Test_LDAP by using a pre-configured LDAP server (#505)
  • Added VCDClient.GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters for lookup of NSX-T Edge Clusters in wider scopes - Provider VDC, VDC Group or VDC (#512)
  • Switched VDC.GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters to use 'orgVdcId' filter instead of '_context' (now deprecated) (#512)
  • Created VM.UpdateComputePolicyV2 and VM.UpdateComputePolicyV2Async that uses v2.0.0 of VDC Compute Policy endpoint of OpenAPI and allows updating VM Sizing Policies and also VM Placement Policies for a given VM (#513)
  • Added []tenant structure to simplify org user testing (#515)
  • Improved Vdc.QueryVappVmTemplate to avoid querying VMs in vApp Templates that are not synchronized in the catalog (#520)


  • Changed VdcComputePolicy.Description to a non-omitempty pointer, to be able to send null values to VCD to set empty descriptions. (#504)
  • Fixed issue #514 "ignoring pagination in network queries" (#518)
  • Fixed type types.AdminVdc.ResourcePoolRefs to make unmarshaling work (read-only) (#494)
  • Fixed Test_NsxtSecurityGroupGetAssociatedVms which had name clash (#498)


  • Deprecated OpenAPI v1.0.0 VDC Compute Policies CRUD methods in favor of v2.0.0 ones: Client.GetVdcComputePolicyById, Client.GetAllVdcComputePolicies, Client.CreateVdcComputePolicy VdcComputePolicy.Update, VdcComputePolicy.Delete and AdminVdc.GetAllAssignedVdcComputePolicies (#504)
  • Deprecated the functions VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryByHrefAsync and VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryByHref in favor of VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHrefAsync and VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityByHref (#510)
  • Deprecated the functions VCDClient.MergeMetadataByHrefAsync and VCDClient.MergeMetadataByHref in favor of VCDClient.MergeMetadataWithVisibilityByHrefAsync and VCDClient.MergeMetadataWithVisibilityByHref (#510)
  • Deprecated the functions AddMetadataEntryAsync and AddMetadataEntry from the following entities: VM, Vdc, AdminVdc, ProviderVdc, VApp, VAppTemplate, MediaRecord, Media, AdminCatalog, AdminOrg, Disk, OrgVDCNetwork, CatalogItem in favor of their AddMetadataEntryWithVisibilityAsync and AddMetadataEntryWithVisibility counterparts (#510)
  • Deprecated the functions MergeMetadataAsync and MergeMetadataAsync from the following entities: VM, Vdc, AdminVdc, ProviderVdc, VApp, VAppTemplate, MediaRecord, Media, AdminCatalog, AdminOrg, Disk, OrgVDCNetwork, CatalogItem in favor of their MergeMetadataWithMetadataValuesAsync and MergeMetadataWithMetadataValues counterparts (#510)
  • Deprecated the functions DeleteMetadata and DeleteMetadataAsync from the following entities: VM, Vdc, AdminVdc, ProviderVdc, VApp, VAppTemplate, MediaRecord, Media, AdminCatalog, AdminOrg, Disk, OrgVDCNetwork, CatalogItem in favor of their DeleteMetadataWithDomainAsync and DeleteMetadataWithDomain counterparts (#510)


  • Switched go.mod to use Go 1.19 (#511)
  • Ran make fmt using Go 1.19 release (fmt automatically changes doc comment structure). This will prevent make static errors when running tests in pipeline using Go 1.19 (#497)
  • Updated branding vCloud Director -> VMware Cloud Director (#497)
  • package io/ioutil is deprecated as of Go 1.16. staticcheck started complaining about usage of deprecated packages. As a result packages io or os are used (still the same functions are used) (#497)
  • Adjusted staticcheck version naming to new format (from 2021.1.2 to v0.3.3) (#497]
  • Added a new GitHub Action to run gosec on every push and pull request [#516)
  • Improved documentation for types.OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp (#517)

2.16.0 (August 2, 2022)


  • Added support for DnsServers on OpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp struct (#465)
  • Added new methods Org.GetAllSecurityTaggedEntities, Org.GetAllSecurityTaggedEntitiesByName, Org.GetAllSecurityTagValues, VM.GetVMSecurityTags, Org.UpdateSecurityTag and VM.UpdateVMSecurityTags to deal with security tags (#467)
  • Added new structs types.SecurityTag, types.SecurityTaggedEntity, types.SecurityTagValue and types.EntitySecurityTags (#467)
  • Added Vdc.GetControlAccess, Vdc.SetControlAccess and Vdc.DeleteControlAccess to get, set and delete control access capabilities to VDCs (#470)
  • Added support to set, get and delete metadata to CatalogItem with the methods CatalogItem.AddMetadataEntry, CatalogItem.AddMetadataEntryAsync, CatalogItem.GetMetadata, CatalogItem.DeleteMetadataEntry and CatalogItem.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync. (#471)
  • Added AdminCatalog.MergeMetadata,AdminCatalog.MergeMetadataAsync, AdminOrg.MergeMetadata, AdminOrg.MergeMetadataAsync, CatalogItem.MergeMetadata, CatalogItem.MergeMetadataAsync, Disk.MergeMetadata, Disk.MergeMetadataAsync, Media.MergeMetadata, Media.MergeMetadataAsync, MediaRecord.MergeMetadata, MediaRecord.MergeMetadataAsync, OpenAPIOrgVdcNetwork.MergeMetadata, OpenAPIOrgVdcNetwork.MergeMetadataAsync, OrgVDCNetwork.MergeMetadata, OrgVDCNetwork.MergeMetadataAsync, VApp.MergeMetadata, VApp.MergeMetadataAsync, VAppTemplate.MergeMetadata, VAppTemplate.MergeMetadataAsync, VM.MergeMetadata, VM.MergeMetadataAsync, Vdc.MergeMetadata, Vdc.MergeMetadataAsync to merge metadata, which both updates existing metadata with same key and adds new entries for the non-existent ones (#473)
  • Added NSX-T Edge Gateway methods NsxtEdgeGateway.GetNsxtRouteAdvertisement, NsxtEdgeGateway.GetNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext, NsxtEdgeGateway.UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisement, NsxtEdgeGateway.UpdateNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext, NsxtEdgeGateway.DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisement and NsxtEdgeGateway.DeleteNsxtRouteAdvertisementWithContext that allow to manage NSX-T Route Advertisement (#478, #480)
  • Added new methods NsxtEdgeGateway.GetBgpConfiguration, NsxtEdgeGateway.UpdateBgpConfiguration, NsxtEdgeGateway.DisableBgpConfiguration for BGP Configuration management on NSX-T Edge Gateway (#480)
  • Added new structs types.EdgeBgpConfig, types.EdgeBgpGracefulRestartConfig, types.EdgeBgpConfigVersion for BGP Configuration management on NSX-T Edge Gateway (#480)
  • Added support for Dynamic Security Groups in VCD 10.3 by expanding types.NsxtFirewallGroup to accommodate fields required for Dynamic Security Groups, implemented automatic API elevation to v36.0. Added New functions VdcGroup.CreateNsxtFirewallGroup, NsxtFirewallGroup.IsDynamicSecurityGroup (#487)
  • Added support for managing NSX-T Edge Gateway BGP IP Prefix Lists. It is done by adding types EdgeBgpIpPrefixList and types.EdgeBgpIpPrefixList with functions CreateBgpIpPrefixList, GetAllBgpIpPrefixLists, GetBgpIpPrefixListByName, GetBgpIpPrefixListById, Update and Delete (#488)
  • Added support for managing NSX-T Edge Gateway BGP Neighbor. It is done by adding types EdgeBgpNeighbor and types.EdgeBgpNeighbor with functions CreateBgpNeighbor, GetAllBgpNeighbors, GetBgpNeighborByIp, GetBgpNeighborById, Update and Delete (#489)


