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Releases: KusionStack/kusion


11 Jan 07:17
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Docker Images

  • kusionstack/kusion:0.10.0-rc.1

Dependent version


15 Dec 09:46
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What's Changed


  • Introduce the new command kusion build and deprecate the kusion compile to build the single-source-of-truth (Intent) by @SparkYuan
  • Support declaring the kubeconfig file path in stack.yaml by @liu-hm19
  • The unit test framework of kusion has been upgraded from monkey to mockey by @Mrcopytuo
  • The implementation framework of AppConfiguration generator has been upgraded by @Wenfeng-GAO

Bug Fixes

  • Fix some problems with setting remote state backend in project.yaml by @liu-hm19
  • Fix missing pod restartPolicy issue in the job generator by @adohe
  • Fix a nil pointer error when executing kusion apply with --watch by @cr7258

Design Docs

  • Define the Collaboration Paradigm Between App Developers and Platform Engineers With Kusion by @SparkYuan
  • Kusion Workspace Management Proposal by @healthjyk
  • Secret Management with Kusion by @adohe


  • kusion compile has been deprecated and replaced with kusion build to generate the Intent
  • Use AppConfiguration generator as the default generator instead of KCL generator

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1


05 Dec 13:24
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What's Changed

  • chore(deps): bump from 1.58.0 to 1.58.3 by @dependabot in #600
  • chore(deps): bump from 0.7.0 to 0.17.0 in /scripts/install-kcl-openapi by @dependabot in #603
  • feat: add random string function for upcoming secret generator refact by @adohe in #602
  • refactor: rename Spec to the Intent by @SparkYuan in #601
  • docs: add the collaboration design doc by @SparkYuan in #578
  • refactor: deprecate old vals based secret store by @adohe in #609
  • refactor: update secret generator for upcoming external secret by @adohe in #607
  • feat: introduce the new command kusion build and delete redundant commands by @SparkYuan in #608
  • docs: refresh cmd docs by @SparkYuan in #611
  • feat: add external secret store api and interface by @adohe in #610
  • chore: delete redundant scripts by @SparkYuan in #613
  • feat: add secret store provider registry impl by @adohe in #612
  • fix: stack nil pointer error by @cr7258 in #615
  • chore: delete redundant commands by @SparkYuan in #616
  • docs: add workspace management proposal by @healthjyk in #621
  • feat: update secrets related types and interfaces by @adohe in #624
  • feat: add vault secret store impl by @adohe in #614
  • refactor: file directories to enhance its conciseness by @SparkYuan in #636
  • test: enable watch for kusion apply in e2e test by @liu-hm19 in #633
  • chore: remove go build flags in the code that are not applicable for ARM64 compilation by @SparkYuan in #637
  • chore: rename remaining spec to intent by @SparkYuan in #640
  • docs: refresh cmd docs by @SparkYuan in #641
  • feat: add workspace domain model by @healthjyk in #639
  • chore: rename ProjectConfiguration to Configuration to follow go convention by @SparkYuan in #644
  • chore: rename ExternalSecretRef key to name by @adohe in #645
  • feat: add workspace, modules, backends, runtimes management by @healthjyk in #642
  • docs: add secret management proposal by @adohe in #599
  • feat: add aws secrets manager based secret store provider by @adohe in #623
  • feat: add workspace CRUD operations by @healthjyk in #651
  • feat: support setting KCL setting-files when building an Intent by @SparkYuan in #649

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.1-beta...v0.9.1-rc


10 Nov 07:36
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What’s Changed


Framework Upgrades

  • The unit test framework of kusion has been upgraded from monkey to mockey by @Mrcopytuo
  • The implementation framework of AppConfiguration generator has been upgraded by @Wenfeng-GAO

KubeConfig Configuration

  • Support declaring the kubeconfig file path in stack.yaml by @liu-hm19

Bug Fixes

  • Fix some problems of setting remote state backend in project.yaml by @liu-hm19

New Contributors

Docker Images

  • kusionstack/kusion:v0.9.1-beta


28 Sep 02:45
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What’s Changed


AppConfiguration Revamp

Introducing the new declarative application configuration model - AppConfiguration! It is replacing the Server model in the past versions. We have received numerous feedback in the past that it's challenging to get the ball rolling with KusionStack. So we have revamped the mechanism significantly.