  • Added methods client.CreateVdcComputePolicy, client.GetVdcComputePolicyById, client.GetAllVdcComputePolicies (#468)
  • Added additional methods for convenience of NSX-T Org Network DHCP handling OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.DeletNetworkDhcp OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.UpdateDhcp (#469)
  • Added additional support for UDF type ISO files in catalog.UploadMediaImage (#479)
  • Added SupportedFeatureSet attribute to NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup and NsxtAlbConfig to support v37.0 license management for AVI Load Balancer and replace LicenseType from NsxtAlbController (#485)


  • Fixed method adminOrg.FindCatalogRecords to escape name in query URL (#466)
  • Fixed method vm.WaitForDhcpIpByNicIndexes to ignore not found Edge Gateway (#481)


  • Deprecated org.GetVdcComputePolicyById, adminOrg.GetVdcComputePolicyById (#468)
  • Deprecated org.GetAllVdcComputePolicies, adminOrg.GetAllVdcComputePolicies, org.CreateVdcComputePolicy (#468)

2.15.0 (April 14, 2022)


  • Added support for Shareable disks, i.e., independent disks that can be attached to multiple VMs which is available from API v35.0 onwards. Also added UUID to the Disk structure which is a new member that is returned from v36.0 onwards. This member holds a UUID that can be used to correlate the disk that is attached to a particular VM from the VCD side and the VM host side. (#383)
  • Added support for uploading OVF using URL catalog.UploadOvfByLink (#422, #426)
  • Added support for updating vApp template vAppTemplate.UpdateAsync and vAppTemplate.Update (#422)
  • Added methods catalog.PublishToExternalOrganizations and adminCatalog.PublishToExternalOrganizations (#424)
  • Added types types.MetadataStringValue, types.MetadataNumberValue, types.MetadataDateTimeValue and types.MetadataBooleanValue for adding different kind of metadata to entities (#430)
  • Added support to set, get and delete metadata to AdminCatalog with the methods AdminCatalog.AddMetadataEntry, AdminCatalog.AddMetadataEntryAsync, AdminCatalog.GetMetadata, AdminCatalog.DeleteMetadataEntry and AdminCatalog.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync. (#430)
  • Added support to get metadata from Catalog with method Catalog.GetMetadata (#430)
  • Added to VM and VApp the methods DeleteMetadataEntry, DeleteMetadataEntryAsync, AddMetadataEntry and AddMetadataEntryAsync so it follows the same convention as the rest of entities that uses metadata. (#430)
  • Added methods vm.ChangeCPU and vm.ChangeMemory which uses the latest API structure instead of deprecated ones (#432)
  • Added environment variable GOVCD_API_VERSION so API version can be set manually (#434)
  • Added support to set, get and delete metadata to AdminOrg with the methods AdminOrg.AddMetadataEntry, AdminOrg.AddMetadataEntryAsync, AdminOrg.GetMetadata, AdminOrg.DeleteMetadataEntry and AdminOrg.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync. (#438)
  • Added support to get metadata to Org with the method Org.GetMetadata. (#438)
  • Added support to set, get and delete metadata to Disk with the methods Disk.AddMetadataEntry, Disk.AddMetadataEntryAsync, Disk.GetMetadata, Disk.DeleteMetadataEntry and Disk.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync. (#438)
  • Added new structure AnyTypeEdgeGateway which supports retreving both types of Edge Gateways (NSX-V and NSX-T) with methods AdminOrg.GetAnyTypeEdgeGatewayById, Org.GetAnyTypeEdgeGatewayById, AnyTypeEdgeGateway.IsNsxt, AnyTypeEdgeGateway.IsNsxv, AnyTypeEdgeGateway.GetNsxtEdgeGateway (#443)
  • Added functions VdcGroup.GetCapabilities, VdcGroup.IsNsxt, VdcGroup.GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByName, VdcGroup.GetAllOpenApiOrgVdcNetworks, Org.GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkByNameAndOwnerId (#443)
  • Added method AdminOrg.FindCatalogRecords that allows to query types.CatalogRecord by their catalog name. (#450)
  • Added methods Client.QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithHeaders and Client.QueryWithNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersionWithHeaders so HTTP headers can be added now when doing API queries. (#450)
  • Added functions VdcGroup.GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName and VdcGroup.GetNsxtFirewallGroupById (#451)
  • Added support for for Network Context Profile lookup using GetAllNetworkContextProfiles and GetNetworkContextProfilesByNameScopeAndContext functions (#452)
  • Added support for NSX-T Distributed Firewall rule management using type DistributedFirewall and VdcGroup.GetDistributedFirewall, VdcGroup.UpdateDistributedFirewall, VdcGroup.DeleteAllDistributedFirewallRules, DistributedFirewall.DeleteAllRules (#452)
  • Added support to set, get and delete metadata to the following resources via its HREF: catalog, catalog item, edge gateway, independent disk, media, network, org, PVDC, PVDC storage profile, vApp, vApp template,VDC and VDC storage profile; with the methods VCDClient.GetMetadataByHref, VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryByHref, VCDClient.AddMetadataEntryByHrefAsync, VCDClient.DeleteMetadataEntryByHref and VCDClient.DeleteMetadataEntryByHrefAsync (#454)
  • Added functions VdcGroup.GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkById and VdcGroup.CreateOpenApiOrgVdcNetwork (#456)
  • New method added Disk.GetAttachedVmsHrefs (#436)


  • Bumped Default API Version to V35.0 (#434)
  • Disk methods have now the ability to access new properties from API version 36.0. They are: DiskRecordType.SharingType, DiskRecordType.UUID, DiskRecordType.Encrypted, Disk.SharingType, Disk.UUID and Disk.Encrypted (#436)
  • Added support for User entities imported from LDAP, with IsExternal property (#439)
  • Added support for users list attribute for Group (#439)
  • Improved group.Update() to avoid sending the users list to VCD to avoid unwanted errors (#449)
  • NSX-T Edge Gateway now supports VDC Groups by switching from OrgVdc to OwnerRef field. Additional methods NsxtEdgeGateway.MoveToVdcOrVdcGroup(), Org.GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByNameAndOwnerId(), VdcGroup.GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName(), VdcGroup.GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways(), org.GetVdcGroupById (#440)
  • Added additional helper functions OwnerIsVdcGroup(), OwnerIsVdc(), VdcGroup.GetCapabilities(), VdcGroup.IsNsxt() (#440)
  • Added support to set, get and delete metadata to VDC Networks with the methods OrgVDCNetwork.AddMetadataEntry, OrgVDCNetwork.AddMetadataEntryAsync, OrgVDCNetwork.GetMetadata, OrgVDCNetwork.DeleteMetadataEntry and OrgVDCNetwork.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync (#442)
  • Added CanPublishExternally and CanSubscribe attributes to OrgGeneralSettings struct. (#444)
  • Added workaround to tests for Org Catalog publishing bug when dealing with LDAP (#458)
  • Added clean-up actions to some tests that were uploading vAppTemplates/medias to catalogs (#458)
  • Added support to set, get and delete metadata to OpenAPI VDC Networks through XML with the methods OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.AddMetadataEntry, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.GetMetadata, OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork.DeleteMetadataEntry (#459)
  • Added Vdc.GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName and VdcGroup.GetNsxtAppPortProfileByName for NSX-T Application Port Profile lookup (#460)


  • Fixed Issue #431 "Wrong order in Task structure" (#433)
  • Fixed Issue where VDC creation with storage profile enabled=false wasn't working. VdcStorageProfile.enabled and VdcStorageProfileConfiguration.enabled changed to pointers (#433)
  • Fixed method client.GetStorageProfileByHref to return IOPS IopsSettings (#435)
  • Vms.VmReference changed to array to fix incorrect deserialization (#436)
  • Catalog.QueryMediaList method was not working because fmt.Sprintf was being misused (#441)


  • Deprecated vm.DeleteMetadata in favor of vm.DeleteMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated vm.AddMetadata in favor of vm.AddMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated vdc.DeleteMetadata in favor of vdc.DeleteMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated vdc.AddMetadata in favor of vdc.AddMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated vdc.AddMetadataAsync in favor of vdc.AddMetadataEntryAsync (#430)
  • Deprecated vdc.DeleteMetadataAsync in favor of vdc.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync (#430)
  • Deprecated vApp.DeleteMetadata in favor of vApp.DeleteMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated vApp.AddMetadata in favor of vApp.AddMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated vAppTemplate.AddMetadata in favor of vAppTemplate.AddMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated vAppTemplate.AddMetadataAsync in favor of vAppTemplate.AddMetadataEntryAsync (#430)
  • Deprecated vAppTemplate.DeleteMetadata in favor of vAppTemplate.DeleteMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated vAppTemplate.DeleteMetadataAsync in favor of vAppTemplate.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync (#430)
  • Deprecated mediaRecord.AddMetadata in favor of mediaRecord.AddMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated mediaRecord.AddMetadataAsync in favor of mediaRecord.AddMetadataEntryAsync (#430)
  • Deprecated mediaRecord.DeleteMetadata in favor of mediaRecord.DeleteMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated mediaRecord.DeleteMetadataAsync in favor of mediaRecord.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync (#430)
  • Deprecated media.AddMetadata in favor of media.AddMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated media.AddMetadataAsync in favor of media.AddMetadataEntryAsync (#430)
  • Deprecated media.DeleteMetadata in favor of media.DeleteMetadataEntry (#430)
  • Deprecated media.DeleteMetadataAsync in favor of media.DeleteMetadataEntryAsync (#430)
  • Deprecated vm.ChangeMemorySize in favor of vm.ChangeMemory (#432)
  • Deprecated vm.ChangeCPUCount and vm.ChangeCPUCountWithCore in favor of vm.ChangeCPU (#432)


  • Bumped staticcheck version to 2022.1 with Go 1.18 support (#457)

2.14.0 (January 7, 2022)


  • Added type NsxtAlbConfig and functions NsxtEdgeGateway.UpdateAlbSettings, NsxtEdgeGateway.GetAlbSettings, NsxtEdgeGateway.DisableAlb (#403)
  • Added types Certificate and types.CertificateLibraryItem for handling Certificates in Certificate Library with corresponding methods client.GetCertificateFromLibraryById, client.AddCertificateToLibrary, client.GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary, client.GetCertificateFromLibraryByName, adminOrg.GetCertificateFromLibraryById, adminOrg.AddCertificateToLibrary, adminOrg.GetAllCertificatesFromLibrary, adminOrg.GetCertificateFromLibraryByName, certificate.Update, certificate.Delete (#404)
  • Added support for ALB Service Engine Group Assignment to NSX-T Edge Gateway via type NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment and functions GetAllAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignments, GetAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentById, GetAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignmentByName, CreateAlbServiceEngineGroupAssignment, Update, Delete (#405)
  • Added type types.ApiTokenRefresh to contain data from API token refresh (#406)
  • Added method VCDClient.GetBearerTokenFromApiToken to get a bearer token from an API token (#406)
  • Added method VCDClient.SetApiToken to set a token and get a bearer token using and API token and get token details in return (#406)
  • Added types VdcGroup, types.VdcGroup, types.ParticipatingOrgVdcs, types.CandidateVdc, types.DfwPolicies and types.DefaultPolicy for handling VDC groups with corresponding methods adminOrg.CreateNsxtVdcGroup, adminOrg.CreateVdcGroup, adminOrg.GetAllNsxtVdcGroupCandidates, adminOrg.GetAllVdcGroupCandidates, adminOrg.GetAllVdcGroups, adminOrg.GetVdcGroupByName, adminOrg.GetVdcGroupById, vdcGroup.Update, vdcGroup.GenericUpdate, vdcGroup.Delete, vdcGroup.DisableDefaultPolicy, vdcGroup.EnableDefaultPolicy, vdcGroup.GetDfwPolicies, vdcGroup.DeActivateDfw, vdcGroup.ActivateDfw, vdcGroup.UpdateDefaultDfwPolicies, vdcGroup.UpdateDfwPolicies (#410)
  • Added support for ALB Pool to NSX-T Edge Gateway via type NsxtAlbPool and functions GetAllAlbPools, GetAllAlbPoolSummaries, GetAlbPoolByName, GetAlbPoolById, CreateNsxtAlbPool, nsxtAlbPool.Update, nsxtAlbPool.Delete (#414)
  • Added support for ALB Virtual Services to NSX-T Edge Gateway via type NsxtAlbVirtualService and functions GetAllAlbVirtualServices, GetAllAlbGetAllAlbVirtualServiceSummaries, GetAlbVirtualServiceByName, GetAlbVirtualServiceById, CreateNsxtAlbVirtualService, NsxtAlbVirtualService.Update, NsxtAlbVirtualService.Delete (#417)