The AppConfiguration model intends to eventually cover application delivery and operational needs in its full lifecycle. Currently, we have introduced the ability to configure workloads, networking, database, monitoring, basic operational rules, etc. We will continuously iterate and extend the capability of AppConfiguration to carry out our vision.

The design document can be found here

KCL is still the choice of configuration language for the AppConfiguration model. KCL has advantages when authoring a complex configuration file with some of its core features such as abstraction and validations capabilities. The logic to render the application abstraction model to the infrastructure manifests are now written in go.

Monitoring via Prometheus

Introducing the capability to configure application monitoring as part of AppConfiguration model. You can now customize the scraping behavior via the monitoring field.

More Cloud Resources

We have added better support for more cloud resources such as CLB, RDS on AWS and AliCloud. They can be provisioned at your fingertip as part of the AppConfiguration model.

Spec as input

In Kusion terminology, spec is the infrastructure specification that is generated by Kusion from the user-facing input. It represents the declarative intent from the user. Kusion now supports using the spec as an input to the preview and apply subcommand. This enables the integration and version control of declarative intent for the platform users.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where preview command unexpected fails under circumstances caused by incorrect resource dependency
  • Fixed an issue where error messages are not specific enough after failing to initialize the runtime


  • The Konfig repository has now been revamped into a samples repository. The schemas for AppConfiguration model will be managed in the Catalog repository.
  • The output of kusion compile is now in the complete spec format.

Docker Images

  • kusionstack/kusion:v0.9.0

Dependent version


14 Sep 06:58
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What's Changed

  • fix: wrong e2e ut for kusion deps and apply by @elliotxx in #532
  • fix: occasional ut failures for generator by @elliotxx in #531
  • chore: bump kcl-go version to v0.6.0-alpha.1 by @elliotxx in #533
  • chore: update pr title max length by @SparkYuan in #536
  • chore(deps): bump from 23.0.1+incompatible to 23.0.3+incompatible by @dependabot in #535
  • fix: fix aws database generator by @liu-hm19 in #542
  • fix: compile error with -w flag in kpm mode by @SparkYuan in #538

Full Changelog: v0.9.0-rc.1...v0.9.0-rc.2


08 Sep 14:44
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What's Changed

  • feat: support spec as input by @panshuai-ps in #400
  • doc: Add design documentation for Istio support in kusion by @ffforest in #399
  • add more details when runtime init failed by @SparkYuan in #409
  • update compile output to a complete spec by @SparkYuan in #413
  • chore: bump kcl version to v0.5.1 by @Peefy in #414
  • refactor: move pkg/engine/models to pkg/models by @SparkYuan in #434
  • style: normalize some annotations by @healthjyk in #430
  • feat: add AppConfiguration, Deploy, and Job models by @SparkYuan in #451
  • doc: Add design documentation for Prometheus support in kusion by @ffforest in #412
  • refactor: Use mock as the function name instead of monkey by @panshuai-ps in #449
  • feat: remove mandatory validation of settings.yaml during kusion compile by @panshuai-ps in #448
  • fix: confuse config of commitlint by @elliotxx in #452
  • test: add generator and namespace tests by @SparkYuan in #454
  • feat: modify the generators to adapt to the new model's adjustments by @elliotxx in #453
  • refactor: use generic optimization code by @elliotxx in #455
  • feat: customize workload deserialization and serialization by type by @elliotxx in #456
  • fix: missing labels and annotations injection logic by @elliotxx in #457
  • feat: customize workload deserialization and serialization for yaml by type by @elliotxx in #458
  • refactor: reorg generators packages and simplify namings by @SparkYuan in #459
  • feat: add stack name as part of workload's name by @SparkYuan in #460
  • feat: support unmarshal KCL union to AppConfiguration by @panshuai-ps in #462
  • feat: add the CollaSet generator by @SparkYuan in #463
  • feat: support watching the collaset by @SparkYuan in #464
  • test: complete workload unit tests by @elliotxx in #475
  • fix: avoid generating duplicate namespaces by @liu-hm19 in #477
  • feat: support some magic env parsers by @elliotxx in #473
  • test: complete generator unit test by @elliotxx in #476
  • test: complete appconfiguartion model unit tests by @elliotxx in #484
  • feat: support default order of kubernetes resource by @elliotxx in #485
  • feat: add probe types and encoding/decoding support by @adohe in #487
  • chore: upgrade the goveralls by @SparkYuan in #488
  • feat: add lifecycle type and encoding/decoding support by @adohe in #491
  • refactor: replace cmd arguments from string array to map by @SparkYuan in #492
  • fix: type mismatch in replacing implicit dependencies by @SparkYuan in #493
  • feat: add a ruleset generator to support the maxavailable deploy strategy. by @panshuai-ps in #494
  • feat: only support kcl schema type in the AppConfig generator by @SparkYuan in #496
  • fix: error messages are ignored when executing resource nodes by @SparkYuan in #498
  • feat: update workload generator support probe&lifecycle by @adohe in #495
  • feat: support creating files with configmap in container by @liu-hm19 in #479
  • fix: fix a coding mistake by @liu-hm19 in #499
  • fix: port in probe url now gets parsed properly by @ffforest in #501
  • feat: add Prometheus support by @ffforest in #490
  • feat: add database generator by @liu-hm19 in #435
  • feat: add network port generator by @healthjyk in #500
  • fix: incorrect dag walk log messages by @SparkYuan in #508
  • fix: a npe panic when deleting a resource failed by @SparkYuan in #507
  • chore: update the version of alicloud provider by @SparkYuan in #506
  • feat: support config maxunavaliable in deployment by @panshuai-ps in #504
  • fix: add maxUnavailable in OpsRule by @SparkYuan in #509
  • fix: set host to empty when url parse get localhost or by @adohe in #512
  • fix: don't generate a ruleset when the ops rule is empty by @SparkYuan in #513
  • fix: add a kusion-control label in svc labels by @SparkYuan in #510
  • feat: update kusion workflow and arch by @SparkYuan in #515
  • feat: update scaffold template with kpm by @elliotxx in #505
  • feat: update readme and workflow img by @SparkYuan in #516
  • fix: invalidate dependency replacement in preview by @SparkYuan in #518