  • VCDClient.SetToken has now the ability of transparently setting a bearer token when receiving an API token (#406)
  • Removed Coverity warnings from code (#408, #412)
  • Added session info to go-vcloud-director logs (#409)
  • Added type types.UpdateLeaseSettingsSection to handle vApp lease settings. (#420)
  • Added methods vApp.GetLease and vApp.RenewLease, to query the state of the vApp lease and eventually modify it. (#420)
  • Added LeaseSettingsSection to types.VApp structure. (#420)


  • Fixed Issue #728: vm.UpdateInternalDisksAsync() didn't send VM description and as a result would delete VM description (#418)
  • Removed hardcoded 0 value for Weight field in ChangeCPUCountWithCore function to avoid overriding shares (#419)
  • Fixed issue #421 "Wrong xml name in SourcedVmTemplateParams" (#420)

2.13.0 (September 30, 2021)


  • Added method AdminVdc.AddStorageProfile (#393)
  • Added method AdminVdc.AddStorageProfileWait (#393)
  • Added method AdminVdc.RemoveStorageProfile (#393)
  • Added method AdminVdc.RemoveStorageProfileWait (#393)
  • Added method AdminVdc.SetDefaultStorageProfile (#393)
  • Added method AdminVdc.GetDefaultStorageProfileReference (#393)
  • Added method VCDClient.GetStorageProfileByHref (#393)
  • Added method Client.GetStorageProfileByHref (#393)
  • Added method VCDClient.QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName (#393)
  • Added method Client.QueryAllProviderVdcStorageProfiles (#393)
  • Added method Client.QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles (#393)
  • Added types NsxtAlbController and types.NsxtAlbController for handling NSX-T ALB Controllers with corresponding functions GetAllAlbControllers, GetAlbControllerByName, GetAlbControllerById, GetAlbControllerByUrl, CreateNsxtAlbController, Update, Delete (#398)
  • Added types NsxtAlbCloud and types.NsxtAlbCloud for handling NSX-T ALB Clouds with corresponding functions GetAllAlbClouds, GetAlbCloudByName, GetAlbCloudById, CreateAlbCloud, Delete (#398)
  • Added type NsxtAlbImportableCloud and types.NsxtAlbImportableCloud for listing NSX-T ALB Importable Clouds with corresponding functions GetAllAlbImportableClouds, GetAlbImportableCloudByName, GetAlbImportableCloudById (#398)
  • Added types NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup and types.NsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup for handling NSX-T ALB Service Engine Groups with corresponding functions GetAllNsxtAlbServiceEngineGroups, GetAlbServiceEngineGroupByName, GetAlbServiceEngineGroupById, CreateNsxtAlbServiceEngineGroup, Update, Delete, Sync (#398)
  • Added types NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups and types.NsxtAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups for listing NSX-T ALB Importable Service Engine Groups with corresponding functions GetAllAlbImportableServiceEngineGroups, GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupByName, GetAlbImportableServiceEngineGroupById (#398)


  • External network type ExternalNetworkV2 automatically elevates API version to maximum available out of 33.0, 35.0 and 36.0, so that new functionality can be consumed. It uses a controlled version elevation mechanism to consume the newer features, but at the same time remain tested by not choosing the latest untested version blindly (more information in openapi_endpoints.go) (#399)

  • Added new field BackingTypeValue in favor of deprecated BackingType to types.ExternalNetworkV2Backing (#399)

  • Added new function GetFilteredNsxtImportableSwitches to query NSX-T Importable Switches (Segments) (#399)

  • Added .changes directory for changelog items (#391)

  • Aligned build tags to match go fmt with Go 1.17 (#396)

  • Improved script to handle new build tag format (#396)


  • Fixed handling of staticcheck in GitGub Actions (#391)

  • Fixed Issue #390: catalog.Delete() ignores returned task and responds immediately which could have caused failures (#392)

  • Fixed Issue #395 "BUG: can't update EGW - there is no ownerRef field" (#397)


  • Deprecated GetStorageProfileByHref in favor of either client.GetStorageProfileByHref or vcdClient.GetStorageProfileByHref (#393)
  • Deprecated QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName in favor of VCDClient.QueryProviderVdcStorageProfileByName (#393)
  • Deprecated VCDClient.QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles in favor of either client.QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles or client.QueryAllProviderVdcStorageProfiles (#393)
  • Deprecated Vdc.GetDefaultStorageProfileReference in favor of adminVdc.GetDefaultStorageProfileReference (#393)

2.12.1 (July 5, 2021)


  • org.GetCatalogByName and org.GetCatalogById could not retrieve shared catalogs from different Orgs #389

2.12.0 (June 30, 2021)

  • Improved error handling and function receiver name in client #379
  • Added method vdc.QueryEdgeGateway #364
  • Deprecated vdc.GetEdgeGatewayRecordsType #364
  • Dropped support for VCD 9.7 which is EOL now #371
  • Bumped Default API Version to V33.0 #371
  • Methods GetVDCById and GetVDCByName for Org now use queries behind the scenes because Org structure does not list child VDCs anymore #371, #376, #382
  • Methods GetCatalogById and GetCatalogByName for Org now use queries behind the scenes because Org structure does not list child Catalogs anymore #371, #376
  • Drop legacy authentication mechanism (vcdAuthorize) and use only new Cloud API provided (vcdCloudApiAuthorize) as API V33.0 is sufficient for it #371
  • Added NSX-T Firewall Group type (which represents a Security Group or an IP Set) support by using structures NsxtFirewallGroup and NsxtFirewallGroupMemberVms. The following methods are introduced for managing Security Groups and Ip Sets: Vdc.CreateNsxtFirewallGroup, NsxtEdgeGateway.CreateNsxtFirewallGroup, Org.GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups, Vdc.GetAllNsxtFirewallGroups, Org.GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName, Vdc.GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName, NsxtEdgeGateway.GetNsxtFirewallGroupByName, Org.GetNsxtFirewallGroupById, Vdc.GetNsxtFirewallGroupById, NsxtEdgeGateway.GetNsxtFirewallGroupById, NsxtFirewallGroup.Update, NsxtFirewallGroup.Delete, NsxtFirewallGroup.GetAssociatedVms, NsxtFirewallGroup.IsSecurityGroup, NsxtFirewallGroup.IsIpSet #368
  • Added methods Org.QueryVmList and Org.QueryVmById to find VM by ID in an Org #368
  • Added NsxtAppPortProfile and types.NsxtAppPortProfile for NSX-T Application Port Profile management #378
  • Deprecated methods vdc.ComposeRawVApp and vdc.ComposeVApp #387
  • Added method vdc.CreateRawVApp #387
  • Removed deprecated method adminOrg.GetRole
  • Added Tenant Context management functions Client.RemoveCustomHeader, Client.SetCustomHeader, WithHttpHeader, and many private methods to retrieve tenant context down the hierarchy. More details in #380
  • Added Rights management methods AdminOrg.GetAllRights, AdminOrg.GetAllRightsCategories, AdminOrg.GetRightById, AdminOrg.GetRightByName, Client.GetAllRights, Client.GetAllRightsCategories, Client.GetRightById, Client.GetRightByName, client.GetRightsCategoryById, AdminOrg.GetRightsCategoryById #380
  • Added Global Role management methods Client.GetAllGlobalRoles, Client.CreateGlobalRole, Client.GetGlobalRoleById, Client.GetGlobalRoleByName, GlobalRole.AddRights, GlobalRole.Delete, GlobalRole.GetRights, GlobalRole.GetTenants, GlobalRole.PublishAllTenants, GlobalRole.PublishTenants, GlobalRole.RemoveAllRights, GlobalRole.RemoveRights, GlobalRole.ReplacePublishedTenants, GlobalRole.UnpublishAllTenants, GlobalRole.UnpublishTenants, GlobalRole.Update, GlobalRole.UpdateRights #380
  • Added Rights Bundle management methods Client.CreateRightsBundle, Client.GetAllRightsBundles, Client.GetRightsBundleById, Client.GetRightsBundleByName, RightsBundle.AddRights, RightsBundle.Delete, RightsBundle.GetRights, RightsBundle.GetTenants, RightsBundle.PublishAllTenants, RightsBundle.PublishTenants, RightsBundle.RemoveAllRights, RightsBundle.RemoveRights, RightsBundle.ReplacePublishedTenants, RightsBundle.UnpublishAllTenants, RightsBundle.UnpublishTenants, RightsBundle.Update, RightsBundle.UpdateRights #380
  • Added Role managemnt methods AdminOrg.GetAllRoles, AdminOrg.GetRoleById, AdminOrg.GetRoleByName, Client.GetAllRoles, Role.AddRights, Role.GetRights, Role.RemoveAllRights, Role.RemoveRights, Role.UpdateRights #380
  • Added convenience function FindMissingImpliedRights #380
  • Added methods NsxtEdgeGateway.UpdateNsxtFirewall(), NsxtEdgeGateway.GetNsxtFirewall(), nsxtFirewall.DeleteAllRules(), nsxtFirewall.DeleteRuleById #381
  • Added NSX-T NAT support with types NsxtNatRule and types.NsxtNatRule as well as methods edge.GetAllNsxtNatRules, edge.GetNsxtNatRuleByName, edge.GetNsxtNatRuleById, edge.CreateNatRule, nsxtNatRule.Update, nsxtNatRule.Delete, nsxtNatRule.IsEqualTo #382
  • Added NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel and types.NsxtIpSecVpnTunnel for NSX-T IPsec VPN Tunnel configuration #385


  • Added parameter description to method vdc.ComposeRawVapp #372
  • Added methods vapp.Rename, vapp.UpdateDescription, vapp.UpdateNameDescription #372
  • Field types.Disk.Size is replaced with types.Disk.SizeMb as size in Kilobytes is not supported in V33.0 #371
  • Field types.DiskRecordType.SizeB is replaced with types.DiskRecordType.SizeMb as size in Kilobytes is not supported in V33.0 #371
  • Added parameter additionalHeader map[string]string to functions Client.OpenApiDeleteItem, Client.OpenApiGetAllItems, Client.OpenApiGetItem, Client.OpenApiPostItem, Client.OpenApiPutItem, Client.OpenApiPutItemAsync, Client.OpenApiPutItemSync #380
  • Renamed functions GetOpenApiRoleById -> GetRoleById, GetOpenApiRoleByName -> GetRoleByName, GetAllOpenApiRoles -> GetAllRoles #380


  • Only send xml.Header when payload is not empty (some WAFs block empty requests with XML header) #367
  • Improved test entity cleanup to find standalone VMs in any VDC (not only default NSX-V one) #368
  • Improved test entity cleanup to allow specifying parent VDC for vApp removals #368
  • Cleanup a few unnecessary type conversions detected by new staticcheck version #381
  • Improved OpenApiGetAllItems to still follow pages in VCD endpoints with BUG which don't return 'nextPage' link for pagination #378
  • Improved LDAP container related tests to use correct port mapping for latest LDAP container version #378

2.11.0 (March 10, 2021)

  • Added structure and methods to handle Org VDC networks using OpenAPI - OpenApiOrgVdcNetwork. It supports VCD 9.7+ for all networks types for NSX-V and NSX-T backed VDCs #354
  • Added NsxtImportableSwitch structure with GetNsxtImportableSwitchByName and GetAllNsxtImportableSwitches to lookup NSX-T segments for use in NSX-T Imported networks #354
  • Added vdc.IsNsxt and vdc.IsNsxv methods to verify if VDC is backed by NSX-T or NSX-V #354
  • Added types types.CreateVmParams and types.InstantiateVmTemplateParams #356
  • Added VDC methods CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplate, CreateStandaloneVMFromTemplateAsync CreateStandaloneVm, CreateStandaloneVmAsync #356
  • Added VDC methods QueryVmByName, QueryVmById, QueryVmList #356
  • Added VM methods Delete, DeleteAsync #356
  • Added VDC methods GetOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp, UpdateOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp and DeleteOpenApiOrgVdcNetworkDhcp for OpenAPI management of Org Network DHCP configurations #357


  • Renamed types.VM to types.Vm to facilitate implementation of standalone VM #356


  • Converted IPAddress field for IPAddresses struct to array #350


  • Added generic OpenAPI entity cleanup for tests 348

2.10.0 (December 18, 2020)

  • Added functions to retrieve and use VCD version client.GetVcdVersion, client.GetVcdShortVersion, client.GetVcdFullVersion, client.VersionEqualOrGreater #339
  • Added methods VM.UpdateStorageProfile, VM.UpdateStorageProfileAsync #338
  • Added methods adminVdc.UpdateStorageProfile #340
  • Added transparent support for bearer tokens #341
  • Added transparent connection using cloudapi/1.0.0/sessions when access through api/sessions is disabled
  • Added functions edge.GetLbAppRules, edge.GetLbServerPools, edge.GetLbAppProfiles, edge.GetNsxvNatRules, client.GetOrgList
  • Exported private function client.maxSupportedVersion to client.MaxSupportedVersion
  • Able to upload an OVF without ovf:size defined in File part. Some bug fix for uploading OVA/OVF. #331
  • Add support for handling catalog storage profile (adminOrg.CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile, org.CreateCatalogWithStorageProfile, adminCatalog.Update) #345
  • Add convenience functions AdminOrg.GetAllStorageProfileReferences, AdminOrg.GetStorageProfileReferenceById, AdminOrg.GetAllVDCs #345
  • Added VCD 10.1+ functions (vdc *Vdc) GetNsxtEdgeClusterByName and (vdc *Vdc) GetAllNsxtEdgeClusters for NSX-T Edge Cluster lookup #344
  • Added VCD 10.1+ NSX-T Edge Gateway management functions GetNsxtEdgeGatewayById, GetNsxtEdgeGatewayByName, GetAllNsxtEdgeGateways, CreateNsxtEdgeGateway, Update, Delete #344


  • type.VdcConfiguration (used for creation) changed the type for storage profile from []*VdcStorageProfile to []*VdcStorageProfileConfiguration