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v0.9.0-rc.1


19 Jul 13:41
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What's Changed


  • Optimize the output format and style control for better integration with other systems, kusion init templates and kusion preview now support outputs in JSON format @healthjyk @liu-hm19
  • Support listing templates for project initialization @healthjyk
  • Support live-updated progress bar @howieyuen
  • Bump KCL version to v0.5.0 @Peefy
  • Handle incompatible K8s ingress api change @SparkYuan

Bug or Regression

  • Fix some incorrect error messages @SparkYuan
  • Fix some bugs with the ignore-fields flag in kusion apply @SparkYuan
  • Fix some bugs with the ignored paths in kusion deps @amyXia1994

New Contributors

Docker Images

  • kusionstack/kusion:v0.8.2

Dependent version

Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v0.8.2


01 Jun 11:37
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What's Changed

  • delete redundant codes by @SparkYuan in #323
  • upgrade to go 1.19 by @SparkYuan in #326
  • delete unused kustomize related codes to cleanup go.mod by @SparkYuan in #327
  • fix lint errors by @SparkYuan in #328
  • Handle incompatible k8s ingress api change since 1.26.0. by @SparkYuan in #325
  • update readme demo by @SparkYuan in #333
  • Update: kusion deps: ignore all paths in --ignore option even if they appear in focus paths by @amyXia1994 in #332
  • fix TFRuntime uts by @SparkYuan in #337
  • chore(deps): bump from 0.3.7 to 0.3.8 in /scripts/install-kcl-openapi by @dependabot in #338
  • fix: kusion deps check if focus path under certain stack by @amyXia1994 in #336
  • chore: bump kcl version to v0.4.6.2 and deprecated kcl-go install scripts. by @Peefy in #340
  • add "init templates" cmd, used to list templates in format by @healthjyk in #334
  • bugfix: dedup pint apply/destroy dag node executing error by @howieyuen in #342
  • chore: upgrade pterm to achieve a live-updated progressbar by @howieyuen in #345
  • support init with specified template by @healthjyk in #343
  • chore: use yaml.v2 to keep indent to 2 spaces by @howieyuen in #341
  • support kusion preview --ouput json by @healthjyk in #346
  • update pulumi sdk to fix incorrect error msg by @SparkYuan in #349
  • update arch and highlights in the readme by @SparkYuan in #350
  • chore: bump kcl go version to v0.5.0-alpha.1 by @Peefy in #351

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.1


15 May 12:34
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Docker Images

  • kusionstack/kusion:v0.8.1-rc.0

Dependent version