2.9.0 (October 15, 2020)

  • Improved testing tags isolation #320
  • Added command make tagverify to check tags isolation tests #320
  • Added methods Client.GetAccessControl, Client.SetAccessControl#329
  • Added methods VApp.GetAccessControl, VApp.SetAccessControl, VApp.RemoveAccessControl, VApp.IsShared #329
  • Added methods AdminCatalog.GetAccessControl, AdminCatalog.SetAccessControl, AdminCatalog.RemoveAccessControl, AdminCatalog.IsShared #329
  • Added methods Catalog.GetAccessControl, Catalog.SetAccessControl, Catalog.RemoveAccessControl, Catalog.IsShared #329
  • Added methods Vdc.GetVappAccessControl, AdminOrg.GetCatalogAccessControl, Org.GetCatalogAccessControl #329
  • Added methods Vdc.QueryVappList, Vdc.GetVappList, AdminVdc.GetVappList, client.GetQueryType #329
  • Added VM and vApp to search query engine #329
  • Added tenant context for access control methods #329
  • Loosen up Test_LBAppRule for invalid application script check to work with different error engine in VCD 10.2 #326
  • Update VDC dynamic func to handle API version 35.0 #327
  • Added methods vm.UpdateVmCpuAndMemoryHotAdd and vm.UpdateVmCpuAndMemoryHotAddAsyc #324
  • Introduce low level OpenAPI client functions OpenApiGetAllItems,OpenApiPostItemSync,OpenApiPostItemAsync, OpenApiPostItem, OpenApiGetItem, OpenApiPutItem, OpenApiPutItemSync, OpenApiPutItemAsync, OpenApiDeleteItem, OpenApiIsSupported, OpenApiBuildEndpoints #325, #333
  • Add OVF file upload support in UploadOvf function besides OVA. The input should be OVF file path inside the OVF folder. It will check if input file is XML content type, if yes, skip some OVA steps (like unpacking), if not, keep the old logic. #323
  • Dropped support for VMware Cloud Director 9.5 #330
  • Deprecated Vdc.UploadMediaImage because it no longer works with API V32.0+ #330
  • Add methods vapp.AddNewVMWithComputePolicy, org.GetVdcComputePolicyById, adminOrg.GetVdcComputePolicyById, org.GetAllVdcComputePolicies, adminOrg.GetAllVdcComputePolicies, adminOrg.CreateVdcComputePolicy, vdcComputePolicy.Update, vdcComputePolicy.Delete, adminVdc.GetAllAssignedVdcComputePolicies and adminVdc.SetAssignedComputePolicies [#334] (#334)
  • Introduce NSX-T support for adminOrg.CreateOrgVdc() #332
  • Introduce NSX-T support for external network using OpenAPI endpoint and ExternalNetworkV2 type methods including CreateExternalNetworkV2, GetExternalNetworkById, GetAllExternalNetworks, ExternalNetworkV2.Update, and ExternalNetworkV2.DELETE #335
  • Introduce NSX-T Query functions client.QueryNsxtManagerByName and client.GetImportableNsxtTier0RouterByName #335
  • Add HTTP User-Agent header go-vcloud-director to all API calls and allow to customize it using WithHttpUserAgent configuration options function #336

2.8.0 (June 30, 2020)

  • Changed signature for FindAdminCatalogRecords, which now returns normalized type []*types.CatalogRecord #298
  • Added methods catalog.QueryVappTemplateList, catalog.QueryCatalogItemList, client.queryWithMetadataFields, client.queryByMetadataFilter #298
  • Added query engine based on client.SearchByFilter, type FilterDef, and interface QueryItem #298
  • Added methods adminOrg.QueryCatalogList and org.QueryCatalogList #298
  • Removed code that handled specific cases for API 29.0 and 30.0. This library now supports VCD versions from 9.5 to 10.1 included.
  • Added vdc.QueryVappVmTemplate and changed vapp.AddNewVMWithStorageProfile to allow creating VM from VM template.
  • Enhanced tests command line with flags that can be used instead of environment variables. #305
  • Improve logging security of debug output for API requests and responses #306
  • Append log files by default instead of overwriting. GOVCD_LOG_OVERWRITE=true environment variable can set to overwrite log file on every initialization #307
  • Add configuration option WithSamlAdfs to NewVCDClient() to support SAML authentication using Active Directory Federations Services (ADFS) as IdP using WS-TRUST auth endpoint "/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed" #304
  • Implemented VM affinity rules CRUD: vdc.CreateVmAffinityRuleAsync, vdc. CreateVmAffinityRule, vdc.GetAllVmAffinityRuleList, vdc.GetVmAffinityRuleList, vdc.GetVmAntiAffinityRuleList vdc.GetVmAffinityRuleByHref, vdc.GetVmAffinityRulesByName, vdc.GetVmAffinityRuleById, vdc.GetVmAffinityRuleByNameOrId, VmAffinityRule.Delete, VmAffinityRule.Update, VmAffinityRule.SetMandatory, VmAffinityRule.SetEnabled, VmAffinityRule.Refresh #313
  • Add method client.QueryVmList #313
  • Add support for group management using CreateGroup, GetGroupByHref, GetGroupById, GetGroupByName, GetGroupByNameOrId, Delete, Update, NewGroup functions #314
  • Add LDAP administration functions for Org LdapConfigure, GetLdapConfiguration, and LdapDisable #314
  • Added methods vapp.UpdateNetworkFirewallRules, vapp.UpdateNetworkFirewallRulesAsync, vapp.GetVappNetworkById, vapp.GetVappNetworkByName and vapp.GetVappNetworkByNameOrId #308
  • Added methods vapp.UpdateNetworkNatRulesAsync, vapp.UpdateNetworkNatRulesAsync, vapp.RemoveAllNetworkFirewallRules and vapp.RemoveAllNetworkNatRules #316
  • Added methods vapp.UpdateNetworkStaticRouting, vapp.UpdateNetworkStaticRoutingAsync and vapp.RemoveAllNetworkStaticRoutes #318

2.7.0 (April 10,2020)

  • Added methods OrgVdcNetwork.Update, OrgVdcNetwork.UpdateAsync, and OrgVdcNetwork.Rename #292
  • Added methods EdgeGateway.Update and EdgeGateway.UpdateAsync #292
  • Increment vCD API version used from 29.0 to 31.0
    • Add fields AdminVdc.UniversalNetworkPoolReference and VM.Media
  • Added methods vapp.AddEmptyVm, vapp.AddEmptyVmAsync and vdc.QueryAllMedia #296


  • Improved test in function deleteVapp() to avoid deletion errors during test suite run #297


  • Fix issue in Queries with vCD 10 version, which do not return network pool or provider VDC#293
  • Session timeout for media, catalog item upload #294
  • Fix vapp.RemoveNetwork, vapp.RemoveNetworkAsync to use DELETE API call instead of update which can apply incorrect remaining vApp network configurations #299

2.6.0 (March 13, 2020)

  • Moved VCDClient.supportedVersions to VCDClient.Client.supportedVersions #274
  • Added methods VM.AddInternalDisk, VM.GetInternalDiskById, VM.DeleteInternalDisk, VM.UpdateInternalDisks and VM.UpdateInternalDisksAsync #272
  • Added methods vdc.GetEdgeGatewayReferenceList and catalog.GetVappTemplateByHref #278
  • Improved functions to not expect XML namespaces provided in argument structure #284
  • Change int and bool fields from types.VAppTemplateLeaseSettings and VAppLeaseSettings into pointers
  • Added method catalog.GetVappTemplateByHref, and expose methods vdc.GetEdgeGatewayByHref and vdc.GetEdgeGatewayRecordsType
  • Added methods adminOrg.CreateOrgVdc, adminOrg.CreateOrgVdcAsync and improved existing to support Flex VDC model. These new methods are dynamic as they change invocation behind the scenes based on vCD version #285
  • Deprecated functions adminOrg.CreateVdc and adminOrg.CreateVdcWait #285
  • Added methods EdgeGateway.GetAllNsxvDhcpLeases(), EdgeGateway.GetNsxvActiveDhcpLeaseByMac() VM.WaitForDhcpIpByNicIndexes(), VM.GetParentVApp(), VM.GetParentVdc() #283
  • types.GetGuestCustomizationSection now uses pointers for all bool values to distinguish between empty and false value #291
  • Deprecated functions Vapp.Customize() and VM.Customize() in favor of vm.SetGuestCustomizationSection #291
  • Added methods vapp.AddNetwork, vapp.AddNetworkAsync, vapp.AddOrgNetwork, vapp.AddOrgNetworkAsync, vapp.UpdateNetwork, vapp.UpdateNetworkAsync, vapp.UpdateOrgNetwork, vapp.UpdateOrgNetworkAsync, vapp.RemoveNetwork, vapp.RemoveNetworkAsync and GetUuidFromHref #289
  • Deprecated functions vapp.RemoveIsolatedNetwork, vapp.AddRAWNetworkConfig and vapp.AddIsolatedNetwork #289


  • A data race in catalog/media item upload status reporting #288
  • Vapp.Customize() and VM.Customize() ignores changeSid value and always set it to true #291

2.5.1 (December 12, 2019)


  • Fix a bug where functions GetAnyVnicIndexByNetworkName and GetVnicIndexByNetworkNameAndType would not find vNic index when user is authenticated as org admin (not sysadmin) #275

2.5.0 (December 11, 2019)

  • Change fields ResourceGuaranteedCpu, VCpuInMhz, IsThinProvision, NetworkPoolReference, ProviderVdcReference and UsesFastProvisioning in AdminVdc to pointers to allow understand if value was returned or not.
  • Added method VApp.AddNewVMWithStorageProfile that adds a VM with custom storage profile.
  • Added command make static to run staticcheck on all packages
  • Added make static to Travis regular checks
  • Added ability to connect to the vCD using an authorization token
  • Added method VCDClient.SetToken
  • Added method VCDClient.GetAuthResponse
  • Added script scripts/
  • Incremented vCD API version used from 27.0 to 29.0
    • Remove fields VdcEnabled, VAppParentHREF, VAppParentName, HighestSupportedVersion, VmToolsVersion, TaskHREF, TaskStatusName, TaskDetails, TaskStatus from QueryResultVMRecordType
    • Added fields ID, Type, ContainerName, ContainerID, OwnerName, Owner, NetworkHref, IpAddress, CatalogName, VmToolsStatus, GcStatus, AutoUndeployDate, AutoDeleteDate, AutoUndeployNotified, AutoDeleteNotified, Link, MetaData to QueryResultVMRecordType, DistributedInterface to NetworkConfiguration and RegenerateBiosUuid to VMGeneralParams
    • Change to pointers DistributedRoutingEnabled in GatewayConfiguration and DistributedInterface in NetworkConfiguration
  • Added new field to type GatewayConfiguration: FipsModeEnabled - #267
  • Change bool to bool pointer for fields in type GatewayConfiguration: HaEnabled, UseDefaultRouteForDNSRelay, AdvancedNetworkingEnabled - #267
  • Added method EdgeGateway.GetLbVirtualServers that gets all virtual servers configured on NSX load balancer. #266
  • Added method EdgeGateway.GetLbServerPools that gets all pools configured on NSX load balancer. #266
  • Added method EdgeGateway.GetLbServiceMonitors that gets all service monitors configured on NSX load balancer. #266
  • Added field SubInterface to NetworkConfiguration. #321
  • Added methods Vdc.FindEdgeGatewayNameByNetwork and Vdc.GetNetworkList
  • Added IP set handling functions CreateNsxvIpSet, UpdateNsxvIpSet, GetNsxvIpSetByName, GetNsxvIpSetById, GetNsxvIpSetByNameOrId, GetAllNsxvIpSets, DeleteNsxvIpSetById, DeleteNsxvIpSetByName #269
  • Added UpdateDhcpRelay, GetDhcpRelay and ResetDhcpRelay methods for Edge Gatway DHCP relay management #271
  • Added methods which allow override API versions NewRequestWitNotEncodedParamsWithApiVersion, ExecuteTaskRequestWithApiVersion, ExecuteRequestWithoutResponseWithApiVersion, ExecuteRequestWithApiVersion #274


  • Remove parentheses from filtering since they weren't treated correctly in some environment [#256] (#256)
  • Take into account all subnets (SubnetParticipation) on edge gateway interface instead of the first one #260
  • Fix OrgVdcNetwork data structure to retrieve description. Previously, the description would not be retrieved because it was misplaced in the sequence.

2.4.0 (October 28, 2019)

  • Deprecated functions GetOrgByName and GetAdminOrgByName
  • Deprecated methods AdminOrg.FetchUserByName, AdminOrg.FetchUserById, AdminOrg.FetchUserByNameOrId, AdminOrg.GetRole.
  • Added method VCDClient.GetOrgByName and related GetOrgById, GetOrgByNameOrId
  • Added method VCDClient.GetAdminOrgByName and related GetAdminOrgById, GetAdminOrgByNameOrId
  • Added methods AdminOrg.GetUserByName, GetUserById, GetUserByNameOrId, GetRoleReference.
  • Added method VCDClient.QueryProviderVdcs
  • Added method VCDClient.QueryProviderVdcStorageProfiles
  • Added method VCDClient.QueryNetworkPools
  • Added get/add/delete metadata functions for vApp template and media item #225.
  • Added UpdateNetworkConnectionSection for updating VM network configuration [#229](https://gifiltering which in some env wasn'
  • Added PowerOnAndForceCustomization, GetGuestCustomizationStatus, BlockWhileGuestCustomizationStatus #229
  • Deprecated methods AdminOrg.GetAdminVdcByName, AdminOrg.GetVdcByName, AdminOrg.FindAdminCatalog, AdminOrg.FindCatalog
  • Deprecated methods Catalog.FindCatalogItem, Org.FindCatalog, Org.GetVdcByName
  • Deprecated function GetExternalNetwork
  • Added methods Org.GetCatalogByName and related Org.GetCatalogById, GetCatalogItemByNameOrId
  • Added methods VCDClient.GetExternalNetworkByName and related GetExternalNetworkById and GetExternalNetworkByNameOrId
  • Added methods AdminOrg.GetCatalogByName and related Org.GetCatalogById, GetCatalogByNameOrId
  • Added methods AdminOrg.GetAdminCatalogByName and related Org.GetAdminCatalogById, GetAdminCatalogByNameOrId
  • Added methods Org.GetVDCByName and related GetVDCById, GetVDCByNameOrId
  • Added methods AdminOrg.GetVDCByName and related GetVDCById, GetVDCByNameOrId
  • Added methods AdminOrg.GetAdminVDCByName and related GetAdminVDCById, GetAdminVDCByNameOrId
  • Added methods Catalog.Refresh and AdminCatalog.Refresh
  • Added method vm.GetVirtualHardwareSection to retrieve virtual hardware items #200
  • Added methods vm.SetProductSectionList and vm.GetProductSectionList allowing to manipulate VM guest properties #235
  • Added methods vapp.SetProductSectionList and vapp.GetProductSectionList allowing to manipulate vApp guest properties #235
  • Added method GetStorageProfileByHref
  • Added methods CreateNsxvNatRule(), UpdateNsxvNatRule(), GetNsxvNatRuleById(), DeleteNsxvNatRuleById() which use the proxied NSX-V API of advanced edge gateway for handling NAT rules #241
  • Added methods GetVnicIndexByNetworkNameAndType() and GetNetworkNameAndTypeByVnicIndex() #241
  • Added methods Vdc.GetVappByHref, Vdc.GetVAppByName and related GetVAppById, GetVAppByNameOrId
  • Added methods Client.GetVMByHref Vapp.GetVAMByName and related GetVMById, GetVAMByNameOrId
  • Deprecated methods Client.FindVMByHREF, Vdc.FindVMByName, Vdc.FindVAppByID, and Vdc.FindVAppByName
  • Added methods Vm.GetGuestCustomizationSection and Vm.SetGuestCustomizationSection
  • Added methods CreateNsxvFirewallRule(), UpdateNsxvFirewallRule(), GetNsxvFirewallRuleById(), DeleteNsxvFirewallRuleById() which use the proxied NSX-V API of advanced edge gateway for handling firewall rules #247
  • Added methods GetFirewallParams(), UpdateFirewallParams() for changing global firewall settings #247
  • Added method GetAnyVnicIndexByNetworkName() to for easier interface (vNic) lookup in edge gateway #247
  • Added method ExecuteParamRequestWithCustomError() which adds query parameter support on top of ExecuteRequestWithCustomError() #247
  • Deprecated methods VDC.FindDiskByHREF and FindDiskByHREF
  • Added methods VDC.GetDiskByHref VDC.GetDisksByName and related GetDiskById
  • Added new methods Catalog.QueryMedia, Catalog.GetMediaByName, Catalog.GetMediaById, Catalog.GetMediaByNameOrId, AdminCatalog.QueryMedia, AdminCatalog.GetMediaByName, AdminCatalog.GetMediaById, AdminCatalog.GetMediaByNameOrId, MediaRecord.Refresh, MediaRecord.Delete, MediaRecord.GetMetadata, MediaRecord.AddMetadata, MediaRecord.AddMetadataAsync, MediaRecord.DeleteMetadata, MediaRecord.DeleteMetadataAsync, Media.GetMetadata, Media.AddMetadata, Media.AddMetadataAsync, Media.DeleteMetadata, Media.DeleteMetadataAsync #245
  • Deprecated methods Vdc.FindMediaImage, MediaItem, RemoveMediaImageIfExists, MediaItem.Delete, FindMediaAsCatalogItem, *MediaItem.Refresh, MediaItem.GetMetadata, MediaItem.AddMetadata, MediaItem.AddMetadataAsync, MediaItem.DeleteMetadata, MediaItem.DeleteMetadataAsync #245
  • Added method VDC.QueryDisks #255


  • Move methods for AdminOrg, AdminCatalog, AdminVdc to new files adminorg.go, admincatalog.go, adminvdc.go.
  • Added default value for HTTP timeout (600s) which is configurable


  • Fix bug in AdminOrg.Update, where OrgGeneralSettings would not update correctly if it contained only one property
  • Fix bug in External network creation and get when description wasn't populated.
  • Fix bug in VDC creation when name with space caused an error
  • Fix bug in Org Delete, which would remove catalogs shared from other organizations.
  • Fix Vcd.StorageProfiles type from array to single.
  • Fix AdminOrg.CreateUserSimple, where the Telephone field was ignored.

2.3.1 (July 29, 2019)


  • Remove omitempty struct tags from load balancer component boolean fields to allow sending false values to API #222

2.3.0 (July 26, 2019)

  • Added edge gateway create/delete functions #130.
  • Added edge gateway global load balancer configuration support (e.g. enable/disable) #219
  • Added load balancer service monitor #196
  • Added load balancer server pool #205
  • Added load balancer application profile #208
  • Added load balancer application rule #212
  • Added load balancer virtual server #215
  • Added functions for refreshing, getting and update Org VDC #206
  • Added VDC meta data create/get/delete functions #203
  • Added org user create/delete/update functions #18
  • Added load balancer application profile #208
  • Added edge gateway SNAT/DNAT rule functions which support org VDC network and external network #225
  • Added edge gateway SNAT/DNAT rule functions which work with IDs #244

2.2.0 (May 15, 2019)


  • Added external network get/create/delete functions
  • Added metadata add/remove functions to VM.
  • Added ability to do vCD version checks and comparison #174 using VCDClient.APIVCDMaxVersionIs(string) and VCDClient.APIClientVersionIs(string).
  • Added ability to override currently used vCD API version WithAPIVersion(string) #174.
  • Added ability to enable nested hypervisor option for VM with VM.ToggleNestedHypervisor(bool) #219.


  • vApp metadata now is attached to the vApp rather to first VM in vApp.
  • vApp metadata is no longer added to first VM in vApp it will be added to vApp directly instead.


  • Refactored code by introducing helper function to handle API calls. New functions ExecuteRequest, ExecuteTaskRequest, ExecuteRequestWithoutResponse
  • Added authorization request header for media file and catalog item upload
  • Tests files are now all tagged. Running them through Makefile works as before, but manual execution requires specific tags. Run go test -v . for tags list.

2.1.0 (March 21, 2019)


  • Project switched to using Go modules. It is worth having a look at to understand how Go modules impact build and development.


  • New insert and eject media functions


  • vApp vapp.PowerOn() implicitly waits for vApp to exit "UNRESOLVED" state which occurs shortly after creation and causes vapp.PowerOn() failure.
  • VM has new functions which allows to configure cores for CPU. VM.ChangeCPUCountWithCore()


  • Deprecate vApp.ChangeCPUCountWithCore() and vApp.ChangeCPUCount